~Author's Note~

Ok so this is my very first fan fiction! So please review and let me know how I'm doing! I'd love to hear what you think!

Ok so let me do some explaining so that you won't be confused with what's going on. First thing is that this is basically after Mockingjay, but I have changed a lot! Snow was killed, but not Coin (yet). Prim lives, and Finnick did but I don't know if I plan on bringing him into the story. The war is over and Coin is president. Everyone is living in their old homes before the war started. People are trying to move on, but for Katniss and Peeta, it's hard. At this point, Katniss and Peeta are friends…but I plan on changing that soon! ;) So anyway, this story may move quickly at first, but I will try to slow it down after awhile.

I want to tell you that I don't plan out anything before I write it. So that means if you want me to put something in here, tell me, and if I like it…well it might get in here =)

(Chapter 1)

I sit up quickly in my bed. I tell myself it was just a dream. I quickly get out of bed and look out the window towards Peeta's house. I see a figure moving around inside and know that it belongs to Peeta. "See Katniss? You didn't lose Peeta, it was just a dream." I tell myself.

I get in the shower and then put on some clothes. I could go hunting, but I don't need to anymore. President Coin makes sure everyone has enough food. As much as I hate her, she at least she tries to get people from going hungry. But she still wants the Hunger Games to continue. For that, I will never forgive her- nor get married. Married; that makes me think of Peeta. I know he loves me, and I care for him. But do I love him? I can't say no, I'm a terrible liar. But I can't bring myself to say I love him, not even to myself.

Maybe it's because I know nothing can ever become of it. I will never marry. Because marriage equals children, children equal Hunger Games, Hunger Games equal death-of my children. Will my luck, I know that my children would be reaped. It's bad enough that I will one day be a mentor for the district 12's tributes and watch at least one of them die. Therefore, I can't admit I love Peeta (if I even do) to anyone. It would only hurt Peeta and me. I can't hurt Peeta, not anymore than I have. He's been through so much. Besides, he doesn't deserve me. He deserves some girl that can love him without hurting him.

I walk down stairs and see Prim and my mother eating breakfast. I don't feel very hungry so I just sit down at the table. My mother says good morning to me and Prim smiles at me.

"Peeta brought over something for you early this morning. I was going to see what it is, but I didn't want to be nosy. It smells good whatever it is." Prim tells me.

"Oh? I don't have a clue what it could be." I say, thinking. What did he bring me? I walk over to the counter and see a basket with a green cloth over it. I can smell whatever it is, and it smells wonderful. Even though I'm not hungry, I'm very curious to find out what he made for me. I lift the cloth off and see that he made me cheesebuns. A smile creeps onto my face. He knows that these are my favorite. I get hungry all of a sudden and quickly eat a cheesebun. It's delicious as always. He really is a great cook.

I swallow the last bite and then sigh. He's still thinking of me. Even though I haven't told him I loved him, he still loves me. And I'm hurting him just by not loving him back. I guess we will just have to be close friends, maybe even best friends. Gale and I aren't exactly the friends we used to be, and besides, you can have more than one best friend! I sigh again. My life is nothing like it used to be. I've watched so many people die or been hurt, all because of me. As soon as I said "I volunteer!" when Prim's name was called, that's when my life change forever.

For some reason I decide to go see Peeta. I should thank him for the cheesebuns. But I know the real reason I want to go over there; I can't stand being away from him.

So what do you think? Sorry this is a little short, but I just felt like ending it here. So please review and let me know! I really want you to like this! And I will start working on the next chapter and try to get it to you as soon as I can!
