"LUCY," a girl screamed, her hand reaching out towards Lucy. "LUCY, TAKE MY KEYS! PLEASE!" She threw a key chain to the ground. It clattered on the marble floor, it's keys falling off and scattering across the hall.

Lucy began to move forward, running towards the young girl held captive by a tall, mysterious man with long, white hair. Lucy threw off her shoes and ripped her frilled, rustling dress as she ran, so as to get it out of the way. Her hand stretched forwards, dashing past the scattered keys, but no matter how far she reached, she couldn't touch the faceless girl with the same hair as hers.

"PLEASE, LUCY, PROTECT MY KEYS! USE THEM! LIVE YOUR DREAM! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, SO- I'LL BE BACK! WE'LL DEFINITELY SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN! DO MOTHER PROUD!" The girl screamed. And then- the man and girl disappeared. Her brown, desperate eyes flashed for only a split second in Lucy's sight, but expressed so many emotions that should never have been there. Fear-sadness-doubt-resignation. Lucy fell to the floor, tears streaming from her hopeless brown eyes-the same as the kidnapped young woman's.



Lucy shot up in her bed, tears falling from her eyes. She sat in bed for a few moments, covering her eyes with one hand and hugging herself with the other, sobbing. Finally, she wiped her tears and picked up her key chain, gazing at a few specific keys with longing eyes. Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, and Ares. They were Lily's. Her sister's. Her Twin's.

'Stop it Lucy,' she thought 'There's no use in depressing yourself now. She's dead and gone. She's never coming back.' but another voice in the back of her mind still fought. 'You never know,' it would always say. 'She could still be out there. Waiting for you.' But she would always crush it. She'd spent four years trying to find her sister, but she found nothing. Nothing. Why couldn't she find her? Why couldn't she save her? Why didn't-

"GAH! STOP IT LUCY! STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!" She yelled, kicking her legs and punching herself in the forehead. After finishing her small outburst, she sighed and stood from her bed.

"It's no use depressing myself now. I've got a job with Natsu and Happy today." She told herself as she undressed and stepped into a hot shower. As she relaxed in her comfort, something jarred her out of it.



"Goddammit. They have to get here early, don't they?" She commented exasperatedly to herself. She moodily stepped out of her shower-adding, of course, a dramatic sigh-wrapped a blue towel around herself, and stalked over to her window, leaning out slightly to glare at Natsu and his life partner.

"I can hear you, dumbasses. Shut up for a minute, and I'll be down as soon as i get dressed!" she called down to them, leaning back into her apartment, but not before letting them hear her mumble "Can't they ever come at a normal time?"

As the girl disappeared into her room, Natsu crossed his arms and pouted (a manly pout, mind you), looking to Happy, who shrugged at him and glanced back at Lucy's window in confusion. Natsu huffed.

"What crawled up her ass and built a nest?" He commented angrily to Happy fifteen minutes later, who suddenly started shaking his head halfway through his sentence, swiping his paw across his neck.

"Nothing, Natsu. My ass is quite empty, thanks. Though I'm not quite sure,"she began, stepping closer to him and-placing a hand firmly on his shoulder- stopping him from turning around. Next thing he knew, there was a foot firmly planted in his anus. "...about yours."

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" He yelled, holding his aching buttocks.

A young boy sucking his thumb nearby turned to his mother and pulled on her pant leg. "Mommy, what does that mean?" She bent over and held his shoulders.

"Ignore him, Mark, he's just a young man who made the wrong choices in life."

"WHAT?" He turned to Lucy, still clutching his bottom. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, LUCY! NOW THE TOWNSFOLK THINK I'M A DELINQUENT!" He cried indignantly. She smiled pitilessly, and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Natsu. They already thought that. It's nothing out of the norm." Then she really smiled, as he stewed in his annoyance(spotted easily by the pout on his face). "Now, don't we have a job to attend to, boys?" she said, resting her fists on her hips.


"Natsu, get on the train."


"Yes, yes, Natsu, it's going to come alive and eat your face."


"Get," Lucy argued, hands on her hips as she watched Happy try to forcefully push Natsu onto the train. He resisted so much that he pushed himself and Happy back about twenty feet. "-on the train." She finished belatedly, sighing. She strode over to Natsu, towering over his sitting form, her fists sitting firmly, again, on her hips.

"Natsu," she began, her smile light and kind, but somehow evil. "If you don't get on that train in the ten seconds, i swear i will transport you in a way so uncomfortable you will never want to move again." Natsu gulped, but thought,

'What's she gonna do, kick me?'

"Oh, it's much worse than kicking."

'That's strange, i don't remember saying that out loud...' He thought, confused, as he stood up and was ushered onto the train without realizing it, Lucy walking ahead of him. The moment he was enclosed inside the train, Lucy ambled off to find a compartment, but before she was gone, she left him dumbfounded.

"You didn't."

Needless to say he didn't get the chance to think on this, as he realized- a bit belatedly -that he was on a moving train.

I DID IT! This is the official revised version of my old story. the old one sorta sucks, but i promise to work WAY harder on this one! Wish me luck!