
Sean and I are sitting underneath the oak tree in my front yard in our caps and gowns. Graduation is in two hours and we wanted to see each other before the ceremony. We've been dating for two months and it's been going pretty well. We have our disagreements like any couple, but we love each other and that's all that really matters.


"Uh huh."

"Remember when I told you that I was going to Penn State because of my dad?"

"Well, you didn't say exactly that, but yeah, I remember."

"I applied to U Conn also."

"You did? Did you get in." I say innocently

"Yeah I'm enrolled for fall 2012."

"Did you tell your Dad?"

"Yeah, I had a long talk with him about it and he said that all he wanted was for me to be happy and if U Conn would make me happy then I should go there."

"That's great, Sean I'm so happy for you."

"You know U Conn was originally my dream school because of their awesome history program, but I did some research and it turns out they have a great basketball team, too. So, if I wanted to, I could do both."

"You don't have to, you know."

"I know, but I think I want to."

"Well, that's great!"

"Thank you I think so, too. You know U Conn is only an hour and fifteen minutes away from Yale."

"You know, I did know that."

"So you might have encouraged me to go there for that reason?"

"And because it has both of the programs you're interested in."

"Right, you love me, just admit it."

"I already have." He starts attacking me with a shower of kisses until Sam interrupts with:

"Liz, Sean, lets go we have to go graduate." Sean and I look at each other, he grabs my hand, and we run towards Sam's car and our very bright future.