Blaine Anderson never thought of himself as a crier. He'd taught himself not to cry at home. Crying is for girls, his father would say. That night outside the Sadie Hawkins Dance he didn't cry either, he was too angry and disappointed to even muster a tear. At Dalton he'd never felt the need to. Of course, at Dalton he didn't feel much of anything. Not until a certain blue-eyed wonder of a boy had stopped him at the foot of a staircase and changed his whole life. The boy that he had promised himself he'd be strong for, both in their friendship and now in their loving relationship. That same boy that is now craddled in his arms, on his bed, sobbing and thrashing against his chest while Blaine releases silent tears.

He lets Kurt cry, running a soothing hand up and down his back. He tries to blink back the tears that keep pooling in his eyes, but they still run down his cheeks, leaving a burning ache in their wake. "It's so unfair," Kurt says before releasing a choked off sob and slumping against him. He coughs and heaves convulsively. "Not good enough, I'll never be good enough," he says against Blaine's cardigan, burying his face in the fabric.

Blaine pets his hair, coaxing his boyfriend to look up at him, sniffling when he looks at his puffed up, swollen yet gorgeous eyes. "Shhh, hey," he runs his thumb over Kurt's cheek, "you are perfect." He kisses him square on the lips and Blaine can feel the hot tears trickling down Kurt's face and thrashing against his cheek. They break away from their salty kiss and Kurt releases a sigh.

"You're just biased," Kurt tries to smile through his tears. Blaine brings him up by the waist so he sits on his boyfriend's lap, straddling him against the bed.

"Well, I might be, but that doesn't make it any less true." He goes back to skimming his hand up his boyfriend's back. Kurt threads his arms around Blaine's neck and pulls him in so their foreheads are resting against one another. Blaine rubs their noses together. "You are wonderful, Kurt, and you deserve everything you wish for. If NYADA can't see how amazing you are, then screw them. I promise you," he grips Kurt's hips, bringing him closer to his body, "that we will find a way for you to get to New York." Blaine presses forward to meet his lips, quickly deepening the kiss by sucking Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth. Their lips move together in a heated, yet familiar rhythm and Kurt relaxes against him. When they finally break away, Blaine trails his mouth over Kurt's jaw and down to his neck, leaving warm wet kisses in his journey. "You weren't made for New York, New York was made for you," the last words are each punctuated with a kiss to his throat. He returns to Kurt's lips, peppering kisses over them. "You are amazing," kiss, "wonderful," kiss, "talented," kiss, "incredible," kiss, "and I love you." With one more soft kiss Blaine moves so that Kurt is lying on his back on the bed. "And I am going to show you just how much I love you and how much you deserve being loved and appreciated," Blaine announces as he hovers over Kurt's body before beginning to trail kisses down it.

"Blaine, we don't have to –" Blaine silences him with another kiss.

"Shh let me do this for you."

Tonight is all about Kurt. He might not be the strong, confident Blaine he once pressured himself to be, but he can still be there for Kurt in so many ways. And tonight he's going to be there for him in a way that wasn't possible when they first met. Tomorrow they'll begin to look at internships, applications and every opportunity possible for Kurt, but tonight he will just be there for Kurt, reassuring him and loving him however he can.

I just needed to geth that out. This episode was so unfair to Kurt.

As always, you can follow me on tumblr if you wish. I'm pinksunglassesandblazers on there.