Harry Potter: The Power He Knows Not Is...

By: Tezza1502

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to 'Harry Potter', in any way, shape or form. The books and films are the property of J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, and Warner Brothers. I'm just taking my imagination out for a run through their worlds, is all.

Notes: Pretty standard 'Harry gets an upgrade' fic. But considering just how bloody hard it is to actually come up with anything truly original in this fandom, I think I can be forgiven.

Just trying my hand at a HP multi-chapter story. Hope you enjoy!

More Notes: The Prologue and Chapter 1 will be posted together. After that, it'll settle down into a chapter a week.

Also, chapter lengths are going to be all over the place.

PROLOGUE:- (Harry did a Bad Bad Thing.)

Harry Potter was lying in his bedroom in the dead of night at his Aunt and Uncle's house at number four Privet Drive, slowly going insane.

His relatives, who had been thoroughly cowed by the not-so-veiled threats given them by Arthur Weasley, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin and Miss N. Tonks, had been giving a ridiculously wide berth to his door. In Dudley's case, even going so far as to tip-toe noisily along the far wall of the hallway whenever he absolutely had to pass through that part of the house. Harry would have found it terribly amusing if his mind hadn't been in the process of shredding itself.

Every night, images and dreams of his friends being tortured and killed in a variety of horrible ways, each more terrible than the last. His parents and Sirius standing off to the side, howling at him and berating him for doing nothing and failing everybody in the process. The dull and glassy eyes of the dead, staring mutely at him, silently accusing him of not being there for them. Getting them mutilated and killed, simply because they had the misfortune to know him.

Night after night, for two weeks it had been going on. Ever since he had returned to Privet Drive. Soon after the first week had finished, they had started haunting him during his waking hours as well. There was no escape. Dumbledore was not answering his letters. Neither was Remus Lupin. None of his friends could seem to be bothered to reply to him, either. If your struggling to hold on to your sanity, isolation is the last thing you need.

For Dumbledore's suppositions about what happened between Harry and Voldemort that night in the Ministry Atrium were not entirely correct. Yes, Voldemort would not dare enter Harry's mind and possess him again due to the immense pain it caused the dark lord. However, there was absolutely nothing to stop him forcing visions down the link to Harry, as he had done to get the teenager into the Department of Mysteries.

Nothing at all.

Harry had long ago stopped trying to remind himself that this was all some trick by Voldemort, and now simply accepted the visions. He had stopped eating several days ago, and drinking the day before. He was weak in both mind and body. He had even come to believe that it was him doing the torturing, towards the end.

And so, after almost fifteen continuous days and nights of constant horror, Harry had finally had enough.

He wanted out. By whatever means available to him.

Slowly, painfully, he reached out from his bed and grasped his wand with weak hands. Closing his eyes, he carefully placed the tip directly against his scar and whispered, "I hope you choke on this, Tommy-boy! Avada Kedavra!"

Notes: Having re-read the start of 'The Half-Blood Prince', I could find no mention of anyone contacting Harry before Dumbledore came to collect him to sucker Slughorn into returning to Hogwarts. Odd really, considering the production J.K. has made in every other book about his time at Privet Drive. So, I am taking it as they once again were 'giving him time to grieve'.