Um, so, yeah...

Where have I been? Um, no where...hiding from the world. Suffering from writer's block? Yeah... Dealing with issues? Yeah... I need to stop being so dramatic. Well, I think things are going to actually move along in my next chapter. We're going to deal with what's happening. Um, don't own. I miss this show so much right now. What's wrong with me?


Two-Face was one of those villains I always dreaded running into. He used to be a good guy. Bruce even had respect for him when he was just Harvey Dent. Sometimes we could reach the more rationale part of this split man, but I was never able to do it by myself. Bruce was better at reasoning with madmen.

Dent almost killed me once. Actually several times, but he almost succeeded once. That's the thing I always remembered.

'Robin. We kind of got caught, so we're fighting our way out. Are you guys okay?' Wally's voice ran through my head. 'We found Two-Face.' M'gann's voice cut in when I didn't respond. I wasn't scared, but I wasn't comfortable with the situation at present.

Kaldur's worried thoughts floated into my head. 'You know him best Robin, but if you can avoid a conflict…'

'I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle him.' I kept my emotions in check for the sake of my teammates.

'M'gann, remove the professors from the situation. I have to get the machine.'

'What machine, Robin?' Kaldur interjected. 'I'll update you later. Things need to get moving, quickly.'

"You haven't said a word Boy Wonder." His voice distracted me. His crazy eyes staring at me. "You're usually full of quips." The man started circling me and M'gann. The professors were clearly in distress. M'gann was attempting to keep them calm mentally.

"And no Bat today, I see. I heard you were hanging out with others, but I didn't think it was a bunch of…sidekicks. Thought you had more sense than that."

"We're not sidekicks." I growl before remembering my training. Don't let the baddies frazzle you. Stay focused. Justice and whatnot.

"I think it's subpar for you." He brandishes a weapon. Small caliber for him. I start moving towards that curious thing on the table. Get him distracted. It works, like I know it would. He was focused on me. Clearly this thing was more important than those men.

M'gann noticed my movements. She got the message and moved the men towards the door. I position myself to appear more threatening to his precious baby. 'Robin! Don't do anything…'

'I can handle it M'gann. Get them out.' I cut her off. I know I'm acting rude, but I don't want anyone else to be at risk if something happens. "So, what's going to happen here Dent?" I try my best threatening voice.

He laughs. "Birdie, you're no bat. I am not going to let you of all people, a kid, ruin my future."

I glance around and see M'gann gone. "Well, sorry to disappoint."

I jump, he jumps and all I see is the explosion.


"When are they getting here?" Zatanna asked again. She was clearly worried by this whole situation. They all were.

"Batman informed me that he would be arriving shortly. I do not know a better time period." Kaldur responded.

"So, he's leaving Dick with us?" Artemis asked in disbelief.

She was annoyed and shocked that her somewhat friend from school turned out to be one of her best friends here. And she was also working very hard to resist the urge the punch him.

Batman had tried to explain the situation to them, but the idea that Dick didn't' know what Robin did and vice versa was hard to understand.

"Recognized Robin B-01. Recognized Batman 02. Recognized Robin B-01." The computer fired off the names. It was weird hearing Robin twice. The team had gathered, discussing the situation when the now trio was announced.

"But, I don't know…" They overheard part of their discussion.

"Dick, just stay with Wally at least. I'll be back to collect you shortly." Batman's voice was soft for the young teen.

"Yeah Dick. It's fine. Have some confidence." Robin patted him on the back.

"But, why can't I stay with you…" He slightly wined. Batman muttered something that seemed to calm him and the dynamic duo left without saying a word to the team. Dick stood there, clearly building himself up to go hang out with these people. Wally helped bridge that gap.

"Hey there best bud!" He zoomed over. "Hey."

Wally frowned, as did Artemis from her distance. She knew Dick Grayson. He was not a shy kid. He was bubbly and a troll.

"Welcome again Richard." Kaldur greeted him. The rest smiled. M'gann offered him snacks. Raquel and Zatanna tried chatting with him, while Conner stood on in silence. Dick offered smiles and greetings and eventually things settled down.

He didn't act much different than Robin, but he focused most of his attention on Wally and Artemis. He knew them best.

Kaldur took that as their cue to leave. They didn't want to crowd him, but M'gann stuck around in the background with Conner. She couldn't leave him for some reason and Conner wasn't going to leave her side.

"How have you been feeling Ro...Dick?" Artemis asked, settling in on the couch. Wally decided to invade her space and sat on the arm of the couch.

"To be honest, I haven't been feeling too good Arty. My head's been a bit fuzzy..." He mumbled.

"Do you need anything? How bad is your headache?" M'gann asked, all in a worry.

"It's fine...M'gann? Yeah, okay, M'gann. Yeah, I just don't feel too whelmed right now." M'gann perked at hearing him use that word.

"I still can't believe you're Dick Grayson. I mean now it makes perfect sense! How could I not see it?" Artemis told him after that, groaning.

"But we go to school together! I tutor you in math! I accidently spilled my coffee on you the other day?" He exclaimed, flashing a smile.

"He tutors you?" Wally stifled a laugh. Artemis glared at him. He shut up as she continued.

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten that incident. But...that's not what I was talking about. Dick, we don't really know how much you know about all of us, but you are…or were…or something like that…err. You're Robin or you were. I didn't know you were."

Dick frowned. "I'm not him. I don't know. I just…" His distress was clear and M'gann moved in.

"I'm just a teen. I'm not that…I'm not him. He's a hero! Me, I'm Dick Grayson. Orphan, acrobat, student, friend, mathlete…" He was flustered.

"It's okay Dick. We know." M'gann tried comforting him, giving him a hug.

"Calm down Dick. I get it." Wally tried comforting.

"No! No! I get it now!" He looked around. "I get it. There're gaps in my life that I can't explain…You all think I'm him. I was him. I'm so confused."

"You mean no one's tried to explain this to you?" Artemis asked. He looked at her.

"No. I don't know. All I know is Bruce is Batman and...he just left me. He's never done that. And…I don't even know how I know you people. You especially Wally! You just appeared in my life. I can't explain you. And...I'm sorry guys. I…I feel like I know you people, but I don't."

He pulled away from M'gann's familiar, but strange touch. "I'm sorry, my head...I need some space." He called, touching his forehead, running off.

"Dick, wait!" Artemis called out, standing. Conner immediately stood up as well prepared to go after him.

"I'll get him."

"No wait." Wally stopped his friends.

Conner scowled. "No. You saw him. He's unwell."

"It's okay let him go. We'll go get him in a few minutes. He's just very confused right now."

"How does he not know what's going on?" Artemis asked.

"Sometimes, when things don't make sense, you don't want to know."

Leave me a review or message so I know what you guys think. I think I'm going to work on my other stories. I like them more right now, 'cause they don't have to make sense.
