Hey guys sorry I haven't been able to update. I honestly didn't know what to do with this story until recently. I had a dream and then inspiration hit me. So here is the chapter some of you patiently waited for. I don't own these characters. I wish I did though.
"Hey Shuichi are you feeling any better?" Hiro asks me on the phone. I look to mom and she gives me that look as if she's defeated. I give her puppy dog eyes and I nearly let out a little whine to get my point further across. She sighs and nods her head. I can feel my smile grow so wide that it hurts a bit. I mouth thank you and I bounce a little in my spot on my bed.
"Hey Hiro I'll meet you at the park near the old elementary school in ten minutes. Make sure you bring the kick ball!" I squeal with excitement. I don't even have to see him to know that Hiro fist pump the air.
"Sweet meet you there shu-chan!" He says quickly. He hangs up the phone and I do too.
"What are you five years old? Anyway Shuichi you know the ground rules. If you are feeling anything close to sick you better come back home immediately. Do you understand me young man?" Mom tells me with a serious face while I slip into my favourite hat from under my bed. I look at my favourite Nittle Grasper poster and I strike a pose just like Ryuichi sempai! Just you wait Ryuichi sempai I'll surpass you soon.
"Shindou Shuichi are you even listening to me?" Mom yells at me with a tired look on her face. I give my famous smile and rush past her.
"If I feel sick come back home, ya ya. Love you mom see later!" I shout at her. I rush down the stairs, pull on my shoes and rush through the door.
"Be safe honey!" Mom yells back. I turn around and wave at her. She gives me a nervous smile and I turn around and run to the park. Colours rush past me and I can't help but sing. I smile and wave to passing people on the street and they greet me back. Man it feels so good to finally get out of the house! Ever since I got sick a week ago mom and dad wouldn't let me even think about outside. I see the park growing bigger and I see a familiar red head bouncing a blue kick ball. I run faster and hop over the short kiddie gate.
"Yo my awesome partner in crime!" I yell out at Hiro. He turns around; a knowing smile appears on his usually relaxed face.
"Wow Shu-chan I thought you died," Hiro teases. We high five and I stick out my tongue at him.
"If I die who is going to sing for our awesome band? That would be simply selfish of me now wouldn't it be," I say proudly. I give him a smug smile and he quickly chucks the ball at my legs. It hits them leaving an angry red mark on them.
"Are you going to play or are you going to boast about how high and mighty you are because you can sing like a chic?" He challenges me. I feel myself become red and I glare at him. Oh you want to play like that don't you?
Few Hours Later
Hiro's POV
I throw the ball at Shuichi and he kicks it pathetically. I easily catch it and I chuckle. He pouts and crosses his arms.
"Stop laughing Hiro!" He whines at me.
"Hey it's not my fault that you kick the ball like a sissy," I tell him and shrug. He glares at me and sighs.
"Hey Hiro I might have to leave soon so don't be surprised if I disappear on you," he informs me. I nod and smile smugly.
"Aww are you leaving early because you can't take the fact that you suck at kick ball?" He growls at me and gets himself ready.
"Just you wait this one is going to go so far you will have to look for it in the forest!" He yells at me. I nod and give him a sarcastic look and I get ready to throw the ball. He puts on his concentration face and I fight the urge to laugh at him because he'll probably take the ball and chuck it at my face. I give him an easy throw and he actually kicks it and it goes into the forest. I turn around and look at him with a surprise look.
"Hmm what was that? Oh yea you doubt my skills. Now go fetch the ball oh wait you have to get off your high horse for it don't you?" He rubs it in my face and I growl. I mumble and head into the forest to go find it. Damn it all he really kicked it far. I look around to see if I can find the ball and I hear something muffled. I quickly turn around and I see nothing. Hmm I guess it was an animal. I finally find the ball and rush back to Shuichi.
"Alright Shuichi I'm not going to give you such an easy throw now," I call out to him. When I reach the spot where we were I don't see Shuichi. Where did he go?
"Shuichi where are you?" Hmm nothing. Oh yea didn't he say that don't be surprised if he disappears or something like that? I stand here and I look up at the sky to see the sun beginning to set. I guess he went home or something like that. I look around the park and call out his name a couple more times to make sure that he really isn't here and then I begin to head home. I reach into my pocket and take out my new cell phone that I rubbed into Shuichi's face awhile ago and look at the time. Woah it's already six o'clock! No wonder he left. I walk down the street and turn the corner.
Shuichi and I live close together it's just that I live a bit further than his house, so maybe I'll bump into him. I enter our neighbourhood to see no Shuichi. Well I guess I won't bump into him then. I walk past his house and soon I'm walking on my lawn and opening my door.
"I'm home!" I call out into the house. My mom comes to the door with a worried look on her face. "Hey is everything okay mom?"
"Honey did you and Shuichi walk home together?" She asks me. I shake my head and her face grows dim. "Well Shuichi's mom just called saying that Shuichi isn't home yet."
"Well that's strange I went for the ball he kick and when I came back he wasn't there so I thought he left. Maybe he went to get pocky or something like that. I remember him mumbling something along those lines while we were playing," I explain to her with calm expression but on the inside my stomach turns a bit. Maybe he did get distracted, that's what usually happens to him. My mom nods her head and she begins to call Mrs. Shindou with the cordless phone that I didn't notice that is in her hand. She retells Mrs. Shindou what I told her and she then hangs up. She spaces out for a couple of seconds lost in thought then she looks at me.
"Well dinner is ready so wash up and come to the dinner table. Oh and change out of those clothes you're a mess," she orders me. I nod my head and I head upstairs to my room. Shuichi probably went to the convenience store to get snacks. He was complaining about being hungry while we took a break in our game. I open my bedroom door; grab my towel and some clothes to change into and head to the bathroom. I stare at myself in my mirror to see my face filled with worry. I slap my cheeks and glare at myself. Why am I getting so worked up? Well of course Shuichi is like a child you have to keep an eye on him or else he'll get lost but come on we were just around the corner at our old elementary school. Also just further down is our middle school so maybe he forgot something at school, but wait the school isn't usually open around this time none the less on the weekend. I look away from the mirror and take off my clothes and turn on the shower. But wait maybe Shuichi lost something at the park and is looking for it as I speak. I enter the shower and begin to bathe myself. I get further lost in my thought until I hear loud pounding at the door.
"Will you hurry up I'm hungry!" my older brother yells on the other side of the door. I wake up from my haze and scowl.
"Yea, yea shut up I'm coming out now. Geesh can you think of anything else than your stomach?" I yell at him. I turn off the shower and I dry myself out. I look at the clouded mirror and sigh. I reach for my clothes and pull them out. I then chuck my dirty clothes into the hamper and I start to dry my hair as I go down the stairs. I enter the dining room to see everyone at the table and nii-san glaring at me. I take my seat and avoid and ignore him. We start to eat in a comfortable silence and my dad breaks it.
"So I heard that Shuichi is feeling better eh Hiro," dad says to me.
"Yea we went to the park at our old elementary school and played kick ball," I tell him. He nods and reaches for some vegetables.
"Well that's nice. You were constantly complaining about being bored. Now you two can-" the phone interrupts dad and I get up to get it. I grab the phone and answer it.
"Hey Hiro-san um you said that Shuichi left before you right?" I hear Shuichi's mom ask me. I feel my dinner become led in my stomach.
"Uhh yea he didn't come home yet?" I ask her nervously. I hear her try to control herself and she sighs.
"Um no he hasn't, are you sure you didn't see him on your way home or something like that?" She pushes.
"No," I say slowly. There is silence on the other end of the line and I hold my breath unconsciously.
"Well okay thank you Hiro-san. Goodbye," she whispers.
"Bye," I say quietly as well. I trudge to the dinner table and the air gets quiet.
"Who was that honey?" Mom asks me.
"It was Shuichi's mom apparently Shuichi hasn't come home yet," I say quietly. I look at my food and a wave of nausea hits me. "I'm not really hungry, I'm going to bed." I explain. I see mom look at the phone and nod. I walk upstairs into my room and I drop myself on my bed. I pull out my cell phone and text Shuichi. After five minutes I then call him but still nothing. I roll onto my stomach and put my head in my pillow.
Shuichi where are you?
Shuichi's POV
"Where am I" I ask quietly. After I was knocked out I couldn't remember anything.
"You don't have to worry about that."
I wake up to find myself in the hospital once again but only connected to more tubes. What the hell.
"What just happen?" I say but my throat hurts so comes out hoarsely.
"Shuichi your okay," Yuki cries out. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back with uncertainty. Who is this man and what has he done with the Yuki I know? I then look around to see Hiro on the other side sleeping with his head on my bed. I watch as a tear fall down his cheek and I grow concern.
"Shu-chan you're awake!" Ryuichi yells as he walks in through the door with the others trailing in. His voice wakes up Hiro and he looks into my eyes. Yuki lets go of me and I sit up. I look at Hiro awhile longer and a sad smile appears on his face. I reach towards him until my ridiculously girly fragile looking hands touches his cheek. I lead my hand further up to wipe away his tear. He leans into my touch.
"I'm sorry for leaving you for the ball Shuichi," he tells me.
Hey guys it's been a billion years haven't it. Also Manga Ren I haven't forgotten about you the story is actually on my other computer and it crashed so my uncle is trying to save it. If I don't get it back I'll have to retype it for you. I'm dreadfully sorry! Anyway happy new year and happy holidays everyone!