Author's Acknowledgement

First and formost, I'd like to thank DreamswithJoy, Dr. Stilla Live, and Daisy for help in editing this story. Really appreciate you constructive criticism and support.

I remember first being exposed to Resident Evil when I watched Resident Evil: Degeneration (and for the first ten minutes, believing that they were real people). A few months later a cousin of mine went off to college, and gave me his PS1 along with RE 1, 2, and 3. And athough I thought the graphics were terrible and the acting could have been better, it was a challenging and fun game experience. I hope I resurrect the classic horror survival feel from the original Resident Evil games in Virus Kids.


Virus Kids


September 24, 1986 A House in Raccoon City

The Peters were celebrating their little girl's birth at the Raccoon Hospital. She had been born only a few hours ago, and her father was just holding her for the first time when a doctor and two men in lab coats barged into the small hospital room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, we're so sorry to interrupt your heartfelt moment, but we need to do some more tests on you're new child." the doctor said.

"Alright doctor, but could you give us a little more time with our daughter?" Mr. Peterson asked, still holding his little girl.

"My deepest apologies Mr. Peterson, but these are important tests that we must conduct. The sooner we run these tests, the sooner you'll get your daughter." the doctor took the little girl from his arms.

The doctor and the two men in lab coats left the hospital room with the baby. They took the baby to the hospital's basement. There, the only light came from a small computer. They hooked the baby to an I.V. machine.

"What did the pervious tests suggest?" the doctor asked.

"Well Dr. Marcus, this might sound surprising, but I think we have our match." the first man in the lab coat replied.

"A female huh? That is highly unusual. And it was you, Wesker, who predicted that we would end up with two male subjects." Dr. Marcus examined the baby closely.

"It is rather refreshing doctor. It's highly unusual for a female to have the DNA we require." the other scientist chimed in.

"Yes Birkin, but we must be absolutely certain first. Birkin, administer a virus sample. Wesker, you deal with her parents." Dr. Marcus said as he typed something into the computer.

"What should I do doctor?" Wesker asked.

"Make them cooperate. If they refuse, then you may dispose of them." Dr. Marcus replied.

Wesker nodded and left the room. Birkin came back with a syringe of green liquid.

"I have the sample doctor." Birkin reported.

"Good Birkin. Now administer it." Dr. Marcus was still typing things into the computer.

Birkin approached the newborn child, who was staring curiously around the room. Birkin took the syringe and squeezed the liquid into her arm. Then Birkin quickly backed away. The baby stared vacantly into the dark room. Meanwhile, Wesker reentered the room, a gun in his hand. "Had to dispose of them, hmm?" Dr. Marcus asked his assistant.

"They refused to cooperate." Wesker reported.

"Oh well. It can easily be covered up." Dr. Marcus returned to studying the child.

"My god….." Dr. Marcus exclaimed, looking at the report the I.V. machine had sent to the computer.

"The child should be dead." Birkin exclaimed, rubbing his chin.

"Well, well, we have our match." Wesker exclaimed.

"Gentlemen, this calls for a celebration!" Dr. Marcus cried, raising his arms.

"Not so fast, doctor. We still need to find our second match. Remember we need two matches to complete this project." Wesker halted Dr. Marcus, raising his hand.

"All in good time Wesker, but you must admit, we are blessed to have found a match." Dr. Marcus proclaimed.

The doctor and his assistants picked up the tiny infant. They casually carried her to the main floors of the hospital when another doctor interrupted them.

"Dr. Marcus, we have found another match." The doctor cried, frantic.

"Well don't dilly-dally, show me!" Dr. Marcus cried.

The scientists all hurried over to a small hospital room. There, a nurse was handing a little baby boy to a man that appeared to be the baby's father. The boy's parents were surprised when the doctors entered the room.

"Is something the matter doctor?" the mother, still in the hospital bed, asked.

"Nothing is wrong. We just need to run some tests on your baby. The sooner we run the tests, the sooner you'll get your son back." Birkin reassured the parents, his line well rehearsed.

"You're from Umbrella aren't you? If you want to run tests on our son we'll have to come with you." the father explained, tightly holding his son.

"Please don't make this difficult sir. We promise to return your son in a timely fashion." Birkin pleaded, reaching out to the baby.

"Absolutely not! You knuckle-heads will not lay a finger on my son! Good d-" but the father was cut off by a bullet to the head. Wesker smirked as he watched the man fall to the ground. The wife screamed but was also quickly cut off by a fatal bullet. Wesker picked up the baby boy from his dying father's arms. Wesker looked at the nurse, who was cowering on the floor. He shooed she out of the room.

"Well, now that that's over, shall we continue?" Wesker asked.

Chapter 1

April 2, 1998 Umbrella Headquarters in Raccoon City

"Welcome to the Umbrella Headquarters" said the automated machine as we entered through the sliding glass doors.

Our parents worked here, so every day they'd drop us off at the Umbrella Day Care center. Both Matt's and my own parents are researchers for Umbrella. One of the researchers opened the sliding glass door that lead to the Day Care center, and Matt and I sat on the colorful cushions like we always do. Many kids came to the Day Care center, but most of them were babies and we looked after them more than anything. But today it was just Matt and I, no babies came to the Day Care center.

In an hour or so, Mr. Birkin will come in and give us our daily morning lesson. While we were waiting, Matt picked up one of the toys and examined it. He had dark hair, a similar shade to mine the only thing that separated us was that Matt cut his hair short like the male scientists. We both had fair skin from our lack of exposure to the sunlight.

"Hey Matt, do you have your current event article?" I whispered.

"Yep." Matt replied as he held up a copy of The Daily Raccoon. "I'm doing mine on the high levels of toxins in the city's water supply."

"Copycat!" I cried as I held up an identical copy of The Daily Raccoon.

"Alright Tina, don't go off accusing Matt of copying anyone. You two just probably had, similar ideas." Mr. Birkin stepped in in his usual white lab coat.

"So you two both did your current event assignment on the level of toxins in the city's water?" Mr. Birkin asked in his polite tone.

We both nodded.

"Well then, since you two both did your report on the same subject, I guess we'll go over a series of questions on that subject." Mr. Birkin then began asking us a series of questions. "How do you think the level of toxin will affect the public?" Mr. Birkin asked.

"The people will unknowingly drink the toxins, turn into monsters and destroy the city!" Matt shouted out loud.

He stood up from his desk and walked around the room, holding his arms out and moaning. "Tina…I'm going to eat your flesh." I squealed as Matt playfully tackled me to the ground. "That's enough children!" Mr. Birkin yelled, standing up. I had never seen Mr. Birkin so upset. He looked at the two of us with a cold, hard stare.

"That'll be all for today." Mr. Birkin left the room, letting the computer close the glass doors behind him.

April 2, 1998 Arklay Manor (Spencer Estate)

"What do you think made Mr. Birkin so upset?" I asked Matt as our parents dropped us off at our room at the Arklay Manor.

"Don't know. Was it something I said?" Matt asked, hopping onto his bed.

I sat down at our computer and began to turn it on. I started going over what Matt had said during our morning lesson.

"Either he was mad about you saying the people of Raccoon City are going to unknowingly drink toxic waste, or because you said the city's population is going to turn into monsters. Or it could be both." I pondered as I began looking at the latest online addition of The Daily Raccoon. "Why? The first one couldn't happen because the city has a toxic treatment plant and the second one is kinda stupid, don't you think?" Matt asked, smiling.

"Yeah, that is kinda silly." I said. But I was really wondering about the rooms at the manor. The ones we were never allowed to go into, the ones our parents worked in. I know it sounds stupid but as a kid, I use to think there were monsters in there. But that's awfully silly, right?

April 15, 1998 Umbrella Headquarters in Raccoon City

Mr. Birkin drew our blood again. He takes blood from us a least twice a week. He said he needs to because he needs to test our blood to make sure that we're not being exposed to any dangerous chemicals while at the Day Care center. But I've never see him test it. He always does it when our lesson is over so he leaves right after he draws a sample. I always wondered what they do with it. So today, when he took our blood, Matt and I followed him as far as we could. Matt and I knew how to get into the elevator system so we were able to follow Mr. Birkin to his lab. Once we were just at his lab, Mr. Birkin stopped and began talking with a unfamiliar person. We couldn't quite get a good look at him but we could clearly hear him.

"I have some more samples. I'll have the formula finished by tomorrow." he said, holding out the tray containing our blood samples.

"Good, but have you begun the children's training?" the figure asked.

"Patience my friend, they are still children. I hadn't thought of training them until they were in their late teens." Mr. Birkin replied.

"Patience is not something we can afford anymore William. They are ready to be administered the Progenitor virus. They'll get their training, one way or another. If you can't do it, then I will." the man said and began walking towards us.

Horrified, Matt and I ran as fast as we could back to the Day Care center, hoping that the man didn't see us.

May 11, 1998 Arklay Manor (Spencer Estate)

Today Matt and I were outside in the courtyard playing catch. Our parents were in their laboratory underground. It was hidden in a secret location, so nobody could interfere with their research. I threw the ball to Matt and it soared high above his head and landed at the edge of the courtyard, near the gate. As I ran towards Matt, I saw that a white lump had attached itself to the ball.

"SPIDER!" Matt's high pitched scream rang out through the courtyard.

Everyone knew Matt had an extreme case of arachnophobia, but this was no ordinary spider. I examined the spider carefully. It was an abnormal bluish white, and seemed to be pulsing madly. All of a sudden, it leaped from the ball onto Matt's face.

"HOLY COW! TINA, GET IT OFF ME!" Matt madly swatted the air and ran wildly around the courtyard.

From the corner of my eye I saw a small shovel by the shed. I picked it up and used it to slice the spider off of Matt's face. The spider flew into the fountain on the other side of the gate.

"Thanks Tina, I thought I was a goner." Matt said, trying to catch his breath.

I managed not to laugh, nut still giggled slightly. He glared and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Matt. Have you ever been to this part of the courtyard?" I asked, looking around.

We were always curious, but I knew we both felt more so than usual.

"No I can't say I have." Matt replied, also looking around.

"What's beyond that gate?" I asked, peeking through the rotting iron gate.

Together, Matt and I pushed the gate open. It seemed to go into a smaller courtyard, with the fountain that the spider had fallen into. There was a passageway that lead into a cobblestone area. Then we both looked at the fountain, and saw another passageway behind it.

"Children, what are you doing here?" it was one of the scientists.

"You should be in your room. Go on now." the scientist pointed back to the mansion.

"Hey Scientist dude, what's behind the fountain?" Matt rudely asked, not obeying the scientist. "Why, I didn't think you would notice, well, it's…um…" the scientist stumbled.

"It's the entrance to the underground lab isn't it?" Matt concluded, pointing to the passageway behind the fountain.

"Look, you two better go to your rooms or I'm going to have to contact your parents!" the scientist seemed very upset.

Matt and I quickly scurried back to our room.

"Hey, maybe when we get the chance, we'll sneak back there and have a look at the lab!" Matt cried.

"When are we gonna find time like that? The lab entrance is probably heavily guarded." I replied, looking out the window.

Matt poured a glass of water from the nearby sink. "Want some?" Matt asked, holding out a glass of water to me. "Thanks." I said and took a long sip of water, wondering why this sudden surge of curiosity overtook me.

May 12, 1998 Umbrella Underground Research Facility beneath Raccoon City

Today Matt and I moved. Our parents did not accompany us. They would stay at the Arklay Manor to help with a plumbing problem. I didn't believe them (neither did Matt), but we willingly went to our new home. We would be taken to Umbrella's Underground Facility under Raccoon City. There we would live in one of the housing dorms. As we approached the dorm we were going to stay in, we saw a man blocking the entrance to the dorm. He was a tall, menacing figure, and I tried to be as polite as I could. But he scared me and he knew it.

"Excuse us sir, but you're blocking the entrance to our dorm." I said shaking.

"Yes, I know. Allow me to introduce myself I'm-" but the man was interrupted by Matt.

"Hey Sunglasses Man! Why are you wearing sunglasses? We're underground! Are you stupid or something?" Matt pointed at his sunglasses, trying to reach them but the man was too tall. "You're a quite, restless child aren't you?" the man said, looking down at Matt.

"As I was saying, my name is Albert Wesker. I'll be responsible for you for now on.". Before I can say it Matt does.

"Um, sorry Sunglasses Man, but our parents are responsible for us, they're just not here now." Matt stated, trying to push through Wesker to the dorm entrance.

Wesker chuckled and easily pushed Matt away from the door. I knew this man meant business, although I wasn't sure what that was exactly.

"You really think you'll actually see your parents again? Do you actually think you were sent here because the mansion had a plumbing problem? Did you really think they were your parents?"

Matt became silent.

"Even though you two are my responsibility, you will see very little of me, I assure you. Now I suggest you two get some rest. It must have been a tiring trip." Wesker stepped out of the way of the door.

It was a rather plain room, with two identical beds, a couch, a window looking out into an empty room and a TV. A note on the bed from Mr. Birkin told us to meet him as soon as we were unpacked. He said he wanted us to meet someone. We quickly unpacked and headed to Mr. Birkin's dorm. Matt pounded the door brutally with both fists until Mr. Birkin opened the door.

"I knew it was you knocking Matt." Mr. Birkin said with a smile. He ushered us inside his room. It was about the same size as ours, except it was more well decorated.

"My wife did the decorating. Do you like it?" he asked, noticing my eyes wandering around the room.

"Yes." I said simply.

"Bleak and boring." Matt said, sticking out his tongue. Mr. Birkin ignored him.

"Sherry, I have some friends I'd like you to meet." Mr. Birkin called.

A girl came out from behind the bed, a toy train in her hands. She seemed to be Mr. Birkin's daughter, but I wasn't sure. Wesker's words had already taken root in my mind.

"Hi, I'm Sherry. You guys look new-I don't remember any other children being here."

We introduced ourselves to Sherry, who in return invited us to play with her train set.

"Alright then, since you three are comfortable, I'll be heading back to the lab." Mr. Birkin began to close the door until Sherry interrupted him.

"Daddy, can't you stay with us a little longer?" Sherry asked.

"No Sherry, I need to get back to my, research." Mr. Birkin said as he softly closed the door. Sherry looked very disappointed, and although we tried to comfort her, she still looked sad. So I wondered and wondered if Sherry was Mr. Birkin's daughter. Or if she was like us, living a lie. Wesker… was what he said really true?