"Mummy! Mummy!" Victoire screamed as she ran into the Burrow's kitchen. It was amazing how much she'd grown. Her waist length red hair flew behind her as she ran. She bumped forcefully into Fleur's pregnant belly. She looked up seriously into her mother's eyes. "They won't leave us alone!"
Hermione groaned and tilted her head back, asking the heavens for patience. She had no doubt the 'they' Victoire was referring to.
Ginny huffed too, rubbing her large belly. "This one better be a girl."
Hermione chuckled and walked into the garden with Ginny close behind. Hermione's shoulders drooped with frustration. Three toy broomsticks zoomed, only a foot off the ground, around the garden. The three toddlers riding them, all four years old, were all returning to the same spot. Each of them tugged at a silvery blonde pigtail every time they passed the small crying girl.
"That's it, boys!" Hermione shouted. "Off the brooms!"
"But Mum!" cried one of the two red-heads.
"No buts. Off the brooms," insisted Hermione.
The red-head who spoke was the first off his broom, followed quickly by a small boy with dark auburn hair. The last little boy slowed to a stop, but just stared at his mother.
"Ollie, I said 'off!'" Hermione repeated, her tone becoming more forceful.
"But Mum, I'm not Ollie; I'm-"
"You can't fool me Oliver George Weasley. But nice try. Off the broom!"
The boy climbed off his broom and glared at his mother.
"Now I think you all owe Dominique an apology…" said Ginny.
The little girl sniffled proudly, but still looked sulky. Victoire walked over to her little sister and placed an arm consolingly around her shoulders. She glared at the little boys, waiting impatiently for their apologies.
All the boys glanced at their mothers, all of their eyes asking the question 'do we have to?' One look from the women was all they needed.
James stepped up first and ruffled his messy auburn hair. "Sorry, Dominique," he said quietly. He looked at Ginny who nodded at him.
Euan and Ollie looked at Hermione again, wondering if James's apology would be good enough for the group. Hermione's eyes narrowed.
"Sorry, Dominique…" they said in unison.
Dominique straightened proudly and wiped the tears from her cheeks with the backs of her hands.
"In seven years, Hogwarts isn't going to know what hits it," said Fred, announcing his presence.
"Did you see them?" Hermione said incredulously.
"Yep," replied Fred. "And you sound surprised at them."
The three adults chuckled.
"Everyone thought that George and I were a handful at school. Euan and Ollie are nearly as bad. Throw James in the mix and it will be utter chaos." Rather than seem concerned, Fred looked rather pleased. He grinned as he watch his two young sons dueling with broomsticks, pretending to be pirates.
"I'm the captain!" shouted James. "Are you two must walk the plank!"
Euan and Ollie's brooms halted in mid-air, mischievous grins growing into menacing smiles. "Mutiny!" they yelled together, dropping their brooms and tackling James to the ground.
"BOYS!" Hermione shouted. She knew it wasn't worth her breath. Not one of them could hear her as the three of the wrestled in the dirt. She started over to the three of them. Victoire and Dominique looked uncertainly at Hermione, looking as though they'd never seen such astonishing behavior. Fred stuck his hands in his pockets and looked as though he was enjoying a good show.
"You know she's going to kill you one of these days. Sitting back and smiling like that… It might be nice to see you take it a little more seriously," said Ginny, shaking her head at Fred.
"Nah," said Fred. Hermione had drawn her wand on the three rowdy boys. All of them were lifted into the air and set gently on their feet. Another wave of her wand vanished the dirt from all of their clothes. Though Fred could not hear her, he knew she was trying hard to find the right words for them. "Don't let her fool you, Gin. She acts like they're rough on her, but she secretly enjoys every minute of it."
Well, there it is. I really hope you liked the story. If you did please review!
Thanks to you all for reading, and an extra thanks to Binka Fudge for her help.