She started getting to work on the cell door, quickly picking the lock and listening to that quiet click sound indicating that the lock was finished. She struggled to hear it, the racing of her heart louder than usual; Brynjolf's presence was wrecking havoc with her nerves. Brynjolf acted as her lookout, or more a distraction. He ghosted his fingers across her hips, whispering naughty words to her that scorched her cheeks, turning them red. Soon after many several failed attempts, thanks to Brynjolf's distracting tactics, she managed to free the Nord and made haste back towards Honeyside, knowing exactly what would happen as soon as they returned back home. She eyed Brynjolf up as he stalked alongside her through the dingy jail hallway insisting that he somehow managed to look great even in ragged clothing.

They managed to escape undetected, chasing each other through the streets of Riften, Brynjolf with a wicked gleam in his eye. Adrenaline shot through them both, urgency coursing through their veins and as soon as she stepped over the threshold into Honeyside, Brynjolf had already got her pinned up against the wall. He started smothering her with harsh kisses, his hands tugging at the leather armour that restricted her body from him. Now was not the time to play nice.

He growled menacingly, tossing away her armour, snatching up her breasts and tugging on her nipples, hard enough for her to shriek, stirring up a hungry depraved demon inside them both. His face was plastered with a wanting stare, he tugged away the rest of her clothing leaving her bare in front of him, a sight he was terribly fond of. He drank up the sight of the woman before him, every inch of her milky white skin a sensation that drove his testosterone into overdrive. Already, he felt his aching region a nuisance, lust cascading through him. He pressed her up against the cold stone wall, a growl rolling in from the back of his throat, both of their breathing a whirlwind of passion.

He flung her around, her cheeks a burning fire. He forced her over and admired the view, grabbing her smooth rear end in his hands; he thrust into her, a little rough, a surprised gasp escaping her lips.

She remarked him with a deadly stare causing a teasing laugh to erupt from his lips. He thrust harder and deeper, animalistic noises escaping her enough to send an explosion through him, he could barely hold himself together. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back to meet him with every claiming thrust, he growled feeling her clench around him, her wetness a clear indication of how sickeningly aroused she was. It pleased him to know end, knowing that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. He squeezed her rear end, earning him another shriek and an angry glare.

He slammed home with a sudden eagerness, the previous night playing out in his mind. His imagination raced with the thoughts of her screaming his name over and over. He moved faster, her moans coming out as loud screams, her hair a tangled mane. She arched up against him, rubbing herself to his rhythm, moaning his name. He thrust into her, snatching up her breasts and twisting the hardened pebbles none to gently, she gasped and he grinned wickedly.

He drove into her harder and deeper, holding her hips in place, listening to the ecstasy of her guttural desperate moans each time he ploughed into that sweet spot, wanting so desperately to drive her insane. He groaned, shuddering, spilling himself, his release unimaginable, he panted, his grip slacking and thrusting slower this time as he finished.

She turned to him, pushing her knotted hair out of her face, her cheeks a bright rose shade. He grinned defiantly, admiring the red marks he had left across her body. She glared at him, mischievously, and planted a decadent kiss upon his lips.

"Finished with me?" She asked with a heavy voice, he grabbed her again, planting more fierce kisses against her lips running his coarse fingers over each raised scar.

He had asked her many times about the stories behind each individual scar, he felt slightly unnerved at how her past was still a mystery. Each jagged or flamed scar a tale that he would have to patiently wait to hear, like he ever had the patience. He wanted all of it now, the entirety of her life to be completely his, to know how devoted she could be caused a flicker of a tender smile to cross his face.

"What?" She gave him a confused expression, shocked by the sudden sentimental atmosphere. It was unusual for Brynjolf to give her that look, the way his eyes were a little clouded over and the way he seemed to look straight through her, or perhaps, fully looking at her in a completely different way.

"Nothing Lass," He replied, the smile quickly turning into something more sinister. She started to move away from him, gathering up her armour that he had so carelessly tossed onto the floor. She moved towards the bedroom and he watched her intently, her body gliding so precariously over the wooden floor, towards the other room, that he just couldn't take his eyes off of her.

He watched her hips move as she sauntered towards the bed, her backside a bright red. He grinned to himself and followed her, catching her before she slipped between the sheets.

"One moment," He snatched up her arms and slunk them around his neck, he kissed her tenderly this time, stroking himself back to full erection. She moaned, her eyes honeyed over, her breath still heavy.

"I'm not interested," She replied, running her fingers down his chest, stopping ever so abruptly on his abdomen. She had that familiar gleam in her eye that had first attracted him to her. A smile crept across his lips, a new game already beginning.

"I'm not finished with you yet Lass," He teased. He hadn't had enough revenge yet; it would take a life time for her to pay back what she had done to him. The mockery she had caused him. He knew she would boast about it to the others, and they would relentlessly hold it against him. But now, they both had time and with the Guild back on track and without the interference of the others he certainly wouldn't be letting her leave Honeyside without her debt repaid. He wouldn't let the Gray Fox get away with it this time.

A/N: Hope you've enjoyed! x3