The wind billowed through her short, creamy hair. The white dress she adorn unto her small frame lifted and flowed out to blend with each strand. Her beauty did nothing, but awe me into dead stillness as those ocean blue eyes stared off into an unknown distance. Green grass rolled down the hill like waves through the tough breeze.

The whole scene, from the grassy hillside to her very presence, was mesmerizing. I didn't know how long I stood there for - I didn't even know how I got there, on that hilltop- but I didn't care. I just prayed this moment could last an eternity.

That hypnotizing stare blinked then small lips parted. A sweet honey voice was expected, but it didn't sound right when she spoke.

"Wake up," she said- No, she demanded.

That voice. It was so familiar, but not what I expected. It was rough. Not completely masculine, but not completely feminine either. The tone was commanding.

Again, her soft lips moved, but the irritating nag was that I heard.

"Idiot," my angel snapped, "Wake up already!"

It felt as though something was moving. No. I was moving. Someone was shaking me. Pulling me away from the valkerie who stood with her fascinating eyes wide and innocent.