Author's Note: I know this poem has been a long time coming, but here it is: the Requiem of Spirit. I'm glad that I was able to get some time to write it! But anyhow, enjoy! Also, I do not mean for my poems to match up with the songs like lyrics, but if they do it is by happy accident!
Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Also, for fan of The Bane, I am working on the new chapter. But there is a kind of contest related to The Bane, so check out my profile if you are curious!
Requiem of Spirit
Through past and present, future sail,
A question of what time entails.
When morn's great splendor fades to night,
Shall twilight hasten end, and plight?
While like a river's ebb and flow,
Mortal frame will change and grow.
Yet, beneath the flesh and earthly bonds,
The soul exists and goes beyond.
Unbreakable as metal forged,
Strength of spirit, formed long before.
Set sail upon time's stormy deep,
Into the night, the spirit keeps.
Author's Note: There you are! The Requiem of Spirit! If you remember what Sheik told Link at the Desert Colossus, then the poem will make more sense to you. But either way, I hope that you enjoyed it! Please leave me a review, for a love feedback! Also, check out my profile page if you are interested in my goofy contest for The Bane!