They were all exhausted. A full two weeks of Holy Musical Bman complete, and now all they had to show for it was a pile of footage to edit through. But the StarKids were all too tired to begin thinking about that now. They just wanted to get back home, have a few drinks, a few laughs, and then they all needed to crash.

The gang had just about finished meeting the final night's audience members, an audience, everyone agreed, were truly insane; a few straggling fangirls left to pluck from the boys biceps and they were done. Once everyone had gone, the team were left along. There was a short silence, where everyone just stared around, and glanced at each other. "What to do now" they all thought, "What next?" Then, the silence ended, and all burst out laughing, and literally dived on top of each other in one big huddle in the centre of the lobby. Hugs galore and 'well-dones' were thrown around like a game of pass-the-parcel. What a show.

Previous to the final performance, a strategic plan had been made as to what to do for the after party. They decided that there would be no other place to have it but at the HQ, but of course, not all of them could fit into one car. The StarKids were split up into groups; Julia, Jaime, Denise and Lauren in one car, Brian, Meredith, Joe and Dylan in another and then finally, Nico, Chris, Jeff and the Lang brothers (they knew it'd be a tight squeeze, but because Nick was so small, they decided that he'd be more than ok in the middle seat squashed in between Jeff and Nico.) NJSM and Jim decided to make the trip on foot, and pick up a couple of beers on the way.

"Nick, seriously dude, you're practically sitting on my knee."
"Hey, Nico, I'm sorry man, but seriously, I cannot squish myself up anymore, what would you rather me do, sit on the roof?"
"It's an idea…"
grinned Jeff, chuckling with his face almost pushed up against the window
"Or we could put you in the trunk instead, I think that would be just your size Nick!"
Chortled Chris from the front seat.
"Guys, come on, stop picking on Nick. It's not his fault that he's tiny." Matt giggled from the driver's seat.
"Yeah, cheers, Matt." said Nick, sighing a little at his misfortune.
"I mean, he can't help it that he's got a seriously handsome brother with whom he can't even hope to compete with, both in height and looks."

That was it. The whole car was in fits of laughter, with poor Nick sat straight faced with his knees buckling up towards his chest. To top off his misery, Nico had started to sing 'It's a small world' and had the whole car joining in, each of them screaming to get the high notes in falsetto. Nick eventually gave in, and filled the car with his amazing laugh, whilst the other guys jeered on down the highway.

Meanwhile, in the girl's car….

"Guys, please, I seriously need to pee."
"Lauren, we've been on the road for about ten minutes, I asked you if you wanted to go before we set off"
groaned Denise.
"But I didn't need to go then." Lauren whined, with her arms firmly wrapped around her belly.
"We've got about twenty minutes left, Lauren" said Julia, glancing at Lauren through the car's mirror. "do you reckon you can hold it in there?"
Lauren paused for a few seconds, then beamed back at Julia through her reflection in the mirror, and sat in silence, her legs firmly clamped together.
"I feel so empty, " sighed Jaime, "its like, without the show, there's nothing for us to do, it's so sad!"
"Yeah, I totally feel the same. We've been going at it for so long, I just really hope the guys on YouTube like it."
replied Denise, with a little touch on anxiety in her voice.
"Girls, please, if the YouTube fans are anything like the fans we've had in the past two weeks, they're going to love it. It's going to be one of our best I think!"
"Yeah, well guys, I gotta tell you, I'm not feeling so empty right now. I think I might be overflowing."
giggled Lauren
"Aw, jeez, Lauren! Keep it to yourself!" cried Julia, grimacing along with Denise and Jaime.

In the final car, the remainder of the StarKids were still high as hell from adrenaline from the last performance. Dylan had been set as the designated driver, seen as though Walker had already started on the beers, and Brian and Meredith were too busy making each other burst into masses of laughter to actually focus on anything else.

"Dude, I am actually…. wow. That was so good." Joe gasped above the noise of raucous laughter coming from the back seat. Brian had now commenced tickle war on Meredith, and the two were shuffling about all over the place
"I know man, it was so awesome. Nick and Scott did such an awesome job with the music, and of course, the Langs delivered again. Jeez, how do they even do it?"
"Do what?"
"Well, you know, just keep on pumping out these jokes"
another burst of giggles came from the back seat after overhearing Dylan say 'pumping', "their scripts are so original, so brilliantly orchestrated."
"Hell yeah. Another childhood dream fulfilled! … I mean come on…. Batman! God, I would never have believed that I'd get a chance to play him someday. Along with Voldemort. And Up. And a dick. And Umbridge… in drag."
Dylan half giggled , half grimaced at the memory of him first seeing Joe in that horrific pink dress.
"God, that seems like an age ago. Almost two years, where the hell does the time go?"
By this time, the tickle wars had began to get out of hand. Almost twice, Brian had nearly hit Joe on the head by accident (he considered it revenge for when Joe had hit him with the kryptonite) and Meredith had began to slowly fall between the gap of the front seat and her own.
"Hey guys," Joe smirked, "can you at least wait until we get back to HQ? You're starting to shake the whole car."
Meredith could hardly breathe from laughing so hard. Brian bent down and plucked her out from the gap and popped her down on her seat again, and the two of them sat there choking on their own laughter.
"Sorry… dude…. well… to be fair….. she did start it."
"I think you'll find… you started it…. Mr. Holden!" gasped Meredith in between breaths.
Within seconds, the two had begun fighting again. Walker and Dylan merely shrugged, and continued along back to HQ.

The night of laughter had only just begun.