"You should get over him Arthur,"

This was the standard reply he got from anyone he told. However, this was the exact problem - he couldn't get over Alfred. Everytime he even briefly considered breaking it off, he pulled him back in with his hypnotising blue eyes and charming grin. Then, of course, it went back to having filthy sex with him in a bathroom stall. Arthur was almost disgusted with himself and how he let himself be swayed by him. Where was his morals at this point? He didn't even want to think about it because it was making him feel sick to his stomach.

In silence he wondered if Alfred told anybody, homosexuality wasn't taken lightly here so he doubted it else the American boy would have lost his appeal by now. There was always the chance he modified the story. Maybe he mocked him behind his back, told his friends dirty things about him, about how easy those queer fags are and how desperate they are to get a piece of any attractive man's cock. Arthur grit his teeth. Maybe he talked about him like some of those socially respected jerks talked lies about their slutty girlfriends, ruining their reputations of a nice girl in the process. High school sure was fucked up.

Somewhere along the line, he gave up trying to concentrate on studying for this Science exam because thoughts of the blond boy would not leave his mind and whilst they circled him, he couldn't focus one bit. He reached for his phone on the nightstand beside his bed and sat up from groaning, face down on his pillow. His thumb swiped along the screen as he looked through his contacts. It wasn't a particularly lengthy list, most of it being family but there were a couple of Arthur's close friends on there. Thinking about it, even though they had sex often, he didn't have Alfred's phone number. It'd probably look bad for Alfred if he did, Arthur scowled.


Arthur stopped on the name and looked at it. Matthew Williams was Alfred's cousin and the two looked very alike. He was the forgotten relative because he was so quiet. Arthur got along with him quite well and perhaps he would have some answers about Alfred since he knew him quite well. He selected the name and called him.

"Hello?" came the timid response of the other boy.

"Hello Matthew, it's Arthur," he responded, leaning back against the headboard of his bed. If even Alfred's cousin couldn't help him he knew he'd be stuck in a muddle for sure. He couldn't think of anyone that would know him better, well, at least that he could talk to.

"Oh Arthur, what's up?"

"What're you up to?" That was a strange question, way to go Arthur.

"Um, I was just looking over the notes I made in class for the Science exam, why?"

"Do you think you could come over? There's something I'd like to talk to you about," he explained, tugging at the hem of his shirt a little nervously. He wasn't sure how much longer he could take dwelling on this problem.

"Huh? Yeah sure I'll be over in ten,"

"Thanks Matthew,"

"No problem," With that he hung up. Arthur tossed his phone back across his nightstand as he decided to make himself look a little more appropriate. Not that it mattered right? It was only Matthew and they were rather friendly with each other. He wasn't sure why he was making himself more presentable.

Right on time, about ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Everyone else in the house was out so it was just Arthur. He hurried down the stairs, not wanting to leave the other boy waiting too long and opened the door. Matthew stood on his doorstep, clad in a dark red hoodie and worn out light blue jeans that had his hands buried in them. He looked at him from behind the frames of his glasses and smiled.

"Come in, come in," Arthur greeted, holding the door open for him. Matthew happily walked inside of his home and spared a glance around the room to familiarise himself with Arthur's home since after all it had been a while since he had been here last.

"So what's bothering you Arthur?" he questioned, looking at the Brit as he closed the front door behind him. Arthur gestured to the stairs and guided him to his room. He sighed heavily against the door to his room as Matthew made himself comfortable.

"Alfred," Thus began, his long explanation of the dirty school toilet sex and his unrequited feelings towards the American. He was sure he could trust Matthew and it actually felt good to talk about everything that has been going on verbally. He took another deep breath and looked at the Canadian when he finished explaining. "So what should I do?"

"Well...Alfred is a big spoilt brat, he always has been...but he's good at heart he just thinks he can have everything…" he explained. Arthur listened closely. "It's hard to say if there's anything there I mean...besides the...bathroom activities...but your best bet is to deny him what he wants. He'll whine about it for a while but if there's nothing there, he'll get over it in a couple days and find something or...someone else,"

"And if he gets over it?" Arthur questioned, not exactly wanting to be casted aside and never have the chance to touch him again.

"If he gets over you, I don't know how anyone could but...he's really not worth your time Arthur," he responded, a slight bit of nervousness in his voice as he smiled warmly at the other teen.

"Thanks Matthew," he said with a firm nod and smiled a little back at him. He doubt he could easily refuse Alfred, not even if he wanted to. Causing a scene was out of the question, he hated drawing attention to himself. Alfred was impulsive, how was he going to get him to back off? He needed a reason. Or maybe… "What if I make him jealous?"

"Jealous? What do you mean?" Matthew asked, looking up from twiddling his thumbs which he had been doing in Arthur's brief silence. Did he plan on asking someone out?

"Well...if I was dating someone else, he'd back off right?" he mentioned not so eloquently. Matthew nodded. "Though...that leaves the question of who would be willing to do that,"

"What about me?" the other blond blurted out, not realising what he had proposed until the words had left his lips. His cheeks heated up a little into a faint shade of red and his smile twitched. Arthur's green eyes met his.

"Oh would you do that for me Matthew? That'd be wonderful but you really don't have to get involved-"

"No it's fine, I want to," Well, way to go Matthew. You want to huh? He shook those thoughts from his head. "To help you I mean,"

It was a little strange at first. They had to make somewhat of an appearance at school the next day. Alfred had a strong line of friends so they found it best to just act like a couple throughout the day rather than just when Alfred was around. Arthur was not particularly fond of public displays of affection so even just hand-holding with Matthew was a little weird. It certainly grabbed attention but it was too early days for the harassment to begin.

It must have been a week later that Alfred once again pushed through the crowds of flirty females to guide Arthur to the school toilet stalls. He was sat alone initially, reading a book but Matthew was not far awaiting to emerge when Alfred made a move and Arthur rejected him. Alfred reached to grab Arthur's wrist but Arthur jerked away.

"What the hell Kirkland?" he growled between his teeth. Arthur's thick eyebrows furrowed as he set his book down on the wooden desk.

"Not this time Jones," Arthur retorted with a hiss. Alfred screwed up his face.

"Don't play games with me," this time he managed to grab hold of Arthur's wrist, his hand fully reaching around it. His grip was threateningly tight and he was baring his teeth by now. However, Arthur did not back down.

"I'm dating someone else!" he exclaimed, making a move to get away from Alfred's hold. The American let go as he widened his eyes; clearly shocked. Arthur rubbed his wrist hastily. It was then Matthew came out from behind a bookcase, empty-handed, and walked over to Arthur and Alfred.

"Is there a problem Arthur…?" he asked softly, sparing a glance at Alfred but barely acknowledging Alfred's existence. Now that was something to do with his own prejudice. The Brit shook his head so Matthew smiled.

Arthur looked at Alfred's confused face for a moment before grabbing the Canadian beside him by the collar of his red plaid shirt and down to his lips. Their kiss was innocent but messy, lips colliding in a sort of foreign way. Matthew was surprised and his face almost went as red as his shirt but he happily kissed him back. His eyes fluttered shut and his heart was racing as he kissed Arthur deeply. It was all for show of course, that was the only reason… Their lips parted softly and by this time, Alfred's hands curled into fists and he stormed off.

"Sorry," Arthur whispered to Matthew.

The last thing Arthur expected was to be approached by Alfred after school when he was walking out of the school gates a couple days after the incident in the library. He had been minding his own business to walk home when that certain American pulled him aside and pinned him against the wire fence. Arthur's wide emerald green eyes met Alfred's narrowed sea blue ones. He could tell Alfred's arms were shaking a little as he hooked his fingers in the fencing. There was silence.

"If you haven't got anything to say for yourself I would appreciate it if you'd let me continue walking-"

"I'm sorry," Alfred interrupted him as he made a move to back out from under his arm. Arthur stopped and looked at him. His voice got significantly quieter. "For using you,"

Arthur's face softened and his shoulders relaxed a little at his apology. At least he knew what he was apologising for but it did mean he knew what he was doing all along. Maybe he wasn't so much of an idiot when it came to reading the atmosphere after all. However, sorry wasn't enough and they both knew that. He was about to speak but once again he was interrupted by the American.

"I know you're dating Mattie now but..I just want you to know that I'm sorry that...I didn't know another way to show that I liked you. You make me feel a lot of things, I was confused…"

"You think that excuses it?" Arthur exclaimed, in his face. "You think that saying you're sorry excuses the way that you've played with me?"

"No, I don't," he stated firmly. Arthur was taken aback a little and he leant against the wire fence softly. "It wasn't until someone took you away from me that I realised what I'd been doing…"

He let go of the wire fence and let his arms swing by his sides. Arthur straightened up.

"If you feel nothing for me, leave. Go ahead," Alfred announced to him, gesturing to the side. Arthur's heart raced in his chest. Of course, he felt something, he'd liked him for a very long time but what about the show with Matthew? Oh screw it, he was frozen in place anyway. They stared at each other for a while as Arthur did not move or leave.

"It was just a show, an act," Arthur whispered. Alfred's eyes widened. "I'm not really dating Matthew Alfred. It's childish but what other choice did I have? I couldn't let you use me like that any longer,"

"But the kiss?"

"I did what I had to," Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur tightly, using that powerful grip of his. He buried his head into his neck and inhaled deeply. He smelt of tea and soap and it was the best smell in the world. Arthur couldn't seem to find a place to rest his hands so he settled for placing them on Alfred's broad shoulders.

"Will you go out with me Arthur Kirkland?" he questioned, nuzzling against his neck and cared about social status anyway? This Brit was worth so much more than that. Arthur sighed and smiled back at the beaming blond. He'd tell Matthew tomorrow, he'd be happy for him surely.

"Yes I guess I will,"

A/N: And that's a wrap! Here's the happy ending you guys wanted. Hope you didn't mind me using Matthew to make Alfred jealous. Thank you for all the kind reviews :)! If you liked the drama be sure to check out my other multi-chapter fic called 'Easier to run'! Thank you!