Notes: I lied. This is 3 parts. Welcome to part 2.

Burning Bridges
by: kirei na yukki

"Korra's title as the Avatar is so much more than being able to bend the four elements. You need to understand that."

The conversation that had taken place that afternoon rang through Mako's head for the rest of the day. What was the Avatar's purpose in this world?

Mako remembered his mother and father excitedly telling him stories of Avatar Aang and his friends, who heroically put an end to the legendary 100 Year War. Was Korra destined for the same greatness?Who would be by her side as she faced her responsibilities? Surely, Tenzin and Lin won't be around forever to support her…

…would Korra be alone?

Was it even possible for someone to maintain a birth-given duty to the world alone? Without anybody to ground her and comfort her?

The thought itself was unfathomable to the firebender as he sat between his brother and girlfriend back at the Sato Estate that evening. Mako's mind remained wrapped around the Avatar.

How could Korra have cut off their friendship so swiftly? Just like that? Though Mako didn't want to admit to it out loud, that fact alone hurt his feelings a bit.

He was certain that she would at least listen to him.

The fact that Korra was personally going out of her way to persecute Hiroshi Sato did not sit well with Mako. He knew that she wasn't acting out of jealousy…but her actions were hurting his girlfriend.

Perhaps he should have worded his concerns more delicately to Korra because Mako was now more than certain that he had hurt his former friend in return.

He couldn't ignore the grimy sadness that had shone through the angered expression she donned when she had knocked him down to the ground and again as she bid him farewell.

"Goodbye Mako," Korra said to him. Mako couldn't understand the constricting sensation he had been experiencing; as if he needed another unnamed emotion to identify within himself…

But despite all the utter confusion brought onto him from the Sato investigation, Mako had felt a need to fiercely protect Asami from everything. Regardless of the consequences…

So, when Lin Beifong's metalbender cops unceremoniously burst through the double doors of the Sato Estate, Mako came close to lightning bending them all to the other side of town. Every bolt released from his fingertips would hit each metalbender so hard, their ancestors would feel the jolt.

It had been hours since Councilman Tenzin, Chief Beifong, and the Avatar - by now, her name was mind-numbing to him - searched every nook and cranny of Future Industries. He grimaced at the metalbender cops.

'Did they not learn how to give up?' He thought exasperatedly; Hiroshi had been berated enough! This was getting ridiculous and he was very close to telling them all off.

"We have reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion." Chief Beifong had explained without any sign of regret.

Asami had been furious with the intrusion, her green eyes hardened at the sight of Beifong.

"I think I would have noticed if there were a factory under my house," she responded angrily, "The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father…"

"Where is your father?" Tenzin asked.

"In his workshop, behind his house."

Korra stood behind Lin and Tenzin quietly, her blue eyes downcast. She felt terrible about this entire thing, but she knew that this was absolutely necessary. Even if it terminated one of the very first friendships she had made in Republic City.

She had been more sorrowful than angry with Mako for refusing to believe her like he did.

But now that there was proof of Asami's father being an Equalist, Korra felt that she wouldn't be seeing much of Mako or Bolin after this. She suspected Mako to blame her again for hurting Asami and that he would hate her for it.

Korra's stomach dropped at the thought.

"Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world."

Korra remembered Katara telling her that as a younger adolescent; they were the very words Avatar Yangchen had offered Aang 70 years ago…

…and it was almost sickening to Korra how fitting the advice was to her current situation.

She did not feel any better when she was proven right and Lin uncovered Hiroshi Sato's secret tunnel.

Korra cast one apologetic glance in Mako's direction before disappearing into the darkness.

'You're an idiot, Mako' he thought to himself when Korra disappeared from view. How many times would she have to prove herself in order for him to understand that she isn't the bad guy? Mako wished for the floor to swallow him whole because the guilt itself wasn't doing an effective job.

Mako thought nothing could make him feel worse about himself…

…until it was verified that Hiroshi Sato was indeed an Equalist, that Korra was absolutely correct in her suspicions, and that Mako was the worst.

When he spotted the all-powerful Avatar unconscious in the middle of Hiroshi's hidden factory, something raw and fierce had erupted in his chest. It was something more potent than the gut-wrenching guilt and shame he felt…

He did not quite understand the sensation, but he knew better to ignore it.

Mako had acted on instinct and, with Bolin, had grabbed Tenzin, Lin, and Korra. Together, with the help of Asami, they all had luckily escaped from the Sato Estate and were now overlooking Republic City's coastline.

Mako's amber gaze locked on Korra's back. He could see her profile from where he stood; Korra remained motionless as she forlornly stared out the window, her blue eyes scanning the bright skyline.

He swallowed thickly, knowing what he owed to the Avatar.

To the world's protector.

To his friend.

To Korra.

He approached her wordlessly; Mako noticed how Korra turned slightly in his direction but did not bother to acknowledge his presence. He knew that she was listening.

He spoke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you," he said, "but Asami's dad being an Equalist is not an easy thing to believe. Even now."

Mako had half-expected Korra to yell at him, to do something rash and violent and completely Korra-like, but instead, she turned away from him.

Not once did her eyes meet his.

"I know," Korra replied, "I'm sorry this whole thing happened."

The two stood quietly for a few moments, exchanging and accepting their silent apologies. Mako shifted his weight onto his other foot before asking Korra if her offer to live at the Air Temple with her and Tenzin's family still stood.

He wouldn't be surprised if she said no.

Korra turned to him again and smiled brightly. Mako's breath got caught in his throat when he realized that she wasn't angry at all with him and that she fully accepted his friendship once more.

"Of course it does, and Asami's welcome too."

When the Avatar redirected him to comfort his distraught girlfriend, Mako could clearly see the change in Korra's demeanor. And as he held Asami tightly, Mako looked back at Korra's figure. She remained rooted in front of the window, deeply engrossed in her thoughts.

Mako couldn't help but notice how incredibly lonely she appeared.

And he couldn't help but to be frustrated because he didn't know what to do about it.

Notes: This was a little slow…WHO IS EXCITED FOR EPISODE 8 THIS SATURDAY? Word on the street is that it's a doozy (but what episode isn't?)