He lay there, uncertain as to how he should proceed. Had he just been squashed and smashed as easily as an ant? Could these meager Midgardian mortals dare to raise a hand to a God? How could that behemoth lay a hand on him? Mostly it was shock that kept Loki lying there in the crater in Stark Towers.

But, he realized, slowly with trepidation, that he was actually hurt and that the wounds were not going to heal quickly. There was a quick bolt of white hot pain that spread through his body and Loki recalled his torture at the hands of the Chitauri, but no, that and this could hardly compare to what he saw and what he felt and what horrible burning pain his mind went through falling in the Yggdrasil.

Nothing compared to that. He felt a bit insane, a bit screwed up and screwed over, and completely broken. The tears were almost coming and the humiliation of being driven to them made him see red. Not even that feeling of utter defeat was worse than his madness.

Nothing was worse than his madness and all the pain he had long endured. It was bound to happen eventually, the fragile thread of sanity was destined to snap and give way to the monster that Loki really was.

It felt so right to just become the villain, to give into his real nature, to reach out and embrace his heritage. His true nature lay in darkness and lies, in cold and fear. He really was wicked and deadly. He was really a monster, a beast, not so different he supposed than the one who had slammed him into the floor.

He was far different from Thor and it was just so obvious that he never really belonged to Asgard, that he was never really an Asgardian.

He is so much more than an Asgardian.

So much more.

Curse his once elder brother and this damn mud-ball he loves so much. One day, Loki knew he would destroy this place and everything Thor loves and make him watch and suffer as everything burns around him. He would make Thor watch as he killed and tortured that woman, cut her apart, ripped out her lungs, opening up her soft flesh and letting the blood flow in an orgy of violence, he hoped Thor would scream, Loki would laugh.

Oh, how he would take pleasure in that.

It should be him on the throne with humanity kneeling and pleading before him. Not Loki lying here on the ground of the wrecked tower.

He was taken to another glass enclosure. A new prison at a new location. He still hurt and his injuries were still healing, but the boredom was beginning to get to him.

"Hey, reindeer games without the reindeer." Tony Stark said cheerfully as a greeting. Loki did not bother to acknowledge the presence of said annoying mortal.

"I just wanted to let you know that you're definitely not getting that drink anytime soon. FYI, you're not getting anything for a while. Except, another cell, maybe."

Loki spared Tony a withering glance. "What do you want?" he asked tensely, blue eyes still locked in the opposite direction.

"To gloat. And maybe threaten again." Tony quipped.

"Threaten?" Loki looked at him, eyes ice cold. "Threaten me with what Man of Iron? What could you possibly do to me now?"

"Oh, plenty of things." Tony shot back. "Use you as a lab rat. Execute you. Or better yet, give you to the Chitauri."

Loki shrank back in his cell.

"Yeah, I thought you guys wouldn't be on great terms, since you lost their whole war and got their army blown up."

"Th-That was you." Loki blustered.

"Yeah, but you were kinda the leader of them."

"Ha! I was hardly their leader." Loki began to frantically pace. Tony turned his head to the side.

"So, you do admit there was someone bigger behind this?"

"No. I admit nothing." Loki spat back angrily. Tony only smirked in a 'you are a dumbass' way.

"You better start, uh, giving us something or we will throw you to the super pissed off aliens."

That was when something snapped behind Loki's dead, ice blue eyes and he phased through the glass like it was water and put his face close to Tony's.

Tony could hear the yelling of his teammates and their frantic rush to get to him in the com in his ear.

"My brother won't allow it." Loki hissed, he was close, but not touching.

Then, Tony saw something that gave him pause, a flicker of of doubt shone through Loki's madness. He'd never say it, but Loki was scared. Loki was scared that Thor would'nt care about Loki's fate and that he wouldn't rescue him. Loki was backing away from Tony, eyes widening.

"I mean, he is not my brother." Loki's mistake had dawned on him. He still thought of Thor as his brother. He would say that he loathed Thor to the end of his days, but somewhere in him, deep, deeeeep, down he cared for him.

Despite himself, and despite all the people Loki had killed, Tony pitied him. Lonely, egomaniac, crazy diva that he was. He pitied how emotionally distraught and desperate Loki was, he pitied the way that tears had formed in Lokis eyes and how they were clinging to his lashes. As Thor and the other Avengers rushed in and subdued him and Thor forcibly put Loki in restraints, Tony pitied him.

He pitied that poor, puny God.