The Seven Sinners

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts

Ienzo - Lust

No matter how much time he spent in this lab, surrounded by adults, Ienzo could not help but feel like a child.

He was a mere child when Ansem took him in, so he had no experience with dealing with people his own age. That was why he was completely taken off guard by the appearance of the blue-haired girl.

God, she was so beautiful. Her chest was so well-defined and full. Her thighs were so round and smooth as the skin on a newborn child. And her hair? God, her hair. It seemed to flutter in the breeze, inviting Ienzo in with its luscious smell and its perfect color.

Aqua, he believed the girl was called. He knew as much because of the boy that was with her: Ventus. He had been saved by him earlier, and he had never really gotten a chance to thank the boy.

Now he never would.

It made him sick, how such a beautiful maiden like Aqua would fall for such a lowlife like Ventus. Why couldn't Ienzo get some of that softness and beauty for himself? Why should he, a beautiful and youthful man like himself be cooped up in a dingy old lab while such cretins like Ventus get all the action? Must Ienzo always be confined to the darkness of his loneliness while other bask in the lights of their beloveds.

It drove him crazy; it drove him made to think that he could not enjoy the pleasure of a woman like a normal boy. He wanted so bad to touch her soft behind, but he didn't even have the nerve to stand within five feet of her. He wanted to kiss her soft pink lips, but he couldn't even muster the courage to talk to her. He wanted to be in her soft creamy arms as she carried him to their honeymoon suite, but he couldn't even afford a ring to give her (the internship gave no payment for its applicants).

No matter how old Ienzo grew up, the jealousy he felt for those able to bask in the lustful pleasures and desires that he was denied would remain.

If he couldn't have some of that action, then no one would.

No one.