Disclaimer: I do not own any vocaloids. If i do, Kaito append already out in market...

Summary: He was just a villager, but one day, Knights who served under the gods came and destory his home, and he was barely saved by himself. Now together with a blue head swordsman, he was going to embark a journey to uncover the reasons behind everything. Rated T for swearing. NON-YAOI, friendships only

Lost Destination


~Somewhere in an unknown area of the world~

"Once upon a time, the world of Hamonia had lived in peace. However, some arrogant people had accidently opened the gate of Demon realms, causing chaos to fall upon the world. One day, a God by the name of Lucifer, gathered the 8 spirit stones and, with his knowledge of the eight different elemental types of magic: Light, Darkness, Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Wind and Lightning, he forced the Demon King and his minions back to where they were from. Because of that, the grateful people worshipped him and with that practice continued till this day….."

Closing the book, the woman smiled, sadly, thinking how the real history had been twisted by a so-called god, and how those foolish humans had lived day after day without realizing something was wrong. They never realize their lives are been controlled by the God they worshipped.

But the change is coming. She thought, grazing the night, starry sky again.

Amongst the stars was a big ominous feeling of dark, almost black violet star, shone evilly and threatening to blacken the rest of the stars in the sky with its strange, indescribable light. However, nine small, colorful stars soon appeared, surrounded the big star and outshined it, getting rid of the devilish feeling of the big star gave off. And slowly, the big star disappeared, leaving a clear, peaceful sky. This scene has occurred since thirteen years ago, starting when the first star, an Indigo star, appeared on the sky one late winter.

At first she thought the devil star had spilt itself, but a few months later, a yellow star joined in and shining beside the indigo star, followed by cerulean, blue, green, red and orange stars. On the fifth winter night after the first star had appeared, two little white stars joined the group to complete the radiance.

The stars….. She finally realized. They symbolized the elements of the world… And those two white stars….so there will be two light magic users?

With her curiosity getting the better of her, she went to the crystal clear lake to see what future had store for them.

Using her power as a seer, she conjured out the images of chosen ones: A blue head, kind-hearted boy, with darkness seemly surrounding him; a silent, stubborn purple head teen who had clothes resemble like a olden samurai in Igins, one of the four country in Harmonia, swinging his sword at a dummy; a gentle and carefree chestnut -brown short-haired young lady playing with maple-red leaves, dancing among them; a cool and calm brunette scholar reading over a complicated-looking book and doing what could be notes taking; cheerful, bright grass-green hair girl doing a matching on a plant holding on her hand over a red covered book; a serious expression of a hyperactive, reddish-pink long-haired maiden, jumping from trees to trees; a long, teal-haired girl tied in pigtails holding onto a V-shaped boomerang as big as herself, staring hard at a huge bear she was fighting against; and last but not least, a young blond boy with an identical blond girl running around, playing.

Twins…. She thought, shaking her head sadly. All of them are too young, with the oldest of them is only looking twenty at most, and the youngest are likely fourteen. So the world's fate is now rested on these children.

Eight years passing quietly after the white stars appearance, and tonight the seer could feel clearly- the clock of the fate she had foreseen before had begun its move. Closing her brilliant crystal blue eyes and letting the gentle passing wind to play her long, wavy pink hair, she prayed for the spirits of the world to bless those chosen children's safety.

~Meanwhile, in the Country of Aqua~

"Find him! He just a child! He can't be that far away! Search the whole forest!" A light blond commander yelled at his subordinates.

On hearing that, the 13-year-old young blue-haired boy crutched his sword tighter to his chest, and continued to run. Upon reaching the clearing, he realized he had run towards the cliff.

A dead end… he thought. Panting hard, he tried to head to another direction, only to find out he was surrounded.

"Prince Kyle, please return to the palace now, I'm sure your parents are worried about you. They will lighten the punishment you return obediently." The commander spoke gently, closing the distance between him and the frightened child. Suddenly, a bright, blue flame burst between the boy and the commander, creating a wall that separated the pursuers from the young prince.

"NEVER! I won't return, not even if I dead!" The young boy, Kyle, yelled, and turned towards the cliff.

Cursing under his breath, the commander ordered his underlings to put out the blue flame Kyle made using water stones, but it was too late- He had jumped off the tall cliff.

"Go to the bottom of the cliff, now! We must find him no matter what, dead or alive!" He ordered. As those knights hurried away, the commander muttered under his breath, "Yes, we must find him, for the sake of our god, Lucifer…."

At the bottom of the cliff, far away from the landing point, Kyle continued to half run, half fly using wind magic he learned recently from a friend, until he reached the river. Jumping into the water, he let the current of the river carried him further away from his homeland, occasionally using water magic to keep himself from sinking. After what felt like hours, and with none of his pursuers in sight, he wearily climbed out of the river and onto the shore. Looking around at the unfamiliar area, he went towards a tree with big roots, leaning on it to rest. Thinking back what happen a moment ago, he cried, silently.

Touching the burn marked on his neck, which had taken a shape of a Sakura flower, he looked up to the night sky. "Piko, I swear, I'll become stronger than now and avenge your death. No matter what happens, I'll take down that bastard murder. I WILL KILL that fake god, Lucifer."

Love it? Hate it? Just review and tell me you thoughts for it ^^b

edited(26/05/12): added the actual summary... it's a non-yaoi fic for those who thought it is...sorry...

Edited 2 (13/09/12): Add in details and revised the grammars Mistakes pointed up by japaneserockergirl... hopefully i did a good job this time... =\