Disclaimer: Neither I nor my co-author own the Avengers. All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee for creating such amazing characters and back stories, and all rights go to Disney for producing an AMAZING movie.

Author's Note: My friend and I loved the movie so much we wanted to write our own story for it. Obviously the movie is not out yet so therefore we have no way to get the exact script for it. So we've written what we know best of the movie. So please, bear with us on this. We love criticism as long as it's helpful, but please do not bash our story with this. We really love it, and we're really trying our hardest. All of this is off of memory. So it's very hard. Thank you! And now please enjoy our first chapter!

"Rhea!" Natasha Romanoff called as she made her way over to the jet that had just landed on the deck of the SHIELD Headquarters.

Rhea walked down the ramp onto the deck from the jet and grinned at the redhead walking towards her. Her own strawberry blonde hair was slowly being pulled out of its braid by the wind, little wisps of it framing her face by the time Natasha had stopped in front of her. Rhea grinned at her fellow spy as Natasha nodded to someone behind the strawberry blonde. Rhea turned to see who she was greeting and saw a tall man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes walking down the ramp as well, another agent beside him.

The man with blonde hair was Steve Rogers, or Captain America as most of the world knew him by. While Colonel Nick Fury had been the one to ask him to join this project, Agent Phil Coulson had been the one to actually travel with him to SHIELD. Along the way, they had picked up Rhea King, another spy for SHIELD who had been on a mission in South America. Nick Fury had called her in for help just like he had with Natasha. Rhea had put her current mission on hold to accompany SHIELD.

"Natasha, how are things here?" Rhea asked.

"Good. I was on a mission, and they called me in," She said and Rhea nodded.

"Same," She said. Natasha stepped past Rhea to greet Steve Rogers as Phil Coulson moved into the main control room.

"Captain Rogers," She said shaking his hand. He was dressed in a plaid shirt, collared shirt tucked into his brown pants with a light brown leather jacket over it. "Good to have you aboard." Steve nodded his head in greeting as Natasha turned and noticed another man looking very uncomfortable and lost on the ship as some cadets ran past him on their training run.

"Dr. Banner," Steve said, recognizing him as he walked towards the shorter man who was wearing a purple, long-sleeved shirt and light brown slacks.

"I wasn't informed Dr. Banner would be here," Rhea said to Natasha as they stayed behind the two men.

"He assures us he has himself under control," Natasha said, even though there was an edge of uncertainty in her voice. Everyone was a little on edge at having Dr. Bruce Banner on board with them, all afraid of the unknown.

"Word is you can find the Cube," Steve said in greeting to Bruce as he shook his hand. The two girls stopped off to the side of them.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asked, wringing his hands nervously. Steve gave a small smile and a nod.

"The only word I care about," He said.

"Gentlemen," Natasha said. "If you wouldn't mind stepping inside. It's going to get a little hard to breathe in a minute," She added as a loud noise could be heard, and the gurgling of water below them reached their ears.

"They want me inside a small, pressurized cabin?" Bruce asked sarcastically as both men assumed this was about to become a submarine.

Natasha and Rhea exchanged a small glance, both knowing smiles on their faces as the two men stepped towards the edge of the ship. The water sloshed up over the edges as something was raised from underneath it. Both watched as the blades began to rotate. It picked up speed as it rose higher out of the water, before slowly picking up the ship with it. It wasn't a submarine but an aircraft.

"Oh no... this is much worse," Bruce said as they both stepped away from the edge and followed the two women inside the control room. Rhea smiled warmly as she saw the director, Nick Fury. His face was still as serious as ever.

"Agent King, Agent Romanoff," he said, addressing them. Rhea half lifted her hand and waved at him, her eyes scanning the room, already looking for ways to disguise herself if the time ever came.

"Nick," Rhea replied. "Why have you brought us here?" she asked, ever direct and to the point. Nick turned to Bruce, meeting his eyes, before turning back to the group.

"Ladies and gentleman, I have brought you here to locate the Tesseract," he said, his voice quiet but commanding. No one in the room looked surprised at this piece of information but it was protocol to address the situation in a certain way. "You might be wondering why some of us in particular are here." Everyone's eyes surreptitiously glanced towards Bruce Banner. "The fastest way to relate the Tesseract is through gamma radiation-"

"And no one knows gamma radiation like he does," Natasha finished, nodding. Bruce looked slightly put out but resigned.

"If you want me to find this thing, I'll need somewhere to work. I'll have to run the amount of radiation to get a signal." he paused in his speaking to meet the group's eyes. "I'll need somewhere to work," He repeated.

Natasha stepped forward and gestured towards him. "Follow me, Dr. Banner," she said, before leading him out of the control room and down to a laboratory, installed with many laptop screens and high tech gadgetry. The rest of the group followed him as he began tapping on the computers, engrossed in his work immediately.

"I'll need to be able to access SHIELD's computers," he said without looking up, dragging an icon across a screen. Rhea glanced over at Nick Fury to see what his reaction would be. He paused for a moment before nodding.

"We'll give you whatever you need," Nick said. "The Tesseract was brought here by Thor," He added as he turned to address the others who need further explanation. "But he's worlds away so we can't count on him to help."

"One of our own men was compromised," Natasha said as she crouched down and swiped her finger across a screen, bringing up a picture of a male with short cropped hair. 'Clint Barton' was the name written beside the picture.

"Along with him, one of our excellent scientists was also put under his control. Erik Selvig," Nick explained. "We need to locate Loki and the Tesseract as soon as we can."

Maria Hill, the second-in-command to Nick Fury, walked in the lab at that moment before whispering something to Nick. He nodded to her before she walked away without a word to anyone else in the room. Natasha and Rhea glanced at him, waiting for an explanation as to what had just happened.

"Nick?" Rhea prompted.

"Dr. Banner, stay here and work on locating it," Nick said before leading the way out of the room back into the control room with Rhea, Natasha and Steve behind him. "I need you to pull up the location of this person."

"Nick, what's going on?" Rhea asked.

"Someone accessed SHIELD information that wasn't from a SHIELD office," Nick explained.

"What did they look at?" Natasha asked as she knelt down next to a computer again.

"Our list of potential hackers and threats to our organization," Maria said as she stood beside Nick at the front. "You can't track where it came from?"

"No ma'am. The signal bounced around from a few different satellites. Whoever accessed the information knew how to keep us off their trail," An agent at a computer in front of her said.

"I want you to get me the names that were specifically looked at," Nick said. "Get me addresses, phone numbers, anything you can. We'll have to pay them a visit before Loki can get to them."

"Yes sir." The agent nodded before typing at his computer and within a few moments, three names had popped up on the large screen in front of Fury; one female and two males.

The first male was older, maybe in his late forties with light brown eyes and black hair. The name beside his picture read 'Adam Michael Lane'. The second male was younger, early thirties with wire-rimmed glasses over green eyes and sandy brown hair. His name was 'Spencer Ryan Lee'. The female had curly blonde hair with big square glasses rounded at the corners, that Rhea could only describe as nerd glasses, over bright blue eyes. The name beside her picture was 'Roxanna Rae Sparks'.

"Which one was looked at more?" Nick said, needing to know who was top priority in seeing first.

"It looks like Sparks was first then Lane and then Lee," Maria said reading off the information on the computer before glancing at Nick.

"Romanoff, King, I need you to go pay Miss Sparks a visit. Take the Cap with you. If we get any information on Loki, we'll radio you," He said. "Coulson, take Michaels and Peterson with you and go pay Mr. Lane a visit. Hill, go with Johnson and Miller to Mr. Lee's. Just stake it out. Don't engage them unless you see something that looks out of the ordinary. Got it?"

Rhea nodded before exiting the control room, Steve and Natasha following her. They made their way over to the hangar containing the various aircraft used by SHIELD.

"Who's gonna drive?" she asked, a grin on her face. Natasha rolled her eyes, before opening the door of an aircraft close to her. She confidently pulled herself up and into the cockpit. Steve and Rhea followed.

"Bet the birds have changed a bit since your time, huh Captain," Rhea said, winking. Steve rolled his eyes at her.

"I barely got to fly 'the birds' before 'my time' was over, ma'am," he said, making quotation marks on the two phrases.

"Come come Captain. Big American hot shot like you and you only touched one the day you went down? I find that hard to believe, love."

Whatever Steve Rogers' reply was, it was never heard as Natasha tapped a few buttons, the engines of the small plane beginning to whir. They ran along the road that led to the edge of the ship before hitting the air.

"Type in these coordinates," Natasha said handing Rhea a small communicator that had GPS location of where Roxanna Sparks lived.

Rhea did as she was told and took the small device from Natasha before putting the information into the main GPS of the jet. The location popped up on the computer screen in front of Rhea and she sighed as she turned the small, flat screen towards Natasha so she knew where she was going.

"She lives in New York City. Smack dab in the center of it," Rhea said. "We'll have to land the jet somewhere else and walk."

"We can land it on a rooftop. This thing's pretty small," Natasha said as she pressed a button on the control panel above her head. She glanced over her shoulder at Steve and motioned behind him. "You might wanna suit up in case we're needed, Captain," She said and it was then Steve realized both women were already dressed in their SHIELD suits. He nodded and disappeared into the small room to change.

"It's gotta be weird for him," Rhea commented. "Being out of his time and all."

Natasha nodded. "Yeah, but he seems to be adjusting pretty well," The pretty redhead said with a glance over her shoulder in the direction the Captain had gone.

Rhea nodded her head and started to reply, but quickly stopped herself when Steve walked back out dressed in his Captain America uniform. She glanced back for a moment before turning back forward. His uniform had been modified slightly. The last one he wore had been more situated for the Army and their missions. This one was more suited for what SHIELD had in mind. Instead of a helmet that he had worn in the 1940's, this one had a hood attached to his suit. There were also no protection pads on his shoulders and there was no belts for gun holsters.

"I like the new uniform, Cap," Rhea commented.

"It's tighter than it was," He commented, and Natasha smiled.

"You'll get used to it. You're not in the Army anymore, you're a part of SHIELD for the moment. We wear tight uniforms," She joked as she flew over the Statue of Liberty, letting the three know they had reached New York City and just as the sun was setting.

Natasha maneuvered the jet onto a building near where Roxanna lived. She knew it would be abandoned because of a device in the console of the jet, so it would be safe to land there, which she did. She turned it off, and lowered the ramp before unbuckling herself and standing up. She followed Rhea and Steve off of the jet and onto the roof just as the street lights below them went on, and night set in. Rhea pulled out small gadget out of her pocket before pointing to a building across the street and two buildings to the right.

"That's where she lives. Third floor, room 315," Rhea said reading off the information.

"Well, let's get closer so we can see," Natasha said moving to the fire escape on the other side of the building that dropped down into an alley. They all quickly climbed down and made their way onto the street before slipping into another alleyway across from Roxanna's apartment.

"Are we just supposed to wait?" Rhea asked, a little bit of impatience in her voice. She liked action; she liked doing something. Sitting and waiting was neither fun nor ideal to her.

"Yep," Natasha said as she leaned against the wall, and the strawberry blonde rolled her green eyes before sitting on the paved road of the alley and leaning her back against the wall.

"Fantastic," Was her reply. For the most part, they were all quiet. Occasionally, Steve would ask a question and one of the girls would answer. Until three hours had passed, making it eleven o'clock at night, and Rhea was growing impatient. "What exactly are we waiting for?" She asked, picking up a pebble from off the street and tossing it into the shadows of the alleyway.

"Something out of the ordinary," Natasha replied.

"It's New York," Rhea commented. "Everything's out of the ordinary here."

"Well, then look for something that looks too normal to belong here," Natasha said. "Someone trying too hard to fit in." Rhea merely rolled her eyes.

Like Natasha, Steve seemed to manage long periods of time doing nothing. After about another half hour, there was some movement down the end of the alley way. Rhea stood up, remaining silent. The other two followed her actions. The moved back more into the shadows, watching as a man wearing similar gear to Natasha crossed the road to the house they had under surveillance.

It was only when Rhea moved fully into the light that Steve saw what she was wearing. On the plane, and as they moved their way to Roxanna's house, she'd seemed to be wearing a suit similar to Natasha's. However, it's true specialty became clear. The suit refracted the light and area around her, making it hard to see where she was moving. What made her harder to follow still was how she moved, using the shadows to shield her, bending her body in particular ways. They watched as the man entered the house.

"We're going in," Natasha said decisively, more for Steve's benefit than Rhea's.

She nodded and slipped around the side of the house. She swung up onto the balcony, sitting on the top of it. Natasha followed in the same, athletic gymnast fashion. She was an accomplished ballerina, as every Russian should be. Steve opted for a more conventional method, using his upper body strength to pull himself up. They moved along, silently and in a pattern, listening for any sounds or movement inside the house. They paused.

"Hello?" A young, female voice came from inside the house before a light flicked on.

The spies and the captain watched as a woman's silhouette made its way through the house. In the next second, there was a bang, followed by a scream. Rhea kicked the window through, shattering the glass. In the half light, she could see the man from the alley holding the small blonde girl she'd only seen once before on a monitor. She wasn't wearing her glasses, clearly having only just woken up. Without hesitating, she spun through the air, trying to divert the attention from Roxanna to herself. Her foot hit the man in the chest and he stumbled backwards. As soon as the SHIELD agents had appeared, Roxanna had jumped back in fright.

"Who are you?" she asked frantically as Rhea moved forward to hit the man again.

She noticed something odd about his eyes. They were glowing with an unnatural blue colour, the same colour as the pictures she'd seen of the Tesseract. After another moment, she realised it was a SHIELD agent, one she'd worked with before. Hayden Douglas, who specialised in warfare, was acting against them.

She froze for a second, trying to figure out how this could have happened. It was all he needed to recover. He returned attack on her, hitting out at her, hitting her weak spots, the spots that every agent was taught. His hand went to his hip and she knew there was a gun there. Before he could draw it, Natasha's fist smashed into his face and she kneed the hand holding the gun, an audible crack at the contact as he dropped it, seething with rage. Her next punch rendered him unconscious.

Meanwhile, Captain America had pulled Roxanna into the kitchen. He took in all her features immediately, as he'd been trained to do. Anything could help in a liable situation. Her blue eyes clearly displayed fear and her messy blonde hair showed him that she had just woken back.

"Who are you? Who is that man? What are you doing here?" she asked, her questions spilling out of her mouth urgently.

"My name is Steve Rogers. I am part of an organisation called SHIELD and earlier this day, you were found breaching our system." This wasn't strictly true as they had three suspects, but the appearance of the man meant they must have tracked it back to her as well, therefore making her the most likely.

"Steve Rogers? As in Captain America?" she asked, her voice a lot calmer. Her eyes flicked down his body, taking in his suit.

"Indeed ma'am. Please, focus on the matter. Did you hack the SHIELD system at 1537 hours today?"

"No... I mean, I don't think so... I was just fiddling around with my computers like I always do. Sometimes new information comes into my computer but I generally just ignore it." She bit her lip before looking up at him. "And I guess that happened today..." She trailed off, before glancing over to where Rhea and Natasha were standing. Steve followed her gaze.

With a moment to take a deep breath, Roxanna actually studied him. She couldn't believe she was standing in front of an actual legend. The suit he was wearing hugged his body tightly, showing clear muscle definition. The Super Soldier serum had definitely worked, and it showed. Roxanna temporarily forgot the predicament she had just been in and stared at him for a few moments before the voice of Rhea brought her back. The blonde shook her head and had to ask what was said again.

"Are you okay?" Rhea repeated, this time more slowly and with a smirk because she was fully aware of where the girl's attention had been. She had had her mind there before if she was being honest. Steve Rogers was quite attractive.

Roxanna nodded. "Yeah... I'm fine." She seemed to get over her initial shock. "What the hell just happened?" She snapped.

"You need to come with us," Natasha said.

Roxanna shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with anyoneuntil someone tells me what's going on," She stated.

"You're in danger," Rhea said, giving into the girl's questions.

"Excuse me?" Roxanna questioned, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Look, we'll explain later, but you need to come with us before he wakes up," Rhea said motioning to the fallen SHIELD agent behind them.

Roxanna glanced at the man before looking back at Rhea. "Can't you just take him with you?" She said. "And leave me here?"

"Oh, we're taking him with us," Rhea said. "But if we leave you here more like him will come," She added. "So we need you to come too."

Roxanna sighed and look ready to protest before finally nodding her head. "Fine. I'll go. Can I at least get dressed first?" She asked and it was then they all took in her short shorts and camisole she wore as pajamas.

Rhea nodded. "Yes. But be quick," She said before the girl dashed off to her room to change.

Steve moved over to the fallen SHIELD agent before picking him up and throwing him over one shoulder, figuring he would be too heavy for either one or both of the females to carry. The Super Soldier Serum gave him extra strength, enough to hold up a motorcycle with three girls sitting atop it, which was something everyone in the '40s knew about. He shook his head at the memory, hating that what he thought would make him a hero had at first turned him into some circus freak beforehe had become what he was now.

Roxanna reappeared wearing shorts and a checked blouse. Her glasses from the photo they'd all viewed from her ID photo were now on. They gave her a more intelligent, yet more innocent look.

"We're leaving now," Rhea told her, turning to walk to the window.

"Rhea?" Natasha called just before her friend stepped through it. "We can go out the door." Steve chuckled as he walked down the stairs, still holding Hayden. Roxanna followed him, her every step seeming nervous. They exited out onto the street, leaving Roxanna's apartment unlocked and destroyed. They'd follow it up later.

"You still haven't told me anything. I shouldn't be coming with you," she said, looking at them with wide eyes.

There were several reasons why she had accepted. Earlier, she had been online and like always, a site with a warning had come up. She'd just ignored it and continued but it seemed this time she'd done some damage. The other reason was the appearance of Captain America. She knew that he was a superhero. Everyone did, but he'd been frozen for the last seventy years. The two women also seemed to be dressed for this kind of thing... whatever it was. So Roxanna came; if she'd made a mistake or done something wrong, she'd take the punishment for it.

They lead her through the streets and to a seemingly abandoned building. Captain America placed the fallen agent on the ground to briefly lift up Rhea. She grabbed the fire escape and they all made their way up the stairs. When they reached the top, Roxanna's jaw literally dropped. There was what seemed like a fighter jet parked on the roof of the building. From this height, Roxanna could see her own apartment. The redheaded woman walked over, pulling out a small key pad concealed on the side of the jet. A horizontal screen folded out and she placed her hand onto it.

"Access allowed," a robotic voice stated before the side of the jet opened out, revealing a door. Steve turned back slightly and grinned at Roxanna's awed expression.

"In you go," he told her, walking over himself. The two other females pulled themselves up, the one with the mirrored suit had a black one now. Roxanna cautiously climbed in and instinctively reached to pull a seat belt on, as she would in a car. Steve chuckled at her.

"You ain't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy," he joked and Roxanna gave him a small smile back.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked after a moment, her voice quiet but clear.

"Somewhere where you'll be safe from guys like him," Steve told her, jerking his finger at the man lying on the ground. "And where you can be very useful." Roxanna frowned at this statement but didn't question it.

"And who are they?" she asked, pointing at Rhea and Natasha.

Steve hesitated a moment before replying. He was obviously recognizable, due to his suit and physique. Although both of the spies were known in their world, they were basically undercover to civilians. Steve didn't know if he should share their identities with the small blonde girl. However, glancing back at her, she seemed too lost that he decided she needed a little bit of structure.

"The redheaded woman is Natasha Romanoff and the blonde is Rhea King. They both work for an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Shield? Like what you carry?" Roxanna asked to clarify and Steve shook his head.

"No, it's an acronym." He didn't specify on what it stood for. She started to ask, but Rhea turned around, cutting her off.

"It doesn't matter what it stands for," She said.

Roxanna nodded her head, and placed her hands in her lap, twiddling her fingers as the plane lifted off of the ground and into the air, not like any normal plane Roxanna had ever been on. The ones she had ridden in had to have a runway to takeoff, but not this one. It just lifted up into the air and took off towards their destination. Roxanna had to admit, she was pretty impressed with it. This was all technology she had heard of, but never experienced herself, and she was pretty excited to see it.

The trip there was pretty quiet, the occasional conversation between Rhea and Natasha went on, but they mostly stayed silent. Steve stood in the back, holding onto the top bar of the jet to keep his balance when Natasha turned too sharply.

After a while, the jet landed on a surface, but when Roxanna stepped out of the jet, she was surprised. All that surrounded her were stars and the night sky. Her eyes narrowed curiously as she took a step forwards, but a hand enclosed around her arm pulling her back. She turned to see Steve standing there. He shook his head at her, letting her know walking around on the deck late at night was probably not a good idea.

"We're in the air," He explained to her as he started walking behind Rhea and Natasha. Roxanna followed him, intrigued by the fact they were in the air, not freaked out like most normal people would be.

They made their way inside the control room and Roxanna found herself stopping to stare at almost everything they passed by, intrigued by everything. Rhea and Natasha often had to stop and pull her along to keep her moving. But eventually they made it to their destination where Nick Fury was waiting for them. Roxanna's first instinct was to hide because he didn't seem like a very nice guy. He was tall, large, bald and wore an eye patch, all of these things seemed to add to his intimidation factor.

"Roxanna Sparks. Welcome to SHIELD," He said stepping forward and holding out his hand. "I'm Nick Fury." She hesitantly shook his hand, only doing so because she felt obligated not because she wanted to.

"What am I here for?" She asked.

"Well, as evidence of the attack that took place in your apartment, I'm pretty sure here is the best place for you," Nick said as he turned around to talk to another agent that had walked up to him before turning to and motioning for the agents to follow him into a smaller room where another man was busy working at different flat screens. "Bruce, any luck locating the Tesseract?"

"Not at the moment. We need to widen our horizons," Bruce said.

"Well, we're looking into every camera we can to narrow down places where he would be," Nick said, and Bruce shook his head.

"It's not going to be enough," He said.

"You could just tap into satellites," Roxanna said speaking up. Nick turned to give her a curious look, surprised she had spoken.

"Yes, but that could take days to get the proper authorization to do so," Bruce said.

Roxanna scoffed. "You're telling me with all this fancy equipment lying around, you can't hack into a satellite and look at the images it took?" She questioned, her eyebrows raised. "I can do that from a simple DELL laptop with 2 gigs. You've got more than that around here."

"There's protocol you have to go through in order to look at a country's satellite," Bruce said, but Roxanna wasn't listening. She stepped past the man wearing the purple shirt and started typing away at the screen.

"If this guy is as dangerous as you say he is," She said not looking up, her fingers flying across the keys. "Then you have to find him quickly, am I correct?" She asked glancing up. When no one said anything she started typing away again. "Besides, you can't be traced if you know how to cover your trail. So, no one has to know you looked through the satellite images."

"Excuse me," Bruce said, his tone clearly showing he was irritated at having this conversation with someone much younger than himself. His voice sounded like he was reprimanding a small child, and Roxanna didn't seem very pleased with the fact he considered her a child instead of someone who could help. "You can't just tap into another country's satellites without their government's say so."

He stepped forward and placed a hand on the girl's arm, pulling her away from the computer screens she had been working on. Roxanna shoved his hand off her arm, her eyes narrowed angrily. She hated being treated like she didn't know what she was doing. Steve moved forward the instant she pushed Bruce's hand off and put himself between the blonde girl and Bruce for reasons unknown to Roxanna. Bruce didn't look like much of a threat, so why did everyone seem like they were in danger? Why was Steve suddenly being protective?

She looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be tense. She frowned, not knowing what to do. Before she could say anything, Bruce rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine, okay? I just don't like people touching my stuff," he mumbled as he turned another screen towards him. Roxanna's mouth fell open slightly. She didn't know who this man was but everyone seemed to be afraid, or respectful of him. She looked up at Steve for answers.

"Roxanna, meet Doctor Bruce Banner," he said, gesturing at the man behind the computer. The name was familiar to her, but she couldn't place why.

"What do you all do?" Roxanna asked, deciding to avoid the question until later. The woman from earlier, Rhea, smirked at her.

"Well, Tasha and I attempt to save the world when the Americans can't," she said. "But I guess you could say Doctor Banner here is our local gamma ray expert."

Roxanna frowned. She knew that this thing they were searching for, the Tesseract, could be located by gamma waves. Steve had mentioned it to her on the flight back. But the British woman's words seemed to be very specific to Bruce.

"Agent King." Nick Fury's authoritative voice cut across. "Why don't you brief Miss Sparks on who the rest of her team will be during her stay here."