Disclaimer: I own nothing….

Chapter 1

Kagome was enjoying a steaming cup of coffee and staring into the stars with pink mittens and a snowflake patterned hand knit snow hat. She had always wanted to be an astronomer. Suddenly, her peaceful moment was shattered by the shrieking of a telephone. She debated for a moment whether or not to head over, but eventually meandered her way over to the counter.

"Hello?" She drawled, moving aside a biology book to make space for her elbow. The tense, grim voice of her friend, Sango, filled the line.

"Kagome? We need you down here."

"Eh? I thought it's my day off. Shouldn't Eri and Ayumi be there with you?"

"They were," Kagome could almost see her friend roll her eyes in exasperation, "the first sight of blood and Eri fainted. That girl, I swear…" The trainee nurses were talkative and bright, but a bit too frolicsome, flirting and chatting at every turn. A real emergency should show them….emergency?

"What happened, Sango?"

"Crash. Drunk driving. The usual, except this guy managed to hit four cars, including a minivan. Three of the cars were minimally scratched, but the minivan had some soccer team. All the people inside crashed into each other and, well, you know."
Kagome did know, though she wished she didn't.

"I'll be right down there."

Word Count: 224