Hello! Welcome to my 15th story! *Ducks for cover*
To those of you who've been reading my other stories, I apologize for making you wait a bit longer for the next update. The way my mind works, I write whatever story comes to mind, even when I'm working on something else at the same time. As a result, updates aren't typically that fast for any of my stories. But they still get done!
Anyway, this is for all of the Ouran Host Club fans! Especially if you are fans of the twins! They are awesome! I hope you enjoy this first chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club. The OC is mine.
Chapter 1
At the top floor of the south campus, in the third music room at the end of the north corridor was a club called the Host Club. The Host Club was there to entertain all the female students who had too much free time.
Currently, everyone was wearing their regular uniforms instead of cosplaying as the boys typically did during the club's activities. The guys were doing their best to charm the ladies, and the ladies were all laughing and blushing at the compliments they were receiving.
Although at the moment, this didn't apply to all of the ladies. Off to one side of the room, away from the Host Club members and their guests was one girl wearing the yellow dress that was the school uniform. She had waist-length black hair with her bangs framing her face. Her gray eyes stared at the floor with a dull expression as she swept the area with the broom in her hands.
"Hey! Sachiko! Come over here!" She sighed. Just what could the twins want now? She hoped that it wasn't some prank.
She propped the broom up against the wall before walking over to where the twins sat with Haruhi. She said nothing, just stared at them, waiting for her orders.
"Haruhi is going to teach you how to make instant coffee so that you can make it for everyone," said the twins at the same time. Haruhi looked about as irritated as Sachiko felt, but Sachiko kept the same bored expression she had all day.
As she watched Haruhi heat up the water, she wondered just how she ended up here in the first place. Wait, never mind. She remembered exactly how she came to be here when she'd rather be alone.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It was just another boring day. Nothing new ever happened at this school. And the other students here were always the same. But that was fine with her. It meant that they left her alone when she wanted her solitude. People had long since stop bothering her ever since that happened, since they no longer had a reason to try to befriend her.
However, they had an annoying habit of occupying all of the music rooms at the most inconvenient times. Honestly, some of the people weren't even practicing on an instrument, so why were they even there?
Oh well, if she remembered correctly, there was supposed to be an unused music room somewhere in the south campus. She should have some peace there.
It took her a while, but Sachiko finally found the room she was looking for. She couldn't hear a peep from within the room, making her hopeful that it was empty.
However, when she opened the door, she found 6 boys positioned around a couch, looking at her as though they were expecting her.
"Welcome." She stood there at the open door, staring at them with a blank expression on her face. She was disappointed that the room wasn't unused, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.
"Sorry. I didn't know there was someone already in here," she said. She then turned to leave.
"Hey! Wait!" She looked over her shoulder, directing her half-lidded gaze at the blonde who spoke up.
"No need to be shy! I know that you might be overwhelmed by the sight of our beauty, but the Host Club is here to entertain young ladies like yourself. So come on in and choose who you want to accompany you this fine afternoon," said the blonde sitting on the couch in an extravagant way. She said nothing, just continued to stare at him blankly.
". . . I'm not here for this Host Club thing. I was just looking for an empty music room," she said in a flat tone. There was a look of shock on the blonde's face seemed exaggerated, but she didn't stay to watch him much longer.
"Hey! Wait!" he called out again, but she ignored him this time. Instead, she walked down the hall, wondering what to do now. She supposed that she could just find an empty classroom to read a book in, but that hadn't been what she wanted to do.
She had stopped her musings when she spotted a girl with long red hair standing next to an open window. Normally, such a sight wouldn't have caught her eye in the first place, but the girl's actions had come across as being peculiar. After all, it wasn't every day that someone chucked a book bag out the window. She stayed around the corner and out of sight as she watched.
She was thinking that the girl doing this weird thing looked familiar for some reason. She was still pondering this as the girl walked away. Soon after she left, a feminine-looking boy appeared in the hallway. It looked like he was looking for something.
Acting on a hunch, she walked out towards him. When he spotted her, he seemed to have recognized her.
"Hey, aren't you in my class?" he asked. Even more curious, he actually acknowledged her existence. She nodded.
"I don't suppose you've seen my book bag?" he asked. She pointed out the window, not offering any other explanation.
Haruhi followed the girl's finger out the window to see the bag he was looking for in pond out the window. Considering everything else that had been happening to him the past few days, it was clear that this was the work of a bully. His first thought was that the girl next to him had something to do with it, but what would her motive be? She was in his class, but all she ever did was sit at her desk and read. She'd never bothered with interacting with other people.
"Uh, thank you," he said as he ran past her down the hall. He could wonder about her motives later. Right now, he needed to get his wallet. It had his food money in it.
Sachiko watched as he ran past her . . . only to bump into the same girl that threw his bag out the window.
"Ah, I'm sorry," he said.
"Oh, hello. You are the peasant. Thanks to Tamaki-sama, you look a lot nicer now. Actually, you do look like one of our students now," said the red-haired bully. As she walked by him, she added, "Why don't you fix your faults in your upbringing, too?"
Sachiko glared at the redhead. She now remembered where she saw this bully. She'd remembered seeing her putting a razor blade in someone's textbook yesterday. This girl had a nasty personality.
Haruhi looked between Tamaki's best customer to the girl who was now looking at the redhead with a slight glare. Maybe he had jumped to conclusions when he suspected the black-haired girl. After all, she'd probably only meant to help when she pointed out his bag.
She watched him run off to go retrieve his bag. She wondered what she should do. Normally, she wouldn't care about what happened to other people, but that bully had really struck a nerve in her.
She walked off with half of an idea in mind.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . How did she end up here again?
In her decision to follow the bully to see what she was planning next, Sachiko had ended up back at the third music room, where the Host Club was. She never strayed from the door, but she had to remind herself that she had a reason for coming to a room full of swooning girls and the guys flattering them.
If it wasn't for the fact that the bully was now sitting across from her victim within the door's sight, Sachiko would have considered this visit a waste of time. She needed to figure out what that bully was up to.
She leaned against the door frame, watching the two of them. Luckily, she wasn't being noticed by anyone this time.
From her vantage point, it looked like the bully was trying to use another verbal attack. An attack that must have failed because, not only did the boy's expression not drop, he said something that had shocked her. The shock only lasted a couple of seconds before the bully knocked over the table and backed away.
"Help!" cried the bully, "Haruhi-kun suddenly became violent!" Sachiko frowned at the scene.
"I knew he was barbarous!" Sachiko stood tall as she stepped further into the room, determined to put a stop to this.
It was at that point that the twins from the Host Club both poured their drinks on the bully.
"Ah, I'm sorry."
"Our hands slipped." It was clear that they weren't sorry at all, but the action was enough to stop her from trying to intervene with the bully. Then, a guy with dark hair and glasses walked over to the bully, carrying photographs.
"Did you think we didn't know about it?" he asked, "Please don't look down on our information network. Of course, we have evidence on the other issue as well."
The bully turned from him to be face-to-face with . . . why was that elementary school kid wearing a high school uniform? Anyway, the kid looked scared and said, "This person is scary. She's like an oni."
Then the blonde she saw earlier got in the bully's face.
"You look beautiful on the outside." Then he backed off as the bully tried to stutter out an excuse.
"It's no good if you only look good. I'm sorry to say this, but can you please never come back? You cannot be a customer if you behave badly towards my fellow club member," he said with a note of finality in his voice.
After that, the bully ran out of the room crying. She sighed. Apparently, there had been no need for her here. She should have expected as much. Sachiko was about to leave herself when she got spotted by the Host Club members.
"Hey! It's Sachi-chan!" said the kid. And, of course, that caused six more pairs of eyes to focus on her.
"Oh! Have you changed your mind? I understand that, as a new customer, you must be feeling shy and out-of-place here, but I assure you that . . ." started the blonde.
"I'm not here for the Host Club," she interrupted, causing the blonde to freeze in shock.
"If you're not a customer, then why are you here? People don't go by the same room twice without a reason," said the twins in unison. She now recognized them as being in her class. She never got a chance to answer them because that was when Haruhi, the boy she saw earlier, recognized her.
"Hey! You're the girl from before," he said. She simply nodded, not saying anything.
"You know her?" asked the kid. Haruhi nodded.
"Yeah, she pointed out my bag in the pond today. She's also in my class. What brings you here?" he asked her. She shrugged.
"Nothing of importance," she said in a flat tone. Haruhi blinked at her, trying to figure out why she would come here if not for the Host Club like all the other girls.
"Hey, Sachi-chan! Do you want to eat some cake?" asked the kid. She was still wondering how he knew her name and why he had already given her a nickname.
"Since you knew where Haruhi's bag was, does that mean that you were part of the bullying?" asked the blonde, who had somehow managed to get within five feet of her without her noticing. That had unnerved her, even though she didn't show it.
"No," she said in the same flat tone.
"That's right. You hate bullies, don't you?" said Haruhi, who was looking at the girl as though he had figured something out. She gave him a questioning stare, signaling him to elaborate.
"Actually, did you come here to figure out what that girl was going to do to stop her from bullying?" he asked her. She didn't say anything. Her expression didn't show anything. All she did, after a few moments of silence, was turn her head away and said, "It doesn't matter anymore. I don't have a reason to be here now." With that, she started to walk away.
"Oh, don't be like that! If you came here to help one of my fellow members, then we have to do something to thank you for your efforts!" said the blonde, who had recovered and was now tugging on her arm. He was really starting to annoy her now.
"No," she said.
"Oh, come on! I'll let you try the commoner's coffee!" he offered, tugging on her arm again.
. . . Was he really in high school? He was whining like a little kid. Whatever the case, he was really annoying her now.
"I said no." She shoved him away with her free arm, getting him to let go. However, she hadn't expected him to trip over his own feet, causing him to hit the wall. That wouldn't have concerned her if it wasn't for the fact that the vibration from the hit had caused a vase sitting next to him to tip over from its spot on a table and smash against the floor.
Everyone stood still and silent for a few moments as it registered to them what had just happened.
"Consider that as an addition to your debt, Fujioka-san," said the guy with glasses.
"EH!" She blinked at the shocked expression on Haruhi's face.
"And just so you know, that vase was worth 5 million yen." Haruhi looked like he was about to die. It took her a moment to understand this. He was in her class, which was Class A. Everyone there was rich, except for one student who was rumored to be a poor scholarship student.
She understood the situation as soon as she finished that thought.
"Actually, that was my fault. I'll pay for it," she said, surprising a few of the boys there.
"Well, in that case, when can I expect the money from you?" asked the glasses guy. She hesitated for a minute.
"Actually, I'm not able to pay that amount right now," she admitted. Kyoya raised an eyebrow at her.
"Why's that? All you have to do is ask your uncle for the money, since I know he has it, Sachiko Narita," he said. So this guy did know who she was and what her situation was, just like most people in her class.
". . . It's not that simple. Can we work out some other arrangement?" she asked. He adjusted his glasses as he thought for a minute.
"Well, I guess there's no avoiding it. You're going to have to be the chore-girl until your debt is paid off." She was afraid of that.
"You can start today by sweeping up that mess you made."
"Kyoya! Don't be so rude! She's still a lady," protested the blonde.
"But she is now working to pay off a debt. Since she can't be a Host, she'll have to work," said Kyoya. The blonde sighed in defeat.
"In that case, I do apologize for the trouble, miss," said the blonde. She shrugged and went off to get to work. She had a distinct feeling that it was going to be a long while before she would have any free time after school again.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes, even though she wasn't poor like Haruhi (who, as they found out the same day she broke the vase, was actually a girl), she still had to do chores for the Host Club to pay off the vase. And since everyone did know she was a girl, Sachiko didn't have the option of disguising herself to be a Host.
This was why she was now making instant coffee for all of the members while they continued to flatter all the other girls. She sighed. After she finished the coffee and swept the floor, she should have some free time to read a few pages from a book before Kyoya gave her another chore to do.
That had been what she did until the last guest walked out the door.
"Hey, Sachiko! You missed a spot over here!" said Hikaru.
"Sachiko, there are some dirty dishes on the table!" said Kaoru.
"Sachi-chan, do you want some cake?" asked Honey.
How much did she still have left to pay for the vase?
And that's it for the first chapter! So, what do you guys think? Good, bad, needs some work? Reviews are really helpful in this regard.
The next update will come around when it can. In the meantime, I'll see ya around!