The Power of Seven

Unaware to our heroes someone was helping them by taking care of the GT timeline.

He helped Goku and his friends defeat Baby and all the Shadow Dragons he never revealed himself to Goku but hid behind a hood with his trusty friend and Giru brother T-2007 or Poru as the robot likes to say. (No Poru not made up he's in the Dragonball Heroes game so I just putting that out there)

The hooded boy watched as Goku flew off on Shenron as the boy knew Goku got his message and was now ready to fight the new enemy.

"Poru, Poru, Saiya enemy approaching! Enemy approaching!" Poru said hiding behind the boy.

"I know he is my friend now you know what to do" Saiya said as the robot opened a portal out of the timeline and left as the boy turned to see Nero.

"I've been looking for you number seven" Nero said.

"Oh really? Well I haven't even noticed with these abominations you've been spreading threw out this time" Saiya said.

"Why all the sudden you stop running?" Nero asked.

"Who said I was running? I was buying time" Saiya said.

"For who? Goku? You really think Goku will be enough to save you and your friends again or should I say former friends since none of them even remember you" Nero said.

"You really think I'll let you hurt them? For many years I made sure they were safe from your hands at any means possible you even forced me to make them lose their lives but due to recent events you left me no choice but to do the only thing I know how to stop you with" Saiya said.

"And what's that?" Nero asked.

"Destroy myself for existences for good, without me the dragon balls will remain stone and you will never be able to defeat them!" Saiya said.

"Them? You really believe a bunch of snot nose brats can stop me now?" Nero said.

"I know they can!" Saiya said.

"Broly take care of this" Nero said.

"Broly?" Saiya said turned as a massive fist grabbed his neck and held him off the ground as he saw a very scary looking Super Saiyan 3 Broly.

"You thought he was dead right? Well I may have pulled him out of the time he was clone and made sure he didn't turn into a disgusting blob" Nero said.

"So you're having others fight your battle for you Nero?" Saiya said as Nero pulled off his hood revealing a short spiky hair boy that looked nothing like any of the other Saiyans.

"Nope Broly here going to make sure you don't go running away while I collect the others, the time has come for me to get out of this disgusting body and back into my true form" Nero said.

"You fool, your fall will be hard!" Saiya growled.

"We'll see Broly take him back to the base you know what to do" Nero said dissapering as Broly knocked Saiya out.

When Saiya awoke he saw he was lying over a circle on a stone floor as he got up and saw gold chains around is hands and feet keeping him in the circle.

"Kai Chain, very clever" Saiya said looking around the large tomb and saw he was standing on one of seven circles.

"I'm sorry Goku but it looks like I failed by the time you get here it may already be too late for them I just hope Poru can get my message" Saiya said sitting on the circle.


After watching kid Buu get destroyed all fifteen heroes collapsed from exhaustion.

"No more Trunks! No more fighting no more crazy villains! No more!" Kento yelled into his watch.

"You guys won't have to worry about that" Trunks said.

"Why?" Reyoto asked.

"Someone went to the other points in time and got rid of the Feedlings" Trunks said.

"Who?" Zang asked.

"We don't know he wore a hood but we do know is that he's a Saiyan and he just got captured by Broly and Nero" Trunks said.

"Broly? I thought he was dead after the third time!" Naomi yelled.

"Well apparently Nero needs him for something" Serena said.

"Wait! He's here!" May said as they all quickly got up to see Nero walking towards them.

"Alright you bastard what did you do with that Saiyan?" Kento asked.

"It's time" Nero said as everyone saw Shadow Needles go through all three of the Namekian heroes and Icein heroes as their eyes widen when kai blast hit the three Majin heores.

"No!" Kento yelled as shadow tentacles wrapped around all the Saiyan heroes as they watch their friends hit the ground.

"I told you this would happen" Nero said laughing as they all began betting pulled into a black shadow below them as they saw Bardock appear.

"Let them go!" he yelled kai blasting Nero who smiled and hit Bardock with a powerful one and sent him flying.

"Bardock!" Kento yelled.

"Say goodbye to all this heroes your true purpose will be fulfilled" Nero said as darkness engulfed all the heroes.


"Trunks what happened!" Akina yelled as they saw the Saiyans disappear from screen as they called the other heroes back and they all returned to the base flying on the ground.

"Med Bots get out here!" Bulma yelled as the robots began getting to work helping the injured heroes.

"Trunks where did he take them?" Bardock asked getting off the floor.

"I don't know Nero destroyed their watches we can't track them now" Trunks said typing away at the computer to find a way to them.

"Danger! Danger! Danger!" Poru yelled appearing into the room.

"Hey isn't that Giru?" Akina asked.

"No he's got a Capsule Corp badge on him" Trunks said.

"Who's Trunks?" Poru asked looking around.

"I am, who are you?" Trunks asked.

"I am Poru Saiya sent me here to find you" he said.

"Who Saiya?" Bardock asked.

"He's number seven" Zink said reforming as the other Majin heroes did.

"Okay start talking Zink what do you know?" Bulma asked.

"A long time ago the first universe were created and it was in utter chaos so seven Saiyans of Pure Light created the first seven Dragon Balls with them they created peace but something happened a monster that called himself the Master came and tried to take the dragon balls for himself but the seven protector Goku summoned them together and made three wishes that effected everything" Zink said.

"What did he wish for?" Trunks asked.

"The first wish was for everyone in the first universe to be reborn a new person and given a second chance, the second wish was for the creation of the other universe and to have every being scattered so they could be safe from the Master hands and the third was for the seven dragon balls to be never used again, it worked but at a cost Kento and his friends died and were reborn into different universe but with the powers to reawaken the dragon balls sleeping within them, Nero intends to gather them and force them to reawaken the dragon balls" Zink said.

"What will he do to them?" Akina asked as Zink had a sadden look on his face.

"He'll kill them, they haven't used their powers in so long that reawakening the dragon balls could kill them" Zink said.

"We have to do something!" Bulma said.

"Saiya has a plan! Saiya has a plan!" Poru said.

"What's his plan?" Trunks asked as Poru handed Trunks as letter as trunks read it and his eyes widen.

"Poru will this work?" he asked.

"According to my calculations this plan could work!" Poru said.

"Bardock Akina come with me" Trunks said.

"Were going too!" Tsumuri said.

"No you all must stay here and protect the base we'll be back" Trunks said.

"Where are you going?" Froze asked.

"To pick up some friends" Trunks said.


"Ugh what happened?" Kento groaned as he opened his eyes to see he was lying in a circle as he looked around to see all his friends chain to the floor.

"Guys!" Kento yelled about to get up but saw Kai Chain were holding him down.

"It's no use, they're Kai Chains that bastard making sure we don't get anywhere" Saiya said as Kento turned to see the hooded boy on a circle between Reyoto and Zang.

Kento noticed he was in the center of the room while all the other circle were around him like the way the dragon balls are placed, "who are you and where's Nero!" Kento growled.

"Saiya" the boy said as Kento remember hearing that name before.

"Where are we?" Kento asked.

"This is Shadow Keep this place used to be called by another name but now this place stands in what used to be the first universe" Saiya said.

"Let me guess this is where that Master was created right?" Kento asked.

"Yep now were stuck here until the moon above us is full" Saiya said as Kento looked up to see the sun was going down.

"But we'll turn into great apes" Kento said.

"Not if we look, once the moon is full Nero will make us reawaken the dragon balls which were each sitting on" Saiya said as Kento blew the dirt away below him and saw a star on the ground.

"What if we refuse?" Kento asked.

"I don't know how he plans to make us reawaken the dragon balls but I can tell you this it will be painful" Saiya said.

"Take off your hood" Kento said as Saiya looked his way and removed his hood as memories flashed before Kento eyes as he saw what happened the night they were all reborned.

"Your memories are coming back faster than the others it's odd but I think that may be the key" Saiya said.

"The key to what?" Kento asked as they sensed Nero as Nero and Broly emerged from a dark portal into the room.

"Ugh not this guy again" Zang groaned.

"I see you're all starting to awake" Nero said.

"Yeah well it hard to sleep when your chained to the floor" Reyoto said.

"Now it's time for all of you to know the truth" Nero said.

"Oh goodie a bedtime story" Serena said as a Shadow Needle came from the ground and cut the side of her as she cried out in pain.

"You bastard!" Kento growled pulling on his chains.

"Behave" Nero said as a Shadow Needle cut the side of his face.

"I suggest you guys keep quite this bastard will do anything to cause us pain" Saiya said.

"True" Nero said pulling his shadow needles back into his shadow.

"Well go on then start explain" Naomi said.

"Very well, a long time ago this universe was created but it was a monstrous place full of evil and darkness but one day seven young Saiyan children with the power of light together they created the first set of dragon balls, the Silver-Star Dragon Balls and with them they brought peace to this universe but then that suppressed darkness took on a form and the Master was born he wanted to use the dragon balls to create a universe in his image but the seven protector knew the Master would only cause pain and misery so one day when the Master tried to take the dragon balls by force the protector used the dragon balls to create many universe to hide away the seven and everyone in the first universe was reborn into a different universe trapping the Master here but the Master found a way out into the bodies of powerful warriors where he searched for the seven"

"Okay are you going anywhere with this?" May asked.

"As I was saying today is a special day because the seven are all back together" Nero said.

"Us?" Naomi said.

"Yes none of you remember because this was so long ago bit one of you remembers don't you Saiya?" Nero asked.

"Yes I do and even in this boy body you're still a disgusting parasite to me!" Saiya said.

"Hmph well let's begin" Nero said as he walked towards the side and his shadow began growing and went under every one of the heroes.

"Broly now!" Nero yelled as Broly Kai Chains disappeared and shadow needles stabbed themselves through all the heroes hands and wrapped themselves around their feet's as they cried out in pain.

"You son of a bitch when I get out of this!" Reyoto yelled.

"You won't do anything" Nero said as they felt his power rise as they saw his hair glow black with a whit glow as his eyes became white, "now to force transformation" he said as electricity began to hit all the heroes as they cried out in pain.

"Fight it! Don't transform! Ah!" Saiya yelled out in as much pain as the others.

"I'm sorry guys!" May cried as she turned Saiyan as the circle under her glowed as she continued to cry out in pain.

"Leave her alone!" Zang yelled.

"Maybe more power will do the trick" Nero said increasing the power and pain as they all cried out louder as Zang, Naomi and Serena turned Super Saiyan.

"Must fight! Ahhhh!" Must not give in!" Reyoto yelled as he was forced into his Saiyan form as Kento saw Saiya forced into his as Kento was forced into his.

"There an now with all you transformed it's time to begin the second part" Nero said as a shadow needle went right through Broly chest as he cough blood.

"With the blood of a powerful Saiyan the dragon balls will live again!" Nero said as Broly blood activated as blue electricity hit all seven of the Super Saiyans as they cried of in pain as the stars below them turned silver as they were each engulfed in blue energy balls as the room was engulfed in the energy.

When the screaming stopped and the light faded Nero saw all seven of the Saiyan flying on the now gold dragon balls as they began to lift from the floor knocking each Saiyan off it and onto its side.

"Thanks a lot heroes you actually did something useful" Nero said approaching the One-Star Ball in the center where Kento lay next to it.

"Screw you" Kento said weakly.

"Ugh your still alive? It's amazing you can still speak" Nero said.

"Do you ever shut up? You're going to lose" Kento said.

"Oh and why is that?" Nero asked grabbing Kento neck and held him off the ground in front of him.

"Because your going to die" Kento said as a Destructo Disk cut off Nero arm and dropped Kento as Nero just had an annoyed expression as he saw Krillin the old one from the GT Series standing near the entrance into the room.

"And how the hell did you get here?" Nero asked picking up his arm and reattaching it.

"The same way we did!" Vegeta said as Nero looked up to see all the Z-Fighters standing on ledges looking down at him.

"How the hell did all you get here?" Nero asked.

"That would be me!" Trunks said jumping down with GT adult Goku next to him.

"You really think an army of weak fighters can stop me?" Nero asked.

"Don't know until we try" Trunks said.

"Hmph well then try and stop this" Nero said picking up Kento and stabbed a shadow needle threw his gut as everyone in the room eyes widen as Nero three Kento to the side of the room and into a wall.

"You bastard!" Trunks yelled powering to Super Saiyan 3.

'Is this the end?' Kento thought as he watched Trunks attack Nero as Nero easily dodged Trunks sword then kicked the warrior to the side, 'I failed as a leader, I'm so sorry my friends but I'm not but a failure!'

'That's enough!' Nero voice said.

'Brother?' Kento asked seeing the fake Nero dodging Vegeta attacks.

'I don't have much time left but I made a promise and I intend to keep it to you brother' Nero said.

'What will you do?' Kento asked.

'The Master powers comes from all the Z-Fighters and Villains that he encountered and sampled but not their full powers, Kento do you remember how Goku beat Omega and Buu?' Nero asked.

'Sprit Bomb?' Kento asked.

'Yes but instead of just one universe power to defeat an enemy use all of them' Nero said.

'But brother I can't!' Kento thought as he felt his injury began to heal.

'I'm using my soul to heal you and to give you the power to speak to every single universe you can only use this once so don't fail me!' Nero said.

'But brother if you use your soul you'll...'

'I know what will happen and I'm ready for that don't let him use me to harm anyone elese! Finish him Kento use the Universal Dragon Fist!' Nero yelled as Kento got off the ground and held his arms up as tears spilled down his face.

"A Sprit Bomb?" Goku said seeing what Kento was doing, "Vegeta! We need to buy time!" Goku yelled as Vegeta looked over to see what Kento was doing.

"Can the brat do it?" he asked.

"Let's find out!" Goku said powering to Super Saiyan 4 with Vegeta.

"Fuuuu! Sion! Ha!" They yelled becoming Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.

"Not even this form can beat me!" Nero said as Gogeta charged at Nero.

'Please! Everyone from every universe on every planet in every world hear me plea! A monster is going to kill all of us we we don't stop him! He's too strong for Goku to beat alone with just one universe power so please all of you put your hands in the air and give me the power to stop!' Kento yelled as all the Z-Fighters heard Kento plea in their heads.

Grand Planet.

"Take it all Kento!" Tsumuri yelled as him and the others held their hands up.

"Show him no mercy!" Froze yelled.

"If he using energy from all the universe it will be enough to kill the Master for good!" Zink said holding his hand out.

"Go Kento!" Bulma yelled.


"Hmph the brat going to become stronger than my son" Bardock said looking to the sky outside the Grand Planet castle as he held a hand up, "you better not let me down kid!"


"Look" Naomi said crawling to Reyoto as they saw a massive energy ball growing above the castle above.

"He can have all of mine" Reyoto said lying on his back to give Kento energy as Naomi laid her head on his chest and held out her hand.

"Mine too" she said.

"I hope he makes that bastard" Zang said up against a wall with May in his arms as they held out their arms.

"He's going to make a great warrior someday" Saiya said holding out his hand as he looked over to see Serena do the same.

Gogeta hit the ground with a grunt as Nero approached him and shadow needled stabbed threw his wrist and held him on the ground as Gogeta cried out in pain.

"Now to finish you off for good" Nero said as his arm became a shadow needle.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Gogeta said.

"And why is that?" Nero said holding the needle to his neck.

"Because he's going to tell you otherwise" Goku said as Nero turned to see Kento with his amrs in the air and looked up to see the larget blue kai ball he;s ever seen.

"One last chance! Surrender or die!" Kento yelled.

"Never! Go ahead that won't stop me fool go ahead and make the first shot! I'll let you have it!" Nero said holding his arm out as the massive kai ball went into Kento body as they saw his vains show and his eyes turn white.

'Do it now Kento!' the real Nero yelled.

"Universal Dragon Fist!" Kento yelled charging at Nero as he hit his chest and Nero smirk turned to shock as the fist went right threw him and a massive gold dragon wrapped it's self around the castle then bust threw Nero chest as Kento landed behind him as Nero cough blood.

"But I thought everything threw I had more power than two universe how did you do it!" Nero yelled.

"I used all the universe power" Kento said as Nero eye widen.

"That much power should have killed you!" Nero yelled.

"Someone was helping me Master" Kento said as Nero saw Kento brother floating behind him and could see threw him.

"I see so that fool sacrificed his soul so you could use that attack" Nero said as the darkness began to leave his body and began to dissolve, "I may not be back but neither will your dear brother, enjoy your lives fools because there will always be someone ready to take over" Nero said disappearing as Nero body fell to the floor.

"We'll be ready for that" Goku said as Kento ran to his brother and held his head in his lap.

"I am so sorry brother" Kento cried.

"Kento I wanted you to do it and I'll always be with you I'm very proud of you and want you to continue being what you are, a hero" Nero said as his body began to dissolve as light.

"Please brother don't go!" Kento cried.

"It's my time Kento, I want you to remember what I said and take care of that cute girl in red she really lucky to have you lover her and her you" Nero said as Kento looked over to Serena as she smiled.

"I'm going to miss you so much" Kento cried.

"And I you, I will always be with you Kento right here in your heart" Nero said touching Kento heart as he dissevered into the light as Kento began to sob as Serena walked over to him and hugged him as everyone shed tears for the poor boy.

"These should never be used again and to make sure that doesn't happen lets destroy them" Vegeta said looking at one of the dragon balls.

"I agree once they're gone we won't be able to bring them back and no one will ever come after us again" Saiya said.

"Won't you guys die if we destroy them?" Goku asked.

"No only our powers to recreate them" Saiya said smashing one of the dragon balls as it cracks then turned to stone as the others did and each one was smashed.


Later that day all the warriors meet at the Grand Planet as they cremated Nero body and gave said their prays.

"Poor Kento" Akina said as they watched the boy sitting on the wall.

"Let me talk to him" Bardock said.

"What will you say?" Trunks asked.

"I'll tell him what I was told when my mate died" Bardock said flying over to Kento and sat on the wall.

"Hey grandpa" Kento said as a vain formed on Bardock head.

'A grandfather and a great-grandfather! I'm too young for this!' Bardock mentally thought.

"Listen kid I know how you fell, it sucks to lose someone you love but let me tell you something, even if they're gone they'll never die in the memoires they will live on forever" Bardock said.

"You didn't call me brat" Kento said.

"Yeah well you kids grew on me" he said ruffling Kento hair.

"What now?" Kento asked.

"Well I know a certain little Saiyan girl who waiting for you to claim her" Bardock said as Kento face turned red knowing what Bardock was referring to.

"Grandpa! We're too young! We're only sixteen!" he yelled.

"That won't stop you, you love her too much to wait" Bardock said.

"You know that see into the future thing is starting to get really annoying grandpa" Kento growled.

"But you love it" Bardock said smacking Kento back.

"Whatever" Kento said as him and Bardock began to laugh.


Many months later.

"Dammit not again! You screwed me over for the last time you damn alarm clock!" Kento yelled as the sounds of him smashing the poor thing was heard as Kento came running out of his room and took down the hall.

"He's late again" Tsumuri said as him and Chill watch Kento take down the hall.

"Too bad it's Saturday" Chill said as they laughed.

Kento ran past Bash and Azumuri as they saw the dust cloud zoom past them.

"What the hell was that?" Bash asked looking behind him.

"I have no idea" Azumuri said.

Froze and Harker were in the cafeteria with Kabra and Zink when they saw the doors fly open and the dust cloud zoom pas the door.

"If I were to guess I'd say that was Kento being late again" Harker said.

"I swear his alarm hates him" Froze said.

"But isn't today Saturday?" Kabra asked.

"Yes but class is not what he's late for" Zink said.

"Oh you mean that" Kabra said.

"Yep he better get there soon" Froze said.

Frost was sketching a hall as the dust cloud zoomed past him and the door he was painting flew opened as he threw his sketch pad to the floor and glared in the direction the speeding Saiyan went.

"Forget it Frost I'll help you fix the room" May said.

'What he in a hurry for?' Frost wrote.

"Oh you know that thing he has with Serena" Naomi said joining to help them.

'Oh! That! Man he's going to get it if he's late again' Frost wrote.

Zang and Reyoto were sparring in the field when they saw the fast approaching dust trail coming at them.

"Wait" Reyoto said as they both took a step back as the dust cloud headed towards the gardens.

"Okay now" Zang said as they continued to spar.

Serena was sniffing a rose bush when a gust of wind zoomed past her making her hair fly left as she heard a crash and saw Kento crashed into a tree.

"Kento are you okay?" Serena asked as Kento fell over and onto the ground.

"Yeah just a minor concussion but I'm fine" he said as Serena got down and kissed his lips.

"There better?" she asked.

"Maybe one more will make me feel better" he said as she giggled and kissed him again.

"Look at them Trunks do you remember when we met and we were like that?" Akina asked.

"Yeah we were love sick puppies for weeks" Trunks said.

"That's how Saiyan matting works first you go through this love phase then you got into lust and then well you know where that goes" Bardock said.

"Hey Bardock on Planet Vegeta when are you consider mates?" Akina asked.

"Well I guess after marking each other but for some they consider themselves mates after their first child is born" Bardock said.

"Well I guess Trunks and I are mates now" Akina said as Bardock and Trunks eyes widen.

"What?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah I'm pregnant Trunks" Akina said.

"Oh no not another kid" Trunks groaned.

"What do you mean another!" Akina asked.

"I consider all of them our kids" Trunks said motioning to all of their students down below doing things.

"Well another wouldn't hurt would it?" Akina asked.

"Of course not! I'd love to have a baby" Trunks said kissing Akina.

"Oh go get a room" Bardock said jumping down from the ledge and landed on the grass below where Saiya was lying.

"You know three Namekians just heard that and that little secret going to spread fast" Saiya said.

"Poru, Poru, yeah Namekians have big mouths" Poru said.

"We heard that!" Tsumuri yelled from somewhere in the building.

"Yeah well I hope you kids are ready it seems that some lunatic is causing trouble in Kakarot universe again" Bardock said.

"So the teams are going to get back together?" Saiya asked.

"Looks like it" Bardock said as they looked out to the sky.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this" Saiya said.

"To what?" Bardock asked.

"Peace, I'm so used to always being on my guard and ready to fight but it feels good just lying here and not having to worry about an attack" Saiya said.

"Attack!" Zang yelled as a water balloon hit Saiya as he got up and growled to see all the students holding water balloons.

"You guys are dead!" Saiya yelled as Bardock watched the water balloon fight from a safe distances as he looked out to the sunset.

"Don't worry son I'll look after them for you" Bardock said.

The End