Completely AU, and a little OCC, because it's set in a different timeline. Just an idea that popped into my head. Kennett. *Multichapter*
In this Timeline/Universe Bonnie still has the Power of the dead witches. Mikael is alive. Klaus has declared war on the Mystic Falls gang so he's run off somewhere working on an evil plan. It's up to Bonnie and friends to first find him and then kill him once and for all.
I hope this all makes sense. It does to me, but it is 4:35am here so it could all be complete crap. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
A patch of sunlight crept across the floor, fighting a losing battle with the growing darkness. Walls that had once been white, or some other pale colour, were coated in grime and dust. Kol scowled, pushing his brown hair from his forehead. Surely, they could have given him a better room. It was the Salvatore Mansion, after all. He sighed as he paced around the tiny room that was beginning to feel more like a jail, everyday. If he had known turning himself in would have led him here, he might have reconsidered.
They had, at least, given him something to entertain himself with. A large bookshelf graced one wall, filled with dusty old books. Pulling his jacket tighter around his body to keep out the chill, he settled back in the lumpy lounge and began reading, ignoring the cloud of dust that rose around his head as he shifted his position.
The door crashed open, banging loudly against the wall, and the original vampire looked up, startled, jumping slightly. Bonnie tumbled in, with her hair covering her face. Kol sighed, rolling his eyes with a bored expression, turning back to his book. He didn't want to talk to her today, and he wondered briefly why she was bursting into his room so dramatically. There was always something theatrical going on around the house. Ever since he had been imprisoned in his dark room, he had done his best to avoid all contact with the group of supernatural misfits that held him there. It was difficult, but most of them wanted to stay away from him as well.
All but Bonnie Bennett.
Everyday she came and gave him fresh blood (From a blood bank) and just sat inside his room. Most of the time, they wouldn't even speak, and when they did, it was about nothing and everything at the same time. Over the past ten months he'd say they've become somewhat close, or as close as a vampire can come to a vampire hating witch. Kol wouldn't admit it aloud, but he was getting used to her presence, and normally found he looked forward to her visits. But tonight, he just wanted to be left alone.
He sat back, feeling his body sink further into the battered old lounge, flicking his book open again and resumed his reading. He could hear her ragged breathing in the background, but he ignored her, his eyes skimming over the text in front of him.
"Kol," she whispered, her voice low. Kol frowned, glancing up. She sounded different. Bonnie was standing near the door, her figure bathed in dusty light, her head hanging low, gripping the wall for support. Kol narrowed his eyes, noticing for the first time that her raincoat was torn and muddy, open at the front, showing her denim jeans and white blouse. The knee of her jeans was ripped, and there were scratches on her face and neck. He felt his stomach turn when he noticed a large, crimson stain, standing out in dramatic contrast against the crisp white fabric of her shirt. She slowly lifted her head, her eyes dark and coated in pain. The scent of blood filled the air, as the original flew to his feet.
"What the hell happened to you?" he asked as he took in her appearance. She swayed on her feet, the hand gripping the wall slipping a little, and he felt himself take a few steps towards her on instinct, preparing to catch her if she fell. She turned her eyes on his face, her skin colorless, drained of blood.
"What's going on?" Kol asked, suddenly feeling very afraid. Something was terribly wrong. He knew the group had left early that morning on some sort of mission, leaving him behind, as usual. Even after ten months, they still did not trust him and continued pestering him for information constantly, firing question after question at him until his head hurt and his temper had risen to dangerous levels. Last night, he had overheard the dumb pair of vampire brothers muttering about some address. Apparently, Kol had at last given them some worthwhile information, and they had located a group of Hybrids just outside of Mystic falls. Kol turned his gaze to the woman standing in the doorway.
"I killed them," she whispered, and Kol watched in shock as she fainted to the ground. He rushed to her side, kneeling beside her and lifting her head into his lap. Part of him protested. He should just leave her there, forget what he had seen and the words she had uttered, or better yet drain her dry. After all it had been over 10 months since he had tasted blood straight from a human. After a moment he let out a sigh. No, the Salvatore's would poison him with vervain if he did nothing to help their precious Witch. And he didn't want to hurt the only person in this house whom had been somewhat kind to him.
Gently, he touched a hand to her face. She was ice cold, her skin clammy and pale. With a sigh, Kol scooped her into his arms, gently laid her down on the couch. He bit his lip at the sight if the blood on her shirt. Bending down, he pulled her coat open further, lifting her shirt so he could take a better look at the wound.
A long gash ran the length of her stomach, starting at her left hip and ending just below her bra line. It was very deep and had blood spilling out in a steady stream onto her skin. Conflicted, Kol glanced at her face. She was sapped of colour and had dark shadows resting beneath her eyes. Her lips, lush and soft looking, were almost white, the edges tinged with blue. He fought a fast and silent war with himself, and decided to help her. It would not look good if she were found dead outside his room.
"What the hell have you been doing?" he muttered, staring at her. At the sound of his voice, she opened her eyes, automatically reaching a slender hand towards her stomach. Kol grabbed her wrist, holding her hand away from her body in a firm grip.
"No, don't," he said.
Bonnie shook her head, her breathing coming fast and shallow. She seemed to be in an incredible amount of pain, and Kol was suddenly annoyed at her. Why had she come here? Why come to him? Why not one of her wonderful, self-righteous friends?
"You've been cut by something," He growled, looking again at the angry red wound. She shook her head again, her eyes bright and feverish. Kol sighed, sitting back, staring at her.
"Alright," he said at last, thinking hard. "What can I do? Who can I get?"
Her eyes widened. "No one. Just … let me die."
She sounded so defeated, so small and sad that for a moment, he considered letting her do what she wished. Stubbornly, he shook his head, not sure why he was even thinking about disobeying her. His life would be much easier if she was dead. There would be no one to annoy him, no one to try to force him into conversation, no one to pretend to care about what happened to him.
"No, I won't do that," he said reaching out and stroking her hair, finding her forehead damp with sweat. Her eyes flickered to his face in confusion, questioning and full of pain. "It's not like you Bennett' Witches to give up," he added with a twinkle of mockery in his eyes. "I thought you lot prided yourself on your courage and bravery."
"Courage only gets people killed," she muttered, looking away from him.
"What happened?" he asked again, his voice gentle, his mind spinning. Who was dead? The nasty little voice inside him hoped it was Damon. Ever since Kol had been here, Damon had made it very clear that his life was worth nothing to them. Bonnie opened her mouth to speak, a trickle of blood running from the corner of her lips. Kol cursed. He had to do something, and fast. She was going to die.
"Look Bennett, you need to take my blood," he said bluntly, before he bit his wrist and shoved it near her mouth. She fought him, pushing at his hands, her quick, agitated movements causing her wound to pulse with fresh blood, soaking the sleeve of his jacket.
"No" came her weak reply.
Kol sighed. "If you don't you'll die," he snapped. She was unbelievable. Stupid, insufferable woman, he thought viciously, as he easily brought his hand up to her mouth. Knowing that she had no choice, Bonnie closed her eyes and began to drink.
He lent closer to her face, drawn by something unknown as he watched the scratches heal and let out a side of reflief.
'What the hell is wrong with me?' he thought, sitting back against the base of the lounge, turning his face away from Bonnie. True, she had been his only companion of sorts since he had arrived. He asked her once why she did it, why she was the one to wait on him, and she had answered that no one else would come near him, in case they murdered him. Kol had not seen daylight, or the outside world, since he came to the Salvatore's. He had not seen a newspaper or communicated with anyone for ten months, except for Bonnie. Damon and Stefan's little interrogations could hardly be called communication – Kol sat, sweating and swearing under the effects of a truth spell, while they threw questions at him in a continuous line of assault, both of them becoming more and more agitated when Kol's answers failed to give them the information they wanted. When Kol first arrived, Bonnie had been the one to interrogate him. He could not begin to presume why that had changed.
Kol returned his gaze to the witches face in front of him. She was still pale, but her breathing had returned to normal. He wondered whether she truly did care about him, like she had claimed, or whether she was merely buttering him up, keeping him on side. Kol shook his head and frowned. It was not like her to lie, especially about feelings. He had learnt that about her; she was honest to a fault. He knew she was attracted to him, at least the physical side of him, and there had been many occasions over the last few months in particular when Kol could easily have kissed her and taken her to his bed. A shudder passed through him at this thought, both of pleasure and of disgust. Unlike his brother, Kol had always hated witches and she was a witch, a Bennett witch at that, but he was still a man; with a man's needs. He smiled, remembering the impassioned argument he had heard her having with her ex boyfriend, Jeremy, in the kitchen one evening.
"I don't know why you bother that original freak, Bon," Jeremy spat, his voice dripping with anger. Kol listened carefully, leaning casually against the doorframe of his "prison". He heard Bonnie sigh in exasperation.
"'That original freak' as you so eloquently put it, has been useful to us, Jeremy," she snapped. Kol leant back into his room as she flung open the kitchen door, storming into the hallway, a cup of warm blood in her small hands. Jeremy followed her out, talking all the while.
"I just wish you'd let one of us come up there with you. I don't trust him."
Bonnie snorted in a very un-ladylike manner. "Do you honestly think Kol could get the better of me? I've got the power of a hundred dead witches. And he can't escape. There's a spell on the room, he's physically stuck in there. So calm down," she said.
Jeremy muttered something unrecognizable under his breath.
"Don't be ridiculous, Jer!" Bonnie replied with a laugh. "Kol is not trying to seduce me! But if you think I need protecting, then come up with me now, and see for yourself."
Kol gave a little jump. What the hell? Was Gilbert jealous of him and the witches strange little relationship? Bonnie was speaking again, and Kol turned his attention back to her voice, raised in cold anger.
"Besides, what does it matter? It's not like you care or have any say in the matter. You cheated. Not me."
"Bonnie, please don't say that. You know I'll always care," Jeremy whined.
"Why do you like him anyway?" Kol heard Jeremy snarl. There was a lengthy pause before Bonnie answered him.
"I don't know," she admitted, her voice carrying through the open door. "I just think there is more to him than we guessed. It must be hard for him, stuck up there all the time. It's no wonder he's short with us."
"Don't pity him too much. He's a vampire!" cried Jeremy.
"Yes, and so are Stefan, Damon and Caroline. Look he hasn't killed anyone in months and I don't know, he just seems different." Argued Bonnie.
"Yeah because he's been trapped in this house. He'd probably slaughter us in our beds if he had the chance," Jeremy replied darkly, and Kol smirked, amused. The thought had crossed his mind on several occasions.
Bonnie sighed. "Don't be an idiot. Yes, he's temperamental and difficult at times, but you can't really blame him. I wouldn't want to be in his situation."
Kol snorted. Jeremy was an idiot, and his jealousy could provide hours of amusement. Kol had been dying for some conflict, and Jeremy had always been an easy target. All his attempts to get a rise out of Stefan and Damon had failed, and he'd never felt so bored in his entire life. Tormenting Bonnie was hardly exciting anymore – after weeks of annoying her; she no longer fell for his traps. Footsteps sounded outside the door, and quickly, Kol pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his toned chest. His smirk increased as he heard Bonnie's polite knock on the door, followed by her sharp intake of breath. Kol sat up and stretched, showing off his torso. His eyes found Bonnie's face, and he chuckled when he saw that she was staring.
"Bonnie," he drawled, his voice lower and huskier than usual. Slowly, Kol climbed to his feet, stepping towards her, beckoning her closer.
"Smells fantastic," he continued, motioning to the blood in her hands, fighting off a wave of nausea.
"Almost as good as you." he said, smiling and stepping even closer to her, taking the blood. He could see the confusion in her eyes, and she was staring at him, her mouth slightly open. In the corner of his eye, he saw Jeremy step up behind her, leaning against the doorway, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, shooting daggers in Kol's direction.
Kol laughed. "What's wrong? You look shocked to see me almost naked. I thought you'd be used to it by now," he said softly, watching her expression carefully. She scowled, a faint blush creeping into her cheeks, and he smiled, bringing his body even closer to her smaller one, so the cup of blood was the only thing between them. In the doorway, Jeremy clenched his fists, his face flaming. Kol set the cup down, and stepped closer to her.
"What do you think you are doing?" Bonnie hissed at him, her voice low and angry. Kol smirked again.
"Just having a bit of fun. Your boyfriend over there looks ready to throttle someone. I don't think he can decide whether to kill you or me first," Kol whispered, purposefully lowering his head closer to Bonnie's shocked face. He heard Jeremy growl and he chuckled with satisfaction. It was just too easy.
"He's not my boyfriend," she snapped, glaring at him. She gave him a hard shove on the chest, pushing him away from her, just as Jeremy strode fully into the room, his face thunderous. She turned to him, forestalling any words or actions.
"Jer, forget it. He's just being his usual arrogant self," she said in a bored voice. Kol simply smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. He threw the petite brunette a wink, and Jeremy scowled, stepping forward, Bonnie's hand pushing against his chest. She threw Kol a toxic look, and he could not help but notice that her gaze lingered on his chest and the broad muscle of his upper arms. His smile widened, and she glowered at him, before turning around and heading for the door, dragging Jeremy with her.
"See you later, baby," Kol called, watching her freeze at the use of the pet name. She did not turn until she reached the door, shoving Jeremy roughly into the hall. They watched one another; Bonnie hesitant and Kol proudly arrogant. Her eyes pierced into his skull, and suddenly he didn't feel like laughing anymore. There was something so intense in her striking eyes; something that set a fire in his stomach. Her eyes traveled the length of his body, from head to toe, and back up again, her gaze drawing over every inch of him. A feeling of vulnerability washed over Kol, shattering his cool facade. He couldn't help but be captivated by the powerful witch in front of him. Even though she was a witch, Bonnie was still a woman; a soft, curvy, beautiful woman, and the way she was looking at him was enough to drive him crazy.
Kol growled deep in his throat, turning away from her, reaching for his shirt. He threw himself down on the floor with his back to the door and put the cup of blood to his lips. He felt hot, and at the same time chilled, small beads of perspiration dotting his forehead, his skin puckered into gooseflesh. He cursed under his breath, alarmed at how easily his body had betrayed him.
Kol sighed, pulling his gaze away from Bonnie's face. After that strange evening, things had been different between them. She was more guarded, and he was snappish and impertinent towards her. An air of tension had built up between them, a crackly, electric air. What had started as a little game to piss Jeremy off had backfired seriously, and he found himself thinking about doing things to her body that made him feel sick. He knew she was not getting any action from Jeremy, since they were not together anymore, and he seriously doubted they were still sharing a bed or even if they ever had.
The day Kol had suggested to Bonnie that they throw caution to the wind and jump between the sheets together had earned him a rather hard slap across the face, even though he promised to take her places Jeremy would have only ever dreamt about. After that conversation Kol had began to wonder if she'd ever even had sex, a thought that brought many fantasies into his sick twisted head.
There had been coolness between them for months now, underlying a fierce curiosity about one another that had nothing to do with him being Kol, an original vampire and she being Bonnie, a Bennett witch. Kol wanted to kiss her, he wanted to touch her, and found her presence became painful. She would never allow it, and he knew he should not be thinking about it, but sometimes, her eyes would linger on his face a little longer than usual, her expression soft and wistful, her lips parted slightly, her cheeks flushed, and he found himself thinking that maybe his desire was not unfounded. It was in those moments when he wanted to grab her, crush her body against his and kiss her into submission. Intuition told him to stay away from her, but a carnal beast lurked beneath his skin, and whenever he saw her, heard her tinkling laughter floating up from downstairs, the beast roared into life, making him edgy and tense.
He wanted her, and he suspected she knew it. There was a knowing look in her eyes when she came to see him, and he didn't like it one bit.
Bonnie's groan brought Kol out of his thoughts, and he lifted his eyes to her face, scanning her features. Her skin looked brighter, her lips returned to their usual colour looking luscious and inviting. Without thinking, Kol rose to his knees beside her, pushing a gentle kiss on her mouth. He had not meant to do it, and he had definitely meant to pull away the minute it happened, but when she responded, her mouth opening and her lips moving slowly against his, all caution flew out the window. He nibbled gently at her bottom lip, and a small moan escaped her. One of her hands found it's way into his hair, the other gripping his shirt weakly, attempting to pull him closer. Kol pushed his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. She was as sweet as he had imagined, and he deepened the kiss, wanting to get as much of her as he could. His hands moved up the sides of her body, and she whimpered when his fingers brushed her tender flesh.
"Sssh, Bonnie, you're fine. So very, very fine," Kol whispered against her lips. Her eyes flew open at the sound of his voice, and she immediately pushed him away.
Breathless, Kol sat back slightly, his body on fire. Her lips were swollen and her eyes glazed, but underneath the sheen of desire, he could tell she was furious. He waited patiently for the storm to hit.
"KOL!" she snarled, attempting to sit up. With one hand, he pushed her back down, shaking his head.
"Stay still," he ordered, and she glared at him. "You need to rest."
She growled at him, pushing his hand away. "Don't touch me."
He laughed. "You weren't complaining a minute ago. Is that the thanks I get for saving your life? I thought you'd be a bit more grateful."
She frowned at him. "What are you talking about?"
"You don't remember? You stumbled in here bleeding all over the place, begging me to let you die," Kol said, watching her face closely. She was looking at him, shocked and confused, and he sighed. "You really don't remember, do you? You said you killed someone. What happened this morning?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she snapped, her face paling.
"You're a terrible liar," Kol replied with a small chuckle, climbing to his feet.
"D-Do you want to know who I killed?" Bonnie stuttered and he shrugged.
"No, unless it was Damon. That would really make my day," Kol replied. "Anyway, it's not that big a deal. You get used to it."
"I don't think I could ever get used to being a killer. I'm not like you," she snapped.
Kol laughed mockingly, turning at the door. "Oh no? You do realize that you're at war with my all-powerful brother, right? You had better learn to get used to it. By the time it is over, you will have killed a lot more than one lousy whatever it was that you killed." He sat on his bed, as Bonnie slowly got up off the couch and exited the room. Before she shut the door her quiet voice reached his ears, low and filled with remorse.
"If only…"
A/n: Who did she kill?
So this is the first chapter. Not really sure what the point of this is, but hmmm. I'll just run with it. And yes as I said I know Bonnie and Kol are OCC but please keep in mind that they've seen each other everyday, for the past ten months, so they've formed some sort of weird friendship/flirtation. I'd like to think that during that time, Kol has warn down Bonnies hatred to vampires, just a little bit. There will be more flashbacks, like to the night he was 'captured'.
Not my best, but what do you think?
Please Review. Reviews are what keep me going. :)