Azeroth44: Hey all, Azeroth44 here, having permanently taken control of kvsyaoran's lair.
Kvsyaoran: Now wait just a minute!
Azeroth44: *Slowly turns around eyes shining demonically* Yes?
Kvsyaoran: O.o... Never mind, it's all yours this time!
Azeroth44: Thanks! Anyway, the reviews. I must say, I'm surprised by how you people enjoyed the prologue. Shortness aside, I never thought it would get that great a reception! Also, I am sorry about how long it has taken to update this.
Kvsyaoran: ... Lazy idiot.
Azeroth44: What was that?
Kvsyaoran: Forget what I said earlier! I don't have to take this! This is my lair!
Azeroth44: Yes, but you forget, this is my story and thus *eyes glow poison green* I *hands elongate to claws* am in charge for now.
Kvsyaoran: O.O... Crap *flees with Azeroth44 chasing after him*
(Main characters from his and my stories watch from afar)
Iruka: Should we help him?
Naruto & Hinata: ... Nah.
"Humans Talking"
'Humans Thinking'
Naruto: Lord of Time
Chapter 2: The Start of Something Special
Seven Years Later
The streets of Konohagakure no Sato were cleared and devoid of life, the people hidden behind locked doors and warm homes were left blissfully unaware of the life-or-death chase that was occurring outside. A blonde-haired blur fled down the deserted streets from several thugs that had been hired by one of the numerous groups of civilians and shinobi alike that wanted him dead. Naruto Uzumaki, now a small seven-year-old child had been sprinting through the village for almost three hours now and his attackers had at last started to catch up to him. The small blonde child continued to run as fast as he could, even as he began to panic and fear for his life.
'Why are they doing this to me?' he thought as he continued to run, 'I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!'
Naruto ducked into a side alley with his aggressors several yards behind him when he turned. He soon realized he was too late and he had lost when he turned down a dead end. He turned around and stared in fear as the hired goons enclosed on him. Naruto was about to embrace another horrible beating, until his brain began to swim with ideas so fast almost like it ran on automatic and created several scenarios on a possible escape plan. He didn't seem to bother to pay attention to his attackers and he looked at all the loose metal poles from the fences and the countless boxes abandoned from the owners of the shops that were contained with the buildings that surrounded him.
The small blonde child then thought as he put his sudden plan into action, 'These idiots chase for several hours, I finally slip up and here I am now. Next they spout some bullcrap about me being a demon and something about avenging the Yondaime. What did I ever do to him? He's my hero for Kami's sake!'
Ten Minutes Later
The small Naruto soon walked out from between the two buildings, scanned the darkened streets around him and back. He glanced behind him one more time and then ran towards his apartment as he puzzled over what in the world could have helped him to get through that attack and come out unharmed.
'What the hell was that all about? How did I get away from that? How? I remember something unbelievably complicated but it's like whatever it was has been wiped clean from my memories... Why is that and how did it happen?'
He had almost reached his apartment, when Naruto felt the same mental prodding that had drawn him from the safety of his apartment in the first place. Naruto stopped at the door to his building and walked out and leaned backward into the street to look towards the Great Stone Faces of the Hokage monument. Earlier, he had been heading towards the monument until those deranged attackers accosted him. He took a quick look inside his apartment building before he let out an exasperated sigh and started to head towards the monument. He soon broke into a run towards the Administrative Building where he would be able to scale the mountain and soon climb to reach the stone faces.
'I don't know what this is all about or what's causing it, but I am finding out RIGHT NOW.'
He thought, as the small blonde child reached the foot of the stairs going up to the Hokage monument. Little Naruto rushed up the stairs for almost seven minutes until he reached the second building on the top and headed across the small woods and stood above the faces of the four leaders that constructed the massive village below him. The small blonde child looked over the faces and stared down at his home, Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in the Leafs. But as breathtaking as the sight was to him, his attention was drawn towards the rock spikes that comprised the structured hair of the Yondaime Hokage. Naruto walked towards the area as he wandered closer and closer to a certain warm area that attracted him like some strange magnet or force that was similar to one.
Naruto continued to walk as he started with, "What the he-"
His sentence was soon cut short when he felt his head crash into what seemed to be an invisible wall. Naruto soon stood and looked around to make sure no one was around to see him look foolish as he did. Once he was sure that he was alone, he reached out his hands and felt his palms and fingers pressed against a smooth but invisible surface. He knocked the invisible structure and it almost felt and sounded like smooth and polished wood. He knocked it one more time and felt a sudden wave of invisible energies radiate from where he knocked until the invisible structure he ran into started to make itself visible, which revealed to be a tall blue box with two doors, eight windows with two on each side, instructions on the door, and it said above the doors that it was called, POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX. Naruto's interest in the alien structure was peaked, so he walked around it and observed it as he discovered and observed most of its external features and characteristics. As he continued to inspect it, more and more of the box was revealed until it was one hundred percent visible.
In his fascination towards the blue wooden box, he almost missed the small noise that came from the direction of the stairs. Naruto whirled around and saw a flash of lavender-colored hair hide behind another rock from the mountain. The blonde-haired child identified the hair color at once.
Naruto thought, as he was surprised when he saw her, 'Hinata?'
He looked back at the blue box, sighed, and then walked towards the rock where the lavender-haired girl was hidden. Hinata heard his footsteps and knew it at once that he had seen her.
'Oh dear, Naruto-kun knows I'm here and he knows that I saw that-that blue thing appear! How long has it been there? I couldn't see it even with my Byakugan!' she was frozen and then she heard him come in close to where she was hidden when she heard his feet, 'Oh, he's here!
Hinata tried to think about what she had seen but soon feel down when Naruto walked around the rock and looked down at her in surprise. She looked up at him and blushed almost as red as a tomato.
He reached out and asked her, "Hinata, what are you doing here?"
Naruto was shocked that someone he almost never talked to would have come around and followed him around like this. Hinata continued to blush and was unable to so much as talk back or even answer Naruto and tell him how she was able to follow him.
"Hinata," he said with a much more firm voice and almost sounded a little bit irritated, "C'mon. Tell me."
Soon, Hinata forced out an explanation and told him while she was also so nervous and looked at the floor, "I-I s-s-saw you from my w-window at home when you were c-chased. I was worried, s-so I s-snuck out and followed to make sure y-you were all right. I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to be a pest. I was j-just w-worried about you…"
Naruto's face soon softened after hearing her response and he offered her his hand. She looked up at him with a surprised look on her face. Naruto smiled at her with a soft but warm smile, which caused her heart to flutter; she soon took his hand and followed him towards the strange blue box. Just as Naruto was about to thank Hinata for her concern and tell her about the blue box, both of them noticed almost at once that there was key inside the lock on the right door of the strange blue box. Naruto never even noticed it was there until now, as he was too distracted with the rest of the box to notice that there was a small detail like that. Naruto and Hinata both looked at each other and then Naruto used his free hand to turn the small silver key and turned it out of instinct. Both of them heard a click and then the door slid open. Naruto and Hinata both watched and stared in complete shock and childish wonder as the door was opened and both of them felt the time energies radiate out from the inside.
Both of them breathed at the same time and with their hands still locked with one another, took those first steps onwards to change the future of the Elemental Countries forever.
(Azeroth44 looks at the battered body of Kvsyaoran in the wall)
Naruto: Don't you think that was a bit overboard?
Azeroth44: ... ... ... I don't get the question.
(Naruto sweatdrops)
Naruto: Right...
Kvsyaoran: (Falls out from position in wall) I'm ok...
Ok, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I didn't expect for it to get this big a reception and thus while I had thought of some ideas for this story, I wasn't exactly expecting to have to use them. Also, it may take a while but expect the chapters to get longer around chapter 5 or so. Lastly, I just recently remembered a fic that I can't remember the title of however I remember Naruto for some reason fighting (and I believe killing a few) of the clan heads at the Hyuuga mansion. I know at least Hiashi and Tsume were there and I think at least two of the older generation's Ino-Shika-Cho team was there as well. If anyone knows what fic it is, please let me know!
Kvsyaoran: (lights me on fire)
Azeroth44: ...
Kvsyaoran: ...
Azeroth44: ...
Kvsyaoran: ... I'm dead aren't I?
Azeroth44: ... Yep.
Kvsyaoran: ... ... ... Well, FU-!