It was Thursday.

No special day in particular, just like any other day.

But Kate Beckett always did like Thursdays.

Maybe it was that the week was almost over, usually only promising one day of work before her well-deserved weekend of relaxing. Maybe it was just the name.

But since Kate had resigned, every day was a weekend. The days rolled on, of no importance to her.

As long as she got to wake up next to Richard Castle, every day was the best day of the week.

On this particular Thursday, though, Kate woke to an empty bed. There was no Rick next to her, no protective arm around her waist, no light snores in her ear.

She sat up in the bad, only to find herself stark naked when the sheet slipped from her body. She claimed it again, wrapping the black silk around her as a sort of shield from the outside world.

"Castle?" she called out, hoping to locate him in the large apartment.

"In here!" his voice rumbled. It was close and distant at the same time.

She opened the door hiding his bedroom-slash-office from the rest of the apartment. Across the large expanse of the living room, Rick was behind the kitchen island, facing away from Kate.

She retreated to the bedspace and tossed the sheet back atop the mattress. Recovering a large t-shirt—probably Rick's—and a pair of clean boxers—definitely Rick's, though Kate had grown fond of wearing them herself—she pulled them on and headed for the kitchen.

As she padded closer, the smell wafted to her nose and she inhaled. The smell was sweet and inviting. She slid onto a stool on the opposite side of the island from him. "What's for breakfast?" she asked quietly.

"Pancakes!" he boomed, surprising her with his enthusiasm. He spun on his heel and a plate stacked with the fluffy things appeared in front of her.

He flashed her one of his trademark grins before turning back to the stove.

Kate immediately retrieved her silverware and dug in to the fresh, warm pancakes.

She was halfway through her stack when Rick turned back and flopped a spatula-full of bacon on to her plate.

"Geez," she said with a mouthful of pancake. She swallowed then finished, "You tryin' to fatten me up, Castle?"

He let out a long, thundering laugh then turned back to face her. "Of course not. Just trying to start the morning right, Kate."

Now that they were—for all intents and purposes—together, Rick had started calling her by her first name full-time. She still called him 'Castle' in casual conversation, but when they shared intimate moments she would occasionally let a 'Rick' slip out of her mouth.

Old habits die hard, after all.

When her plate was eventually barren of breakfast foods, Kate stood and walked around the island to place her dishes into the metal sink.

Rick had finished cleaning just as she stopped next to him. He turned, wearing only flannel pajama bottoms, and pulled her against him.

She rested her forehead on his shoulder and slithered her arms around his torso. One of his hands tangled in her hair and gently held the back of her neck, and he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"Good morning," she murmured against his bare chest.

His other hand went to her cheek and tenderly lifted her to face him. He leaned in and captured her lips, her hands moving up his back and pulling him to her.

"Good morning," he said, against her lips. He released his hold on her and she caught his wrist, pulling him out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom.

"Where are we going?" he asked playfully, catching on quickly to her idea.

She didn't speak as they entered and moved towards the bed. She grabbed him and pulled him into a ferocious kiss before pushing him down onto the mattress. "Now we have to burn off all those pancakes."