A Long Night

Ok so I finished reading This Lullaby (2nd time) and I came up with this idea. Disclaimer: I do not own This Lullaby. I'm just a fan.

~Lady Quyn~...

I walked out of Bendo's feeling exhausted. Jess and the others were inside the club, but I felt like I'd had enough. I sat on the roof of my car, just thinking, when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and there he was. "Dexter?"

I asked. "Yeah," he replied, sitting down next to me on the roof of my car. "I thought we weren't speaking," I said. "Well, here we are," Dexter said. We were silent for awhile. "I'm sorry," he said then. "It's okay," I replied. "Why did you come find me?" He leaned on his hands. "You just looked exhausted," he said. "Anything go wrong?"
Nothing went wrong, really. I just felt crappy. "No," I said. I paused. "I'm sorry, too," I said softly. "Can we be together again?" he asked. "I guess it would be alright." I shrugged. "What about Paul?" he countered. "I don't know." I felt guilty. "I still hate Spinnerbait, you know," I told him. He laughed. "So do I."
"They suck," I agreed.

I know it's kind of a crappy ending, but just review please!

~Lady Quyn~...