Damphyr pt. 6 - Family
by Colleen Hillerup

She stretched her leg out, resting her foot in his lap. He diligently applied the little brush to each toenail in turn. "You have lovely feet, you know that pet?" he asked, bending over to plant a kiss on her instep.

"Really, carino? Thank you kindly." She leaned back onto the pillow. "And you are far too adept with the nail polish."

"Used to do my fingernails. Nice rich black." He held up his left forefinger and considered the nail. "Maybe it's time I started again." He flicked the brush over the surface. "Nope. Red's just not my colour."

"I don't know," Maria laughed. "Red's the colour of fire. Of passion." She took the polish bottle off the bed and sat it on the nightstand. Beckoning him towards her, she gasped as he kissed her throat. "I think it suits you quite well."


"Okay, honey, breathe. Little panting breaths ..."

Billie copied her husband. "Huh ... huh ... huh ..."

"And one cleansing breath."


He smiled down at her, her back supported by his chest. "You're doing great."

The instructor laid her hand on Angel's shoulder. "Fine coaching. Now, hopefully you can keep it up during labour, with her fingernails digging into your arm."

"That's okay," Billie laughed, "I'll trim them first."

He wrapped his arms around her, his hands resting on the swell of her belly. "This is really real. We're going to have a baby."

"Yep. I think so." She twisted around to kiss him. "Only one month to go."


Alex Harris sorted through the files on Willow's laptop. Ever since he had replaced Spike as her assistant, she had trusted him with more and more sensitive information. He looked down at the screen and whistled. "Dad's going to want to see this."

He walked into the lobby, greeted by a familiar sight. He was trying to get used to it, deal with the sight of them wrapped up in each other. His precious baby girl and his sometimes friend, oft times enemy. He cleared his throat, loudly.

Angel and Billie pulled apart. "Oh, hi dad," she exclaimed. "How was the ..." she covered her mouth, trying to suppress a smile, "stakeout."

"Stakeout. Yeah. Right. That Maria, she's a right good, ah, detective."

"Run into any trouble? Any ... action?" She blinked innocently.


She pointed to his head. "Your hair. It's all mussed up."

"Oh, well, action, right ..." Time to change the subject. "So, how was the Lamaze class?"

Angel put his arms around his wife, as she leaned back against him. "Your daughter's very good at breathing."

"She's got us beat then, eh, mate?"

A commotion at the front door caught the trio's attention, as a beaming middle aged couple stepped into the lobby, the man carrying a plethora of suitcases. "Home, sweet home," he exclaimed.

"Ah, the lovebirds return to the nest." Spike walked over to the man and relieved him of some of his burden.

"Auntie Fred! Uncle Wes!" Billie propelled herself into the woman's open arms.

"Look at you!" Fred could barely get her arms around the young woman. "You're getting huge."

"Don't say that," Billie laughed. "I've got a month to go."

Angel slapped his hand on Wesley's shoulder. "So, how was the honeymoon?"

"England's so beautiful," Fred sighed. "I almost hated to leave."

"Beautiful, right." Spike carried the bags over to the elevator. "Bet it rained the whole time."

"Well," Wes replied. "Not the whole time. It was a delightful visit."

"And it's not like we spent that much time outside." Fred realized what she'd said, and blushed.

Angel drew his two old friends into a big bear hug. "Welcome home, guys."


Alex Harris knocked on the apartment door. He hadn't called ahead; his father rarely went out after work. He heard shuffling inside. "Hey, dad," he called through the door. "It's me. Alex."

Xander Harris invited his son in. The tall man was paunchy and balding, but strong armed and broad shouldered, thanks to thirty years of construction work. "How are you son? Everything okay?"

"Fine, dad. There's something I want to talk to you about. Something I think will interest you."

"Okay." He gestured to the couch. "Sit down. Can I get you anything? A beer?"

"Just a soda. You aren't drinking again, are you dad?"

"Naw." He handed his son a can of coke. "Just keep it around to be social. So, hear from your mom lately?"

"I saw her last week. She's doing well." No empty bottles on the dining room table. That was a good sign.

"Did she mention me?"

"Um, probably nothing you'd want to hear." He sat his briefcase on the coffee table and cracked it open. "I found this, going through Aunt Willow's files. You know that friend of yours you always talk about? Buffy Summers?"

Xander sat beside his son. "What about Buffy?"

"It's just that, I remember you telling me all these wild stories. About how you and mom and Aunt Willow brought her back from the dead, and how she saved the world. How she was a vampire Slayer, and how she died a vampire."

"I know the stories." He took the papers from his son's hand. "What is this?"

"This is supposed to be some sort of spell. Supposed to bring dusted vampires back to life as mortals. I doubt there's anything to it. If there were, Willow would have used it long ago." He shut the case with a snap. "But I knew you'd want to see it. If just for curiosity's sake." He stood to go. "Thanks for the soda. I have to hurry home; Beth will kill me if I'm late for dinner again." He tapped his father on the shoulder. "See you later."

"Yeah son," he replied, as he saw Alex out. "See you."

He looked at the papers in his hand, sucked in a deep breath, went to the fridge, and with a shaking hand downed a can of beer.


"And this is for the baby." Fred pulled a bag from the open suitcase on her bed. "Wesley says it's very English."

"Oh, it's so cute. A teddy bear." Billie hugged the stuffed toy. "Hello baby," the bear said to her tummy, with a very bad British accent.

"It's not a teddy bear. It's called a Rupert Bear. I'm not sure why." She sighed. "The name made Wesley kind of sad."

"Because of Uncle Rupert. They used to be friends."

"I know." Fred placed her hand on Billie's abdomen. "How's the little one?"

"Can't you tell?"

Fred cooed with delight. "Oh. It's moving. I can feel it." She took her hand away, resting it on her own flat stomach.

"What's wrong, Auntie Fred?"

"I envy you. Charles and I weren't ready. Wesley and I waited so long. I'll never have what you have."

Billie put her arms around her. "You've been like a mother to me. I know this little one will need you too."

"Thank you, honey. But it's not the same." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "But we can't change the past. What's done is done. And that little baby," she put her head on Billie's shoulder, "is going to have so many people who love her. Or him."


"Night guys." Angel clamped his hand on Wes' shoulder. "Welcome back. We missed you."

"Thanks." The Englishman watched his best friend head out the door, then turned to Spike. "You two seem to be getting along."

"Yeah." Spike picked up his glass of blood. "Have to. For Billie's sake. She loves him." He took a swallow. "So, how was jolly ol'?"

"It was good. Funny though. I realized being there, that this is home."

"I know. Felt that for a long time. Still, wouldn't mind a trip back. I wish that Buffy ..." He looked down into his drink.

"I went to pay my respects to Giles. They keep the plot well, the Council. Wish they'd treated him as well when he was alive." He sipped his scotch. "Did you ever forgive him?"

"In my mind, yeah. She wouldn't have wanted that, not my girl. But it was never the same between us."

"I'm sorry." They sat, awkwardly. "So, Maria. Still seeing her?"

Spike smiled. "She's a lovely woman. Things'r goin' ... well."

"I've learned something, Spike. Take the joy while you can. I waited so long for Fred. We danced around each other, when we could have been so happy, so long ago. I passed up the chance for a family, out of stupid pride. Don't make my mistakes."

"I'm tryin'. I really am. Buffy's long gone, an' I know it." He swirled the blood in his glass. "I want to be happy again."

"If you can love Maria, then love her. And if you do, don't let anything stop you." He downed the remainder of the liquid. "Time to go. My wife's waiting." He sat the glass on the table. "And god knows, we've waited long enough."


They were simple things. Things he had around his apartment, or could buy at the grocery store. Just as well, with the Magic Box long closed. He lit the candle and read over the ritual.

Sunnydale had been quiet for years, with a gradual decrease in the vampire population and the Hellmouth all but inactive. He suspected the Willow had something to do with that. He believed her physical deterioration had more causes than the spells she'd admit to. He wished that Willow was with him now. He wasn't a magician, just an ordinary guy that was good with his hands. But if his friend the witch had wanted to do this, she would have years ago. He was on his own. He'd have to be up to it.

The elements assembled in a circle around him, he began the chant. Seemed so much simpler than the one that the four of them had performed almost thirty years ago. No sacrificial Bambis, no Egyptian urns. Most likely he was wasting his time, but it wasn't like he had anything else to do.

The room seemed hot; the air thick. He realized that he was panting. Hard to catch his breath. This would be a hell of a time for a heart attack. The air was abuzz. Dust swirled around his head, danced around the room, and settled in front of him. But it wasn't dust anymore.

The frail, pale-skinned blonde woman screamed, and collapsed.


"My life is perfect." Billie snuggled close to her husband in the big bed. "I have the man I love, I'm having his baby, and I'm the best damn film editor in Hollywood."

"And I thought you were an assistant film editor at a tiny studio," Angel teased.

She smacked him on the chest. "I'm still the best."

He kissed her deeply. "In oh, so many ways."


Xander stared at her prone body. He had wrapped the afghan around her naked form and lain her on the couch. God, she was beautiful. He was still in shock. Deep down, he'd never expected the ritual to work. Yet, here she was, his Buffy in all her living glory. At least, she looked like Buffy.

The young woman stirred and looked up at him. "Mr. Harris? Where, where am I? What are you ..."

He placed his hand on her forehead. No fever. "Hey, Buff. It's me, Xander. How are you?"

"Xander?" She stared at him. "What happened to you?"

He grinned down at her. "It's a long story. God, it's good to have you back."

"Back? Where was I?" She looked around the apartment, then down at the comforter. "Where are my clothes?"

"Oh, geez. I didn't think of that. Anya left a bag with a few things, I'll get them for you." He started towards the bedroom.

"Xander, where's Angel?"

"What?" He stopped and turned back towards her. "LA. Why?"

"Los Angeles? What's he doing there? I have to see him."

"Why, Buffy?"

"Why do you think? He's my boyfriend. I love him."


In the end, she had to drag him out of his office. "You can work on that case tomorrow. You may not need to sleep at night, but I do." As they stood in the lobby, Billie drew Angel into a deep kiss. "You know, it's been a long time since we did it out here."

"Ohhh, you want to live dangerously. You sure you're up for it? Anyone could walk in." He laid his hand on her stomach. "Wouldn't want the baby to be embarrassed."

"So true. It could traumatise the little thing. For the moment, I'll settle for this." She pulled him back down and pressed her lips to his. "Mmmmm."

"Angel!" They broke the kiss and spun around, to see a fragile young woman standing, staring. "Who is this?"

Angel gasped. It wasn't possible. He felt a chill run up his spine. "Buffy?"

"What?" Billie looked at the woman. She had seen that face before. Seen it in the photos on her father's walls, on his desk. Seen it smile back at her, holding her. Her voice was weak. "Mommy?"

"Angel, I'm waiting. First I find out you've taken off to LA, then I find you with, well, her." She pointed an accusing finger.

"This isn't possible. I don't understand." He stared at the woman in disbelief. "Who are you, really? What is this?"

"Don't try to turn this back on me. I find you kissing this pregnant woman..."

"My wife." He took Billie's hand and squeezed it. "This is my wife. Your ..."

"Wife!" Buffy's fists clenched with anger. "That's not possible. How long?"

The scene was interrupted by the noisy couple coming through the door. "Shh, bebe," the woman laughed. "People may be sleeping."

"Nope," he replied. "Billie and Angel are still up. With a late night client, it seems." The blonde woman spun around. His heart jumped into his throat. "Buffy?" he whispered.

"Buffy?" Maria felt the world shift, as the floor fell out from under her feet. "Your Buffy?"

"Spike!" Buffy looked around for a weapon, found a stake on the reception counter, and ran towards the vampire with it. He was paralysed with shock.

She was about to plunge the wood into his chest when a strong hand grasped her forearm. "He's a friend."

She turned to see Angel looking down at her. "What the hell is going on?" she asked. She burst into tears. "Please, please, someone explain this. I don't understand."

Xander came running into the lobby. "Buffy, I told you to wait outside while I parked the car."

Spike strode over to the man and grabbed him by the shirt front, ignoring the pain that flared behind his eyes. "Harris, you idiot. What have you done?"


"You should take better care of yourself." Fred ran her finger around the large bruise on her husband's upper arm without touching it. "We aren't kids, anymore."

"Sometimes there's just no one else to do the job. I couldn't very well ask the demon to wait for Spike to show up and help." He sighed as she lay her forehead on his chest. All these years of loneliness, the dream was finally the reality. "I'm sorry. I'm rather sore tonight."

"That's okay," she smiled. "Cuddling is good too."


"You must have known about the spell. I did what you didn't have the balls to do." Xander looked at Maria, her hand on Spike's arm. "And I guess I see why."

"Alex. Alex gave you the spell from Willow's files. And you never thought of the consequences. Just plunged ahead. 'N now Buffy's the one sufferin'. Look at her. How could you do that to her again? She's terrified."

"Xander," Buffy exclaimed, "What's he talking about? What spell?" She spun back to Angel. "Please, someone tell me what's going on?"

Billie reached out for her. "Mommy? What's going on? I don't understand. I ..." She clutched her abdomen as the pain hit. "Oh, God. No. Not now. It's too soon."

Angel supported her. "Billie? What's wrong."

"The baby. I think ..." Her face went white as another contraction hit. "Please, no."

In a flash, Spike had dropped hold of Xander and was beside his daughter. "It'll be all right, pet. Don't be afraid."

Xander clutched Buffy by the wrist. "Come with me. I'll explain later. We have to go." He pulled her out the door before Maria could stop them.

"Come on, baby. Sit down." Angel led her to a chair. "It's going to be okay. It has to be okay."

Billie looked up at her father through pained eyes. "Was that, was that mom?"

"I think so." He looked around the lobby for her, but she was gone. "Bloody hell!"


The phone rang on the nightstand. Fred bolted up in the bed. "Who could that be at this hour?"

"I'll see." Wesley picked up the receiver. "Hello? What? Yes, of course. Right away." He hung up the phone.

"Who is it, Sweetheart?"

"Angel. He wants us down in the lobby. Now." He got up and started pulling on his trousers.

"It must be something important." She started to rise.

"I'm not sure that I've ever heard him this upset."


"Breathe, honey. Just breathe."

"I can't." Her grip on the armrest was so tight she was cracking the wood. "It hurts."

Wes came running down the stairs, rumpled and hastily dressed. Fred followed at his heels, her bathrobe wrapped loosely around her nightgown. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Angel was grim. "Billie's gone into labour."

"Oh, God." Fred knelt beside her. "It's going to be okay, honey. You'll be okay."

Maria was trying to hold Spike back at the door. "I have to find her. You know that."

"I know, vida mia, I know. But your place right now is with your daughter. I'll find her, and Wes will help me. That's what we do. You said his name was Harris?"

"Xander Harris. Maria, you saw her. She doesn't remember anything. She thinks she's still with Angel, back at that bloody high school. She was so frightened. I would have done anything to spare her that pain."

She touched her hand to his cheek. "I know Spike. I know who she is to you. But trust us." She turned to Wesley. "Come with me. I'll fill you in in the car. Turn your palmtop on, Spike. We'll keep you in touch. You do the same." Wesley followed her out the door.

Spike supported Billie on one side, as Angel supported the other. "Pack a bag for her, Fred," her husband said. "Meet us at the hospital."

"I love you, my brave girl," Spike said to his daughter. "Be strong."

"But daddy, I'm so scared."

"I know love, I know."


The two vampires were waiting in the maternity ward, Angel sitting quietly in a chair, Spike pacing with nervous energy, when the doctor came out to speak to them. Angel jumped up. "How are they?"

"Your son is fine. He's tiny, but I don't foresee any problems."

"Thank God." Angel sighed with relief.

"He appears to be human, but we'll keep an eye on him, given his unique heritage."

"And Billie?" Spike's blood froze at the look the doctor gave him.

"I'm sorry." She turned her attention to Angel. "Your wife is very weak. She's been fading, ever since the delivery. To be honest, I don't know what's wrong. If this continues ..."

"We'll lose her." Angel looked at Spike, feeling more alone than he'd ever been. "I can't ..."

Spike put his hand on Angel's shoulder. "We won't." He wished he were as sure as he sounded. "Dr. Mungowe, this happened before. After Billie was born. I know what she needs." He grabbed his jacket from a chair and started to head out.

"Where are you going?" Angel asked.

"You take care of my little girl. I'm going to find Buffy."

He plugged his palmtop into the dashboard speaker. "What have you found?"

Maria's voice was clear. "There was a Xander Harris checked into the Bide and Stay Motel on Palmleaf, but he checked out a few hours ago. He's driving a grey Atlas, license SGM 737. Haven't spotted it." She paused, afraid of what he'd tell her. "How's Billie?"

"It's a boy. The doctor thinks he'll be fine."

"Congratulations, Grandpa." That was Wes' voice.

"I have to find Buffy. Billie ... she's not doing too well."

Maria sighed. "We haven't had any luck, but we'll keep looking. Spike, dios te bendiga."

"Thanks, luv. I need all the help I can get." He was making the turn onto Palmleaf, when he noticed a gaudy bar sign. He could make out a bit of grey in the corner of the parking lot. Pulling in, he parked and walked over to the Atlas. "Bingo."


Fred handed a cup of coffee to Angel. "How is she?"

"Worse. The doctor told me she's worse." He looked up from the chair, cradling the cup in his hands. His eyes were moist with tears. "Fred, what am I going to do? If I lose her ..."

"Shhh." She knelt beside him and put her arms around him. "Don't think like that. And you have a little person now to be concerned with. He needs his daddy."

"I need his mother."

They had been through it before, he with Cordelia, she with Charles. It always seemed impossible until it happened. They both knew the worst was far too possible. "I know, Angel. I know."


Spike scanned the patrons sitting along the bar. No point. She wouldn't sit there, not with so many people. He walked slowly along the line of booths. There, in the farthest, towards the back. Xander, with a mug of beer. Not his first. Not by a long shot.

"Hello, Harris. Go sit at the bar."

"You." He glared at the vampire. "You can't make me." His words were slurred. Buffy was sitting, a look of terrified confusion on her face, pressed in the corner against the wall.

"No, I can't. You know that." He tried to look into the man's unfocused eyes, tried to find some small shred of sobriety. "Xander. If you care, at all, about Billie, then you'll let me talk to Buffy. Alone."

He must have touched something, deep inside. Xander Harris picked up his mug and stood. "I'll be at the bar."

Spike slid into the booth, across from his wife. "Buffy, love. Buffy, look at me."

She lifted her head. He gasped. It was her, his Buffy. He remembered every inch of her face, every nuance of her expressions. There were her sweet lips, her hazel eyes, the little lines just starting to form at the corners. It could have been minutes since he last saw her, not a lifetime.

"I don't understand what's going on, Spike. I remember things, bits and snatches. I remember a big snake, at a party. No, wait, it was at the school. I was with Angel, and there was a sword, and then he was walking away. I keep trying to hold onto things with my mind, but they slip away." She studied him, confused. Why didn't she hate him? Why didn't she fear him? "Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I need your help." He reached his hand towards hers, but she pulled it back and dropped it into her lap. "That woman, the one with Angel, she needs your help."

"Why should I help her?"

"Why?" Why should she help a strange woman, a woman who'd stolen her lover? "Because, Buffy, you're the Slayer. You're a hero. You help people, it's what you do. If you don't help Billie, she'll die. I know you don't understand, but if you don't do this, you'll regret it, in ways you can't imagine." How much should he tell her? "That woman. She's my daughter."

"But you're a vampire. Angel told me, vampires can't ..."

"Yeah. Evidently we can."

She thought for a moment. "What does she need?"

"Your blood."

Buffy nodded. "I should have known. She's a vampire."

"No, she isn't. She's a woman. A good woman. Please." Would pleading help? "Just a bit of your blood. At the hospital. I swear to you, if you help me, you can go back to Sunnydale with Xander. Anything you want. Just, please, help her." He would let her go. It would break his heart.

"This means a lot to you. A lot to Angel." She sat for a long time, her face inscrutable. Suddenly, something sparked in her eyes. "Okay. I'll help her."


"The nurses get hissy when they find you on my bed."

"Tough for the nurses." Angel wrapped his arms around his much healthier wife. "Is it my fault that you're so beautiful I can't keep away from you?"

"Yeah, right. I feel real beautiful, with the stringy hair and no makeup. Must be love."

He twisted around to kiss her. "Must be."

"Umm hmm." The sound of the clearing throat caught their attention, and they pulled apart. "I was wondering if you two would be interested in holding your son."

"Dr. Mungowe? Really?" Billie clutched at Angel's hand, squeezing it. "He's ready?"

"He's ready. He's been in the chamber for three days, and he's made remarkable progress. He's small, but he's a fighter. If this keeps up, you should be able to take him home in a week."

Billie wiped tears from her eyes. "Can I see him now? Please?"

"Of course." The doctor gestured to the nurse standing at the door, who wheeled the bassinette into the room. She picked up the infant and put him into Billie's reaching arms.

"He's so small." Angel was mesmerized by the tiny frame.

"It's okay," the doctor said. "You can touch him."

Angel reached out his little finger, and the tiny hand grasped it. "He's so strong."

Billie was crying. "He's so beautiful." She kissed him gently on the forehead. "Hello, little Charlie. I'm your mommy, and this is your daddy. We love you."

"You did good, pet." Spike was standing at the foot of the bed, staring at the happy family. "Charlie, is it?"

"Yeah, dad. Charles Giles Angel."

"It's a good name." He shifted his weight, nervously. "There's someone wants to see you. Both of you. She saved your life, Billie."


Spike nodded. "She still doesn't remember much, but she's trying. Wants to see the girl she helped. She doesn't know."

"That I'm her daughter." Billie looked up at Angel's face, seeking strength. "Bring her in."

Spike went to the woman in the hallway and led her into the room. Buffy stood awkwardly, making little glances at Angel, confusion on her face, until she focused on the baby. "Billie?"

"Yes?" Her daughter waited for a sign of recognition, impossible she knew. She'd been three years old when her mother was lost to her.

"I had a baby. I remember. Her name was Billie." Buffy clenched her fists together. "How could I have a baby? I'm only in high school. Or college. It's so damn frustrating."

Spike put his arm around Buffy's shoulder. Surprisingly, she didn't even flinch. "I remember something. I had a baby, then I lost her, but I got her back." She looked at Angel. "You helped me. And Spike." She pounded her fist against her forehead. "Where is she? What happened to her? Why can't I remember?"

Spike gently pulled her hand away from her head, holding it in his. "You will. In time. Your baby's fine." He looked over at his precious daughter. "More than fine."

Buffy leaned against him, relaxing. She couldn't have told him why. He couldn't help but smile.


It was a celebration of sorts in the lobby of the Hyperion Hotel. Little Charlie was coming home. Fred had festooned the room with streamers and balloons. Buffy was sitting quietly in the corner, still trying to absorb the memories that came trickling hesitantly back. Maria watched Spike as he hung a 'Welcome Home' banner over the reception desk. Wesley carried out a bowl of punch from the kitchen.

Angel came through the front entrance with his beaming wife in tow, a baby carrier in his arms. The room's inhabitants responded with spontaneous applause. Unimpressed, baby Charlie slept.

Only Maria failed to smile. She pulled Spike aside into Angel's office. "You're going again, aren't you."

"It'll be better for her, in Sunnydale. Hasn't changed much over the years, not like LA."

"How's she coping?"

"A baby step at a time. She doesn't remember us, not yet. It'll come. In the meantime, we're going to stay at Willow's mansion. It'll be good for them. I know it'll be a shock, her seein' how her friend is, but it'll be good. Willow doesn't have much time. They need each other."

"And you, carino? How will you be?"

"I'll be fine." He took Maria's hand and pressed it to his lips. "I'm sorry. Sorry I hurt you."

"I would have been hurt more in the long run, even without this. I see it now. Your heart was never free." She straightened her shoulders. "I'm a big girl. I have a good job. I'll be fine too." She kissed his cheek. "Go. Be with your family."

"I won't forget you, Maria. Look after my girl."

"You can count on it."


Buffy watched the festivities with detachment. Everything in this new world seemed so strange. Angel was kissing Billie, but it didn't hurt. The baby was sweet. Spike was sitting down beside her. "I'm trying to understand. Billie is my daughter. Our daughter."


"The baby is my grandson."

"True." He took her hand. "And I'd say you're the prettiest grandma there's ever been."

"Billie needed my blood, after she was born. So when she was sick, you figured maybe she needed it again."

"Good thing I was right." He leaned back onto the couch. "If I'd lost her ..."

"It was my fault. When I got here, she went into labour." Buffy stared at the strange young woman with Spike's eyes and her mouth.

"No, pet. No." He took her hand and concentrated on her face. "The doctor said it would have happened, even if she'd went full term. If you hadn't been here, we could a lost her." He laughed. "In a strange way, I have Harris to thank for saving her life. Only thing keeping that boy of his from losing his job."

"You tell me things, but they don't seem real. Funny though. I feel like I've been through this before."

"I'll explain it all, when you're ready. Hopefully, you'll remember for yourself. I want you to know one thing, though. I love you. With all my heart."

"For what it's worth," she sighed, "that means something to me. I'm not sure what, yet, but something. I'm sorry that it's not enough."

"It's something." He brought her hands to his lips. "More than I ever dared hope."