Author's Note:Once again, my sincere thanks to all who left reviews and have taken an interest in this story. I must say, this has been a pleasant diversion away from my research and real job. This is the last chapter. Perhaps I will be inspired to write more with these two interesting characters, but who knows? I did forget to indicate earlier, I am not a native speaker of English, so I must apologise for any mistakes I have made with the language in this or the previous chapters.
Moment of Truth
Chapter Three
"Did you hear that? Thor is learning how to drive," Natasha said after the god had departed. She waited, but saw no change in the unconscious archer. Finally she exclaimed angrily, "Damn it, Clint! Wake up! Wake up and tell me you'll be all right."
For a very long moment nothing happened, then Barton's eyes flickered. He fought free from dark oblivion despite the pain that assaulted his senses. Forcing open his eyes, he was greeted by Natasha's concerned face. Hawkeye whispered her name.
"Finally, Clint! How do you feel?"
Barton smiled weakly. "Glad I'm not on the road today."
"You heard that?"
He nodded slightly.
"Did you hear anything else?"
"Should I have?" Clint took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly, unsuccessfully trying not to groan. He hadn't hurt this much in a very long time.
Natasha saw the lines of agony etched on the archer's face. For her. He had taken the bullet for her. He was enduring this for her. She wished she could ease his pain. Reaching out tentatively, she ran her fingers through the hair at his temples.
Barton closed his eyes and sighed at the pleasant, gentle touch. "Tasha…"
Before he could complete his thought, before she lost her courage, Romanoff interrupted. "Clint, I think I love you."
Barton's eyes shot open.
"I know it won't be easy. I know..."
"I know I love you, Natasha."
Romanoff flashed a rare, tentative smile. She leaned down and gently kissed Clint. His pain seemed to ease substantially.
"You can do that again," he commented, wishing he was not so weak. Wishing he could hold her. Wanting to kiss her in a way she would never doubt his feelings for her.
"I'll do that and much more when you're healed," Natasha vowed. She leaned down and kissed him again.
They took their time, savouring the kiss, tasting the sweetness of each other and the promise of love.
I know, it is a sappy ending, but I do think these two deserve a little happiness. Thank you for taking the time to read this story, and please leave a review.