True blue

Introducing a new member?

Because every match making story isn't complete without her

"So we finally done it huh?"

Jellal was sitting beside her, hugging his legs looking absolutely distraught.

"What do you mean finally?" He clutched his head in pain.

That was one killer hangover.

Juvia rolled her eyes. "You'd think after all we've done, we should've been in here from the very beginning."

"I DON'T WANT TO END UP IN JAIL AGAIN!" He began to wail at last.

Sure enough the two bluenettes where huddled together behind rusting metal bars. Quite the calamity.

"Well, I was wondering where we got those instruments from, but it turns out that we actually broke into a store and stole them."

"Juvia left some money."

"Well apparently it doesn't really change anything."

Juvia gave him a smug grin. "Change… Juvia left some change, but it didn't change anything."

He groaned.

"Not to mention a misunderstood kidnapping, disturbance of the public's peace."

"At least they let you keep the Mystogan outfit on."

That was one silver lining in this terrible predicament. Something along the lines of he was allegoric to the air and the outfit allowed him to fight this terrible allergy was enough to do it. And added pathetic sobbing.

"Hangover and in jail. Maybe we should make a movie… Juvia shall call it the Hangover?"

Jellal grimaced. "Please… no."

So after a few more hours spent in jail, Jellal was finally back in his Inn room. Luckily, since he was disguised as Mystogan that day he managed to avoid staying in jail. What the heck happened last night?

Jellal walked into his room, and while he had already grown accustomed to the four blunettes and one blue cat that may or may not be in his room, he couldn't grasp the concept of the random who had just intruded.

"Hello there Mystogan."

"YOU!" he breathed. "YOU'RE NOT BLUE!"

Mirajane frowned at his accusation. "I am too, very sad."

"No... not that blue!" he could feel a headache. "Wait, what are you doing here?!"

"I want to be included into this romance organisation." She smiled brightly at him. He could've sworn there was a sanctified light coming from her. Something told him that she shouldn't be included in this organisation. Things were bound to get... worse... A small voice laughed mockingly at him. As if anything could get any worse.

Lucky for him she didn't meet any of the criteria set require for becoming a member. Just as he was about to politely reject her request, his door opened and the member of the very official yet unofficial People in love alliance came strolling in.

"Oh, Mira-san, what brings you here?" Asked a curious Juvia.

"Ah, I came to submit an application." She gestured at Jellal who had his arms crossed. "Mystogan here was about to accept-"

"Decline her offer." He finished and Mirajane gave a small pout.

Juvia looked at them confused. "What application?"

She gave a bright smile. "I want to join."

"The People in Love Alliance?"

"Please no." Jellal groaned.

"YES! That! Ohhh~ Is that what you call it?" Mirajane's smile widened. "People in Love!"

Oh no. For the love of kami. Jellal thought desperately to himself. He took a deep breath in. Nothing to worry about. She doesn't meet any of the requirements. He glanced over at Juvia who directed Mirajane a disappointed frown. He inwardly rejoiced.

"Sorry Mira-san! There are certain requirements you need to be able to enter."

"Oh what are they?"

Jellal narrowed his eyes. She seemed pretty sure of herself. And he was pretty sure no one would go far as to dye their hair just to join this crazy People in Love Alliance. If he was Mirajane he would've opted out long ago.

"Well, your hair has to be blue..."

Mirajane smile widened. She closed her eyes and suddenly from her roots, each strand of her hair turned blue. Jellal's mouth fell open.

No way.

Levy clapped her hands in delight. "Well that ticks off one of the requirements."

Everyone gave a pleased round of agreement.

"J-j-just wait! You guys are just going to dismissed what just happen!" Jellal yelled incredulously.

"Jellal, we live in a world full of magic, nothing this small is going to faze us."

Well touch'e Jevy. The sass is strong in this one.

"But still... how did you do that?"

"Well, transformation magic does wonders. But it takes years to transform only one part of yourself." She explained dutifully.

That was impressive and all... but that means...

Jellal let out a groan.

"So what are the other requirements?" She quipped, quite pleased with herself.

"Well... your name has to start with J."

With this Mirajane looked confused.

"But..." She ushered at Levy, Happy and Wendy.

"Don't worry. We just have to change your name."

Jellal went to sit on his bed, with Levy following. "Well here we go." They already knew what it was going to be. Jirajane. Levy let out a snort of a laugh despite the obviousness of it all.

"Alright Mira-san. I have decided your name."

Jellal watched them deadpanned. There was really nothing to decided one.

"Your new name is… Jane."


Two shocked beyond belief faces belonging to Jellal and Levy were directed at Juvia. They pointed accusing fingers at her.

"You can't just mess up the status quo like that!" He yelled at her.

"T-t-that's too unexpected!" Levy added in.

"Unexpected is Juvia's middle name."

"No it isn't."

"But why Jane?" Wendy asked.

"Maa, what a lovely name~!" Mirajane clapped her hands together in delight.

"Jane, as in Mira-jane!" Juvia explained as if it were so obvious, which in fact, it was not.

"Well… that makes sense… but no! It's not the same!" Jellal was trying his hardest to not go over to a table and flip it over.

"What shall we do today?" Juvia asked and he was once again ignored.

They would never work out the inner workings of their leader's mind.

"How about we ask our newest member." Juvia turned to Mirajane, or for the sake of the alliance- Jane.


Everyone turned around to see Jellal sticking out a hand to stop them.

"There still needs to be something established with our new member."

"Jellal, you didn't even believe that Jane-san had blue hair."

Wait… but she doesn't…

"No, in order to be in the People in LOVE Alliance, you need to be in love."

Everyone's eyes widened and then quickly directed their curious eyes at Mirajane.

Oh shoot. In order to match make everyone, I have to also be in love?

"Oh, who could I possibly be in love with?" She sang, trying to calculate an answer.

Levy clapped her hands in delight. "Now we'll be able to find out who holds Fairy Tail's beauty Mirajane's heart!"

"Oh…. Erm…"

Quick Mira, think! Who do people ship you the most with?

With a calm smile despite her inner panicked self, she took a quick breath in.

"Alright, I'm actually in love with… Laxus." She managed to force herself to say. She quickly apologised to him in her head.

"JUVIA IS SHOCKED!" Juvia gasped and gave herself a small hi five for the pun. Face palms all around.

"Laxus huh? I had my suspicions." Levy smirked.

Jellal looked up in thought. The powerful lightning mage in their group? It's true they spent a lot of time together.

Wendy twiddled her thumbs together. "I liked you and Freed-san together though Jane-san."

Juvia grabbed Wendy's hands in hers. "Juvia thought so too! After that majestic battle the two of them had together, Juvia felt it was destiny!"

"Oh my. Juvia I thought you were unconscious for that fight." Mirajane decided to add in.

"But Juvia now sees that Laxus-san would be good too."

Levy crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, I for one, like Laxus and Jane together."

So the Jane name is going to stick huh? Jellal thought. He wasn't too picky on who she ended up with.

"Ah! But Juvia had her suspicions that Jane has a love rival already!"

Everyone looked at her interested. "Oh?"


Everyone in the group gasped but none seemed to disagree.

Levy placed a hand on Mirajane's shoulders. "Gambatte Jane."

"Oh my~"


"Are you still debating on what we should do, Jane-san?" Wendy asked.

"Or maybe I should trap everyone with Freed's runes…" The now blue haired takeover mage mumbled furiously to herself.

Jellal and Levy and Happy were busy in a game of cards and Juvia and Wendy sharing their thoughts on the latest sorcerer magazine.

Mirajane finally snapped out of her thoughts and directed her eyes at the cover. It was of Jenny and Hibiki in a close embrace and hands intertwined as if they were…

"THAT'S IT!" She cried.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Go fish! I WIN!" Happy cried out and gathered all the bets in the middle to his side of the triangle.

Mirajane swooped in gracefully and took the magazine off Juvia. Juvia let out a cry of protest.

"We're going out!"

"The magic games are tomorrow!" Levy interrupted.

"The day after tomorrow!" She clapped her hands delightedly skimming through the magazine with much interest. "And I ship this couple, oooooo, they would be nice together too…"

"Oh!" Juvia's interests were sparked.

"Oh no." Looks of dread all around.

"We'll definitely make everyone all lovey dovey! There will be hugs, bumps, and the occasional smooch. It will be absolutely wonderful!" Her eyes were on fire and drool was dripping down the side of her mouth.


"Does that mean Juvia can… can… k-k-k-kiss Gray-sama?" Her eyes also began to blaze.

"Of course!"


The two were calculating in their little corner, their aura's growing and becoming progressively more intense.

The other four members shrunk back at how scary their enthusiasm was.

This was definitely not going to end well. There was nothing he or any of the other PILA members could do anyways. Or they've just stopped trying all together.

"100 jewels for the next game." Levy declared and Wendy was left shuffling the cards in a very clumsy manner.

Jellal let out a heavy sigh and dug into his pockets.

He never won this stupid game.

After a very heated discussion Juvia and Mirajane secretly prepared everything and invited the people in love alliance and their beloved to the crocus park. It was the stage where their little band's shortcomings had happened.

Laxus groaned. "What are you planning Mira?"

"It'll be fun, trust me!" Mira smiled.

Jellal eyed the stage carefully and then slid next to Juvia who was beaming sunshines.

"So how exactly did you get everyone to come ever since our drunken fiasco?" Jellal whispered wanting to know what underhanded methods she used.

"Oh, Jane-san posted a fake mission and convinced everyone to complete it with us."

Jelllal shuddered. They had a very valuable ally among them this time. He stole a glance at Mirajane smiling her happy smile as always. He wasn't so sure that smile was so innocent anymore.

"Maa. Everyone the client is hosting a party where Fairy Tail is invited and as a prerequisite each of us needs to know how to dance! Let's do our best!"

"This is a pain. Are you sure you need us to do this." Gray asked bluntly. "Whose stupid idea was it to accept this mission anyways?"

Mirajane buried her face in her hands and gave a convincing cry. Gray grimaced. "Ah… it was you Mira. S-s-sorry."

Scary. The P.I.L.A all thought.

WONDERFUL! Juvia inspired to be like their newest member.

"So! When everyone gets here for the dancing competition, we'll all act natural!" She clapped her hands delightedly. "Oh! We all need to be paired up first!"


"Wait no, didn't she say this was a party?" Gray pointed out.

"Oh my. Gajeel, you should read your missions more carefully." Mirajane smiled and ignored Gray.

Her face soon fell when she spied the organisers of the dance competition walk over.

"Why are they here so early? They shouldn't be here for another 30 minutes!"

Gajeel also seemed a bit panicked. "Quick everyone grab a partner!"

There was suddenly a lot of shoving and Mirajane's eyes widened with horror. It wasn't going according to plan. Everything was ruined.

"No, everyone stop! Calm down. I already chose your partners!"

Jellal was looking stupidly at the mess and Juvia was busily yelling Gray's name.

Finally everyone had self-set their own partners. Erza with happy, Gray with Wendy, Levy with Romeo, Gajeel with Charle.

"Gray-sama you lolicon." She sobbed a bit. Jellal's face distorted into horror seeing that Juvia was the only available partner… or not!

"MIRAJANE!" He turned around to grab her as his partner but Laxus was already by her side looking a bit grumpy.

"No." He whispered.

"Guess it's just you and me, Jellal."

He buried his face in his hands.

"No. no. no. no."

"Again with looping words Jellal."

The dance competition coordinators finally came over and gave them a funny look especially at the metal dragonslayer paired with the small white cat. "These are some of our competitors?"

Mirajane was looking distraught that her master plan was ruined. She was going to tell him that they weren't but Gajeel stepped in and said that they were. She shot him a particularly large smile. Everyone shrunk a bit and could feel shadows come after them.

"We'll be ready in 5."

This was a disaster.

Ahahahahha. Oh god.

What have we here? An update? Heavenly Buddha save us all! Sorry for the short chapter though. All the hilarity next chappy though.

Thanks for all your reviews and lovely comments! They are just so wonderful to read especially when times are getting tough.

Enjoy this chapter. Next chapter should be done soon. What? Will I actually finish this story? Blasphemy.

Love Usa-chan.