When Fred walked into the sitting room that night, everyone in the room fell silent.
"She's asleep," he told the group, sitting down on the couch next to George. "I had to sort of talk her into the idea, but she finally closed her eyes."
"Will someone please tell me what happened to the poor girl," Molly asked.
Ron and Harry went back and forth telling the story, starting from Harry losing his wand to getting to the house that morning.
"Something confuses me though," Ron said once Harry had finished.
"Lots of things confuse you, Ron," Ginny teased.
"Honestly," Ron argued. "I don't get why Hermione's so attached to you suddenly, Fred. I mean, she's closer to me and Harry. Shouldn't we be taking care of her?"
All eyes looked to Fred, who, instead of embarrassed like they expected, looked cross. "You're jealous aren't you?" he accused. "The both of you are jealous of me, because Hermione's seeking comfort somewhere else."
The two boys in question flushed scarlet. "N-no," Ron stuttered defensively.
"You are! It's pathetic, do you realize how bloody stupid you sound? Your best friend was tortured, and you're upset because it isn't your shoulder she's crying on. Are you surprised? Every time she's upset about something you two find a way to blow up in her face and make it her fault. And then you have the nerve to actually be mad at her. Well sorry, but I'm not going to push her away because it's upsetting you. She needs someone and she chose me." Fred stood, fuming.
"Fred, I don't think they –"
"Bugger off, Charlie," he snapped at his brother, storming from the room and back up the stairs. He got to the top and stopped, leaning against the wall and muttering curse words under his breath.
Fred jumped at the sudden sound of his name, looking over in the direction of the sound to see Hermione standing in the doorway of her and Ginny's room.
"Hermione? I thought you feel asleep."
She shrugged, her face blank. "It's hard to sleep when your own scream is echoing in your ears.
Fred wished he hadn't said anything at all.
"I wanted to thank you for defending me. It's not easy standing up to Ron and Harry. Ron has an innocence about him that scares me sometimes. Like he hasn't really realized what's happening, and it makes you want to agree with everything he says so he doesn't get scared. And Harry, well…he's Harry Potter."
Fred nodded.
"So thank you, really. I didn't mean to bother you…"
"You didn't," Fred said quickly. "You never bother me."
A slight smile flitted across Hermione's face. "Do you like me Fred?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead, she went back into the bedroom, a soft 'goodnight' floating back to Fred before she shut the door.
That broad would kill him, he was sure of it.
Screams echoed through the Burrow, and Fred shot up in bed. "Hermione," he realized, running from the room just as George was sitting up.
Fred raced to his sister's room and burst through the door, ignoring his parents and sister and heading straight for Hermione. "You're alright," he said softly. Hearing Fred's voice seemed to help, and Hermione's screams faded into sobs. Fred sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "See, love, I'm here and you're here. Everyone's safe. You're safe. I promise you're alright." Hermione shook in his arms, her sobs residing, and soon enough she was asleep again. Fred made no sign that he was planning on moving. Mrs. Weasley seemed ready to protest when her husband interrupted.
"Molly, she hasn't slept in days. Until we can figure something else out, let her get through the night."
Reluctantly, Mrs. Weasley agreed. She shut the door to the girl's room just as Fred was drifting off to sleep.
I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Oh well. Reassure me with reviews? :3