In honour of the season I decided to write a Christmas Fic. I couldn't be bothered making a whole knew story so I just attached. To all my readers of Triple O and Triple B. And Lovers Of the B.O.W (You'll notice that Bows, Brothers and Broken hearts and Offence Outrages and Overdue Assessment make up the B. And O part) series.

Have a Very Merry Christmas.

I was in the kitchen, baking gingerbread cookies and decorating a gingerbread house with candy. I had been in there all afternoon with Clint, Ally and Tony. Christmas music playing in the background, and Clint, Ally and I were singing along. We had made at least 150 cookies already, and it didn't look like we were stopping soon.

"Hey Jex …" Clint said, with a grin I turned around to receive a finger full of frosting swiped across my face. I raised my eyebrows as he laughed. "You seem to have something on your face."

"Really?" I asked dipping my hand into the butter cream I was stirring reaching out and smashing a glob of butter cream onto his cheek. He grinned and went to grab some more frosting but I held up my fingers in a truce motion. Silently I tapped Ally on shoulder. She looked up curiously from the gingerbread house she's constructing. I casually walk over and mash some butter cream into Tony's hair. Tony laughs tuning towards us, and then says, "Oh you did not little sister!" He yells as he throws some flour at Ally, Clint and me, covering us in the white powder.

"You did NOT just do that! FOOD FIGHT!" I scream and fling Butter milk at everybody.

The fight lasted about ten minutes, with each of us yelling and throwing ingredients all over the kitchen. We would have continued even longer, except Steve walked in right as Tony dumped a whole bag on my head.

"WHAT. IS. GOING. ON?" Steve asks, barely containing his anger. "You completely destroyed the kitchen."

"Yeah, it's a funny story." I hedged, giving Ally and Clint covert look. I seriously think Steve's vein was throbbing in his forehead. The four of us stood there, covered from head to toe in ingredients, as Steve looked between us. "And I think Tony would be really glad to tell you all about it!". Ally, Clint could barely contain our laughter as we ran out of the kitchen to take showers, leaving a fuming Steve and Vengeful Tony behind.

"EVERYBODY UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING!" I shout through the PA system, and then proceed to blast Michael Buble's Christmas Album. "MERRY CHRISTMAS AVENGERS!"

Obviously, it was Christmas morning. I decided the sleepy superheroes needed a wake-up call they wouldn't forget.

I ran into Steve's room wearing my red and green "Christmas Pj's" and a Santa hat, yelling and then jumping on his bed. "Wake up Steve! It's present time! Merry Christmas Captain!"

He quickly gets out of bed, wearing equally festive pajamas. Steve and I probably loved Christmas more than anybody in the tower. We ran into Bruce's room, giving him the same treatment I did. He yelled at us for being too spirited, but then donned a hat of his own and followed suit.

When we got to Thor's room, we quickly realized that my method wasn't going to work. I literally had to slap him across the face before he woke up. After that ordeal was over, we gathered the rest of our weird family and headed to the living room.

Everyone was gathered downstairs. In the Stark household Christmas was a big tradition and Tony and I had strung Christmas lights all through the halls and set out all the food early this morning. It's not Christmas without you was loudly playing in the background. The tree was already lit up with all of the presents piled underneath. I was very proud of our handiwork. I looked at everybody, to see their reactions. Everyone's mouth was hanging wide open. .

"PRESENTS!" all the men yelled as they tripped over each other running to the tree. I rolled my eyes before sprinting over myself and diving down beside Tony.

For not being a Midgardian, Thor was very into opening presents. Torn bits of wrapping paper were flung everywhere. He came to the last one. It was a large box. "To: Thor, From: Jex." he read aloud. He ripped the paper off, and discovered an industrial-size box of Pop tarts. He simply stared at the box, unsure of what to do. He then ran over and spun me around in a rib-crushing hug. "THANK YOU JEX!" he bellowed.

I laughed and hugged him once he set me down. "You're welcome big guy." I say.

Steve was next. He carefully picked up his box from me. Steve was more careful than Thor when opening his presents. After the wrapping paper came off, it revealed a pair of Captain America Pajamas and some American Flag boxers.

Everybody laughed, including Steve, and he gave me a hug much like the one Thor gave me.
"I'm glad you guys like your presents, but if everybody reacts this way to my gifts I'm gonna break a few ribs..." I joked and rubbed my side. "Bruce, you're up next."

Bruce opens his present. Inside is a book titled, "Jex's Guide to Managing Anger". Bruce opens the book, to see a nook cut out with the key's to an almost indestructible motorbike. He laughed aloud, a big, ringing laugh and gave me a much gentler hug than the others.

I gave Tony a set of family video's I'd found on DVD; Ally and Natasha passes to a massage salon; and Clint Robin Hood on DVD. Loki received the best bits of Fred and George DVD. Then it was my turn.

I grinned as Loki passed me a small box filled with pictures of Asgard. I practically squashed him as I dove into his arms. He knew that his home fascinated me. "You're the best!" I told him, as Thor passed me a small envelope.

"This is from me and my family." I raised my eyebrow as I opened it, to find a piece of paper which had been painstakingly drawn on. I could faintly make out the words 'This entitles the bearer to one free trip to Asgard and Back' "The Captain helped me," Thor said abashed as I hugged him with enthusiasm. Steve smiled at me as he passed me a large box.

"This is from Bruce, Natasha and I." I grinned ripping it open to find, a pile of n1940's trumpet sheet music, trumpet valve oil and trumpet mutes. "This is amazing. I love it!" I said giving each of them a hug, Natasha froze for a second but nonetheless hugged me back.

"This is from Tony and I," Ally said passing me a small envelope, I grinned ripping it open. "Awesome." It was the box set of greys anatomy and Franklin and Bash plus a set pass for both. "I love you both!" I said running over and tackle hugging them both.

"Merry Christmas Jex!" Tony grinned giving me a hug after Ally had released me. Clint coughed drawing my attention to him. I grinned at him as he leant next to the tree.

"Now the best gift for last." I got a small box placed in front of me. The tag read, "To: Jex, From Love: Hawkeye. I ripped the paper off, to reveal a scrapbook. Inside were pictures and mementoes of our relationship, from the first day he moved in, to yesterday during the food fight.

"You guys, this is amazing. I can't believe it. How did you make this?" I ask, in awe of the touching gift.

"With my help Miss Jex." Jarvis chimed in. "I simply went through the video feed and took stills of everyday you were together. Mr Barton decorated it. "

"Thank you Jarvis. It's lovely. And thank you." I say, looking at Clint. This gift is beautiful. I love it." I said and walked over to him stretching out on my toes to give him a kiss."This is the best Christmas ever!"

Merry Christmas to all my reviewers.

In order of which chapter you FIRST reviewed on, (If I did each review There would be pages for some of you)

CYR 911, My very first, CLAMPsFluffMeisterGirl, TeddyBearSunshineJoy54, Creative Lunatic, Arco111, Nagrom Renin, ccgg, mecuryfire, thecrazykid, C, FoxofMagic, Marron5Maniac, yvaiine, The-goddamn-Iron-Girl, Torilovesu, NerdyPotterFan, guest, Nat-CatWoman, GACfan13, converselover20204, TheMostRandomOfRandomWriters , TheHawksRock25, smkelover,