Hey… so I guess it's a bit late to say happy new year, heheheh. Thanks again to everyone sticking with this story, hope you enjoy the next chapter.
Chapter 14
The second barrier was smaller and did not require as much time as the first. Hermione chose a fair amount of ground around the cottage for people to stretch their legs. She wondered if the pond had any fish in it, she couldn't exactly summon any unless she knew where it was coming from. It was possible that people might pack food when being brought to the forest, but how long would that food last? How many people were good at hunting? They needed some reinforcements.
The cottage seemed like the easiest to fix, but the amount of cracks and holes just kept increasing. It was like swatting one fly only to have five more appear; honestly, she should have made Ron fix the cottage.
Once the building was repaired, the three witches expanded the interior, creating rooms, a huge kitchen, bathrooms, a huge dining hall, more rooms upon rooms until it resembled some kind of hotel, only less fancy. Rocks and twigs were transfigured and used to furnish the place.
Hermione took a step back to admire their work and smiled. Things were working out well so far. The only thing left to do was find some volunteers and have another talk with Harry.
They all apparated back into Peeta's living room where freshly baked bread and soup awaited them. The others had already eaten and were talking amongst themselves when the girls arrived. Hermione helped herself to the bread and soup and took a seat next to Harry.
"We are going to need volunteers to do the cooking, Harry," she said, pointing at her meal. "A few would be fine for now, but we will need more as the number of people increases."
"I will volunteer," Mrs Mellark said.
"My mother will definitely volunteer," Gale said.
"My mother, too," Katniss said. "Prim is really good at making cheese. She has a goat. I'm sure more people will volunteer once we find them, it's for their own good and the good of their families so I doubt they would refuse."
"Another thing, we'll need a constant supply of food. Harry, I think we might need help," Hermione said worriedly. "I know we're magical and all, but it's too much for us to handle alone. We need more people. I'm talking about people confident enough to lead. Strong people."
"We were discussing that while you were gone. We've already sent word to McGonagall that we'll be staying longer. We can ask her to send a few more people willing to help," Harry said.
He doubted anyone would want to help out in this war just after surviving their own war, but it was worth a try. If no one wanted to fight in the war, they could always work in the kitchen, or maybe do a bit of hunting. That reminded him, he could ask for some supplies. Anything would be helpful. The people here didn't have much and he felt so guilty every time Mrs Mellark would set a meal on the table for everyone.
A few days later saw the cottage filled with the remainder of the people from District 13. Katniss and Gale volunteered to do the hunting while they all waited for an answer from McGonagall, and their mothers manned the kitchen.
They had all vacated the Mellark's residence and now sat in a meeting room Hermione had added as far away from the other rooms as possible. They had received word that a few people had volunteered, but weren't told who exactly. So they sat silently awaiting their arrival. Hopefully the co-ordinates and pictures of the place would help. They couldn't have people appearing all over the place. They were all to arrive outside the barrier where a portkey awaited them to transport them inside. The portkey was a large bone with a lightning bolt carved into it. it was a bit cheesy, but whoever was coming would recognise it immediately, but it would mean nothing to the people from around here.
The minutes passed by and people were becoming a bit edgy. Did something go wrong? Were they caught?
A few more minutes passed before a small crowd appeared in the centre of the room. Mrs Weasley was the first to break away from the crowd and engulfed Hermione in a bear hug.
"Oh, Hermione dear, Arthur and I were so worried about you. He couldn't be here since there are still so many things to deal with back home, but he'll be so glad to know you're in one piece."
"Hey, what about me? I'm your son," Ron said grumpily, walking over and giving his mother a hug.
There were many familiar faces; Neville, Cho, the Patil twins, Madam Pomfrey, and right at the back, doing his best to remain hidden from sight was Draco Malfoy. Blaise stood by his side with an awkward smile on his face, seemingly regretting his choice of being there. Narcissa Malfoy stood at his other side, with her hand on his shoulder.
"Oh yes," Mrs Weasley said, remembering Draco and Narcissa, and letting go of Ron to stand up straight. "Mr Malfoy over there was to be sent to Azkaban along with his father. Narcissa narrowly escaped prison because of her help in the war. Apparently the ministry does not look past any form of assistance no matter how small it is. Anyway, to avoid sending Draco to prison and ruining his life even more, Professor McGonagall decided it best to send him along. A sort of community service on his part. Narcissa wouldn't allow him to come alone and Blaise didn't want to be left out… in my opinion."
"What matters is that they're here to help," Hermione said, her hand covering Ron's mouth, stopping his outburst. His emotions really were unnecessary at times, or maybe he was just thick and single-minded. "Let's introduce everyone."
The introductions went quickly and everyone set to work sorting and packing the supplies the new arrivals brought. Mrs Weasley and Narcissa were to work in the kitchen and Draco, along with Katniss and Gale were to hunt. They did not trust sending Draco out just yet and hunting would keep him on his toes. The other two would show him around the forest and the best places to hunt. Blaise and the rest would be taken to different districts and shown around in order for them to apparated back and forth at will. It was time to rescue the citizens of Panem.
Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Tell your friends, spread the word! Lol, but anyway, I'd love to hear what you guys think, so please leave a review =)