The warm spray of the shower hit Natasha's bruised body. It was two days after the battle with the aliens in New York and she was feeling
it. Not to mention the go around she'd had with the hulk previous.
The pain was worth it.
The Earth was safe.
The people she loved were safe.
The stream of water broke as the other person sharing the shower stepped closer. Natasha opened her eyes to find Clint's gaze and hands
tracing the bruises by her collarbone. His featherlight touch moved to her shoulders and down her forearms. His beautiful eyes filled with
remorse and sadness.
Natasha shook her head as she captured his hands in hers bringing them to his chest.
"We've been over this."Romanoff chided quietly.
"That was before I saw what I did."Barton replied his voice strained. "I'm sorry, Nat..."
Natasha kissed Clint letting the warm water wash over both of them. He unlocked their hands and wrapped them gently around her waist pulling
her closer.
"How can you stand to be near me?"Barton asked as they finally came up for air..
Natasha touched Hawkeye's right cheek hating what Loki had done."Because it was never you that caused me pain, Clint."
Barton sighed closing his eyes and rested his forehead against Natasha's. "I need you to know, Nat. I couldn't hurt you in Budapest
when I got that kill order and I could never...you're my partner. What Loki did to me was worse than anything...he wanted me to kill
you and I couldn't break his order. If you hadn't tried to save me..."
The Black Widow stepped back forcing Clint to open his eyes and look at her. "Us...whatever we are...partners...lovers...friends...I
knew you would find a way to beat Loki's control or die trying."
"Natasha."Clint began quietly as he cupped her face with both hands.
Natasha watched as a whirlwind of emotions crossed Clint's face in a flicker of a moment. The kiss that followed was one of the most
intense she'd ever experienced with Clint or any other man.
When they broke apart this time Clint slid down the wall to the shower floor pulling Natasha down with him.
They sat in each other's arms for a long time. No kissing, no caressing just them.
"I love you, Natasha."Clint stated softly as he turned and tucked a stray red hair away from her face.
Natasha smiled. "I love you too. We'll be okay, I promise."
"How can you be so sure?"Barton asked.
"Bruises aren't the only thing that heal with time."Natasha replied as
she once more captured his lips with a kiss.