A/N: I haven't written a new chapter for this in like ages. Well, here it is. If I don't get like five review for this I'm not gonna update it.

Padme could barely stand to be in the same room with him. She felt as if she were suffocating being in his prescence. It was almost too much for her to take in.

She was still thinking it over when she heard a door lock. She knew without a doubt which one it was.

"Luke! Unlock this door right this minute!"

She looked over at Anakin who looked completely calm and was smirking.

"I always thought you were weird but now I think you're completely nuts! You're going through this whole thing acting as if nothing is going on! And now they lock us in here, you act as if you're out in the sun for the day."

"Really, it's not that bad. I really think you're upset enough for the both of us. I know how to use the force. It's really not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal? You're completely off. You need help! How much are we supposed to take? First they trick us into seeing eachother and now we're locked in the same room together?"

"I'll unlock it. Please, calm down. The senate wouldn't want you so stressed out, now would they," asked Anakin sarcastically.

"Very funny. Maybe I'm so stressed- because the whole house is force proof!"

They could hear the giggles on the other side.

"Leia and Luke. I demand to be let out of here at once. There will be serious consequences," said Anakin.

"God, you two act as if you're allergic to eachother. We're just going to leave you two alone for awhile and have a chance to remember what it was like to be together," said Leia.

"Honey, look, this is lovely and all. We remember what it was like to be together, I promise, and anything else you want, now can you please let us out?!"

"Not yet. You guys are perfect for eachother. Can't you feel the love," asked Luke.

"Luke Skywalker!"

It was too late for either parent to threaten either child because they heard the retreating footsteps.

"How long am I supposed to endure this," demanded Padme.

"Well, if you thought for yourself you just might figure out that you'll be here as long as they wish or someone else finds us which is highly unlikely."

"Don't be stupid! I figured that out."


"What are we going to do? We can't keep them locked in there forever. The longer we keep them in there the more trouble we'll be in. Besides, this isn't working. I never realized they hated eachother so much," said Leia.

"No, they don't hate eachother," said Luke.

"Well, what do you call that? They've been in there for three hours arguing about anything and everything. What about when they need food? This whole plan was a waste of time."

"No, it wasn't. There has to be something we can do. Wait! I have an idea."

Leia looked at her brother before shaking her head.

"Oh, no. No way. I am not helping you with another idea," said Leia.

"But you haven't even heard my idea yet."

"I don't want to hear your idea Luke! I have no desire whatsoever! Look, lets just let them out and hope we don't get killed by either of them or both," said Leia

"We're just going to give up? Will you just listen to my idea? It's kind of crazy, but it just might work," said Luke.

"No, Luke!"

"Please! It will work it has to work!"



"So, you never told me why you left. I woke up that morning- alone," said Anakin.

"Oh, Anakin. I was young and didn't know what was best for me. What happened was a mistake and back then I didn't know how to deal with it and face my true feelings," said Padme.

"And you are now?"

"What," asked Padme in part confusion and in part anger.

"You're ready to face what you feel for me now? I mean it's clear that you still want me," said Anakin.

Padme was now outraged. How dare he sugest such an idea? Who the hell did he think he was.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on! You've been staring at me everytime you thought I wasn't looking."

Padme tried her best to look annoyed with him.

"And you haven't?"

"I don't deny it."

"Well since we're here and I'm tired I'm going to sleep."

"You're not tired. Do you really hate me that much? You left me that night without so much as an explanation. You owe me this much."

Padme was now very upset with him.

"I owe you another one night stand?"

"It never would have been a one night stand. You made it one. I loved you. And I have no intentions of sleeping with you tonight, unless you want me to. I only want answers to that night."

"Anakin, I am not ready to discuss this."

"Well, we're here. You know what they say, there's no time like the present. We're locked in here with nothing better to do. I can't think of a better time."

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"I want to know why you left. Why did you leave?"

"I was afraid."

That's how the night went. Anakin would ask questions and she would answer them. In an hours time she found herself crying. She didn't want to answer his question.

How had all this happened? How was it that they had just seen eachother and she was quickly falling for him all over. His deep blue eyes seemed to draw her in over and over. What was worse was he was doing it on purpose. It was almost as if he was daring her to try to resist.

"So do you? Do you love me?"


"Padme, you're not answering the question!"


"Maybe? You either do or you don't!"

"Alright, Anakin! I love you. There. Are you happy now?"


With that his lips descended on hers. It was a kiss that told her everything she needed to know. It told her how much he missed and loved her.