Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or any of the characters except my OCs.
This is the sequel to my storyBeneath the Sea of my Heart. This will focus on the Dex holders' children when they're older while they're away on a journey. If you haven't readBeneath the Sea of my Heartyou don't need to need to read it since you can still get it without reading it, at least I hope so, this take place in another time with pirates, rogues and princesses.
Orange is Red and Yellow's child and lives in Kanto.
The twins Aqua and Turquoise are Blue and Green's children who also live in Kanto.
Aries is Silver and Lyra's children and lives in Kanto. I know a lot of them live in Kanto.
Moonstone is Gold and Crystal's child and Emerald is her older brother since Crystal and Gold adoptive him and they live in Johto at Gold's daycare.
Amethysts is Ruby and Sapphire's child who lives in Sinnoh.
Orange sighed and threw his satchel in a random direction before jumping onto his bed. He had inherited his parent's manor at the age of twenty four but never bothered to move in since the large house felt all too lonely so he went to his small apartment above the pub he owned. He reached into his bag for the flyer and wonder for not the first time about how he would tell Aqua. He took the job on an instinct when it promised voyage on a ship to travel the regions. He thought of it as a sign to become pirate like his father, Red, had once been before he meet his mother Yellow and quitted his to be with her.
His Pikachu's, Sparky, little squeak brought Orange out of his thoughts and he went to see what Pikachu got so excited over. The little yellow mouse had long ears and a lightning shape tail. Little pulses of electricity emitted from the red circles on his cheeks every once in a while and knew he was excited about something. Orange ran his hand over the electric mouse pokemon back that had two brown strips.
A light caught his eye and he smirked. There was a little candle in the window next door and knew that it was time for some mischief. He opened the window and only had to lean out to reach the other window to put out the flame.
He grinned at the thought of seeing Aqua and her impish smile again but his mood changed when he remember that he would have to tell her the news today since he was leaving tomorrow. He known her ever since they were little since her grandfather, Samuel Oak, had adopted his father along with Crystal but even though there was no blood relation between them, he thought of her as a sister. Their parents were now on a journey to help complete Green's latest creation, the pokedex. Their grandfather had started the pokedex but was murdered before he could finish but Green took up the torch after many years.
He walked out into the dark night and followed a path made of glowing rocks. He stopped in front of Aqua's small store to look at some of her newer paintings. She was the childish one in the group and it showed in her paintings that screamed of vibrant colours. He made a mental note to ask her to make him one for his manor to brighten the place up but in his heart he knew that nothing brighten a room more than her smile. He hoped he could still she would still smile at him when he told her his news and that she wouldn't condemn him. The one thing she couldn't tolerate was people being idiots and what he was going to do was equivalent to running into a battle zone blindfolded.
He reached a large oak tree that was their meeting place whenever she needed him and sent a message through the candle in the window. The leaves rustled but he knew better than to dismiss it for the wind. He smirked to himself and decided to let her think she had the upper hand for now. The moment came and turned on the girl who leaped down from her hiding place in the trees to tackle him. He let her tackle him down but quickly turned the tables by rolling over so that he was on top and he held her down by holding her wrists to the ground.
"Sorry beautiful, but you'll never be able to sneak up on me." He grinned down at her flushed face.
"No fair, you let me believe I had the upper hand." She wined and puffed her cheeks.
Orange couldn't help but think of how cute she was with her long orange hair that looked so soft in the moonlight that he was tempted to run his hand through it but he knew better than that. There was a hint of annoyance in her dark blue eyes and laughed even harder. When she asked why he was laughing he answered that she was adorable when she was mad. One of the things you never called Aqua was adorable since she thought herself as a full grown woman and reminded him that she was only a year younger than him.
When Orange saw her grin, he knew that she had something up her sleeves but he known her for years so could guess what it was. "It won't work."
"Let's see." She said confidently.
They waited a moment before a light flashed behind them. Orange stretched his neck so he could see behind him but made sure never to loosen his hold on Aqua. Sparky had just deflected a Spike Cannon attack with his Thunderbolt. His gaze slid to coral pokemon Corsola that their friend Aries had given her on her fifth birthday where Aqua named her Pearl. The thing was small and roundish except for the places where branch like growths appeared on its back and stubby legs. He could make out its pink colour and white belly.
"I told you so." Aqua could feel him chuckle deep in his chest.
"Fine, I accept defeat. Can you let me up now?"
He got to his feet and reached out to help her up as well. She took his gladly and got to her feet. She bent down and tried to brush the dirt away from herself as well as she could. It annoyed her that he was a whole head taller than her even though she was taller than the average woman. He still had that foolish grin on his face that made her want to slap him and kiss him all in one.
Why did he have to torture her by wearing that loose white shirt that allowed her to have peak of his muscular chest and he pushed his sleeves up so that she could count the individual muscles on his arms. He made her feel so small when he held her against his wide chest. He had the most unusual eyes she had ever saw and unusual eyes run in her group of friends. They were a bright yellow colour that sprinklings of gold dust that neither the darkness could hide or the sun could bring out. He had midnight hair that was untidily kept and had the tendency to spike up in the front like his father.
"So I'm guessing you dragged me out of her for more than a sneak attack." Orange's teasing tone brought her out of her daze.
"Well I'm sorry I dragged you away from the comforts of whichever woman you lay stack to at that pub of yours." He had to laugh at her direct personality though they both knew that his pub was a respectable place of dinning and what his employees did was no matter to him as long as it occurred away from his business. Anyway, he wasn't the type of man that goes around and sleep with whatever woman caught his eye.
"I'm glad you brought that up!" Her eyes sparkled and knew that whatever it was that it either involved him doing something embarrassing or something that could get him in trouble but no matter what it was he knew that he would go along with it since it was better to be on Aqua's side than one of the pawns in her schemes.
"You know my twin brother Turquoise…" She went on with such a smile on her face he knew that he wouldn't be telling her about him leaving tonight but the time would come and the more he avoided it, the worst her anger would be.
"Everything will be all right!" Aries clapped despite that she was lost in the forest and it was going to be dark soon. If you ask Aries what day of the week it was of for her to name the forest she was in, she wouldn't be able to answer you but if you asked her to tell you the colour of a flower she passed ten steps ago she could easily tell you it was a green carnation but not just any green, a green that reminded her of his eyes. Her mother once said that each flower had a meaning and a carnation's meaning was 'I'll never forget you' and thought it was a sign.
Today, her best friend Aqua had told her to go into the forest to get some flowers for her to paint and teased that she might even meet a fateful meeting with her knight in shining armour. She and Aqua owned the small shop that sold all kinds of paintings and figurines that sold enough to get them by. Aqua would paint while she would sculpt and rarely got in the other way.
She sighed and lay down on the grass as soon as she reached a clearing where she would be able to see if wild pokemon came out to attack her. She was tired and wanted to rest so let her eyes drift close. Her over protective father, silver would probably have a heart attack if he knew that his daughter had her guard down in the open where some terrible monster could get her while her mother, Lyra, would laugh at him then badger him for not having faith in their daughter.
She felt the ground shake beneath her but didn't think on it much since her Furret, Fluffy, didn't react to the ground rumbling. She trusted her normal type pokemon with her life since she had the little creature for years. The pokemon had a long slender body with a pattern of light and dark brown fur on its lower body. It had two whiskers like markings on its cream skin face and cream tips ears that stood out against its darker brown hair. She thought the pokemon was adorable and had always had a preference to adorable normal type pokemon.
She groaned when she heard a roar and waved it away hoping to get some more rest. Something blocked the light so she peaked up to see what it was.
The giant Aggron stood above her looking madder than hell. The Aggron are huge, black and gray, monstrous pokemon. It stood on its hind legs and was taller than the average man. Its thick gray tail swished to the side with the power that could send pokemon flying. The pokemon seem to be covered in armour with two horns that penetrated the armours on his forehead. The pokemon was all in all big and scary yet Aries only laid there, staring up at it.
"Do you know how hard it is to find someone like you?" An irritated voice scowled her. A figure leaped down, landing next to her.
"Turquoise!" She launched up with the speed of a rocket and threw her arms around him, "It's been so long since last talked! I don't know why you would lock yourself in your grandfather's laboratory like you do."
The man grumbled that the last time she saw him was last week when she barged in asking him to lend her his Aggron to sculpt and he made the mistake of saying yes thinking that she would leave him alone. Instead she came in the next day with all her materials and made a mess of his perfectly fine lab. He didn't have it in him to tell her to leave of sculpt somewhere else. She was too nice for his peace of mind, rather talking thing out than to get the problem solved easily by knocking out whatever bastard bothered her, which he did often since the only reason her father let her stay was because he expected him and his twins to protect her and he'll be damned before he let his mother's friends down. There was no way that he actually cared for her, only fools would care.
"Aww, you crushed my flowers." She wined.
Turquoise looked down at her again and guessed that she was beautiful in her own way now that she was a couple of years into her womanhood at the age of twenty. She had light brown hair that was an inch be past her shoulder blades and she kept her bangs from falling into her eyes by holding it back with a headband. Her large grey eyes spoke of childish innocent which he knew was dangerous and the way she didn't even reach his shoulder made him want to protect her which wasn't good. He didn't need to get distracted be this little girl that could easily get beneath his serious exterior.
"I'll get you some more." He said simply and a light seem to explode beneath her skin when she smiled. It didn't take much to make her happy.
Aries could feel her heart flutter when he stood next to her and motioned for her to follow him. She bounced to her feet and walked so that her stride matched his. He was the prince in shining armour in her fantasy; he must be because his Aggron was a symbol of the armour. He was a little rough around the edges but that only added to the excitement and she feel herself become giddy.
He towered over her but she was used to it since she was shorter than the average person and envied Aqua for being so tall and wished she could've been as tall as Moonstone who was average height. She stared at him longer than was appropriate, hoping to catch a glimpse of a smile, or at least a half smile since she knew how handsome he could be when he smile. He was so handsome already though and wanted to swoon when she imagined them in one of the fairy tales her mother used to tell her of handsome prince and princesses. Her favourite story was how her father saved her mother from the evil Masked Man.
"Hey, are you paying attention?" Turquoise's deep voice brought her out of her fantasy and Aries found herself caught in his forest green eyes. His brown hair was dishevelled and seems to spike in every way like his father's.
"Look at this one!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a field of flowers. "Aqua sent me to get flowers for her latest romance painting so I should pick some of these amaranths since they mean 'immortal love' I didn't want to use roses since they seem cliché."
Turquoise groaned and ran his hand through his hair. His meddling twin would be the death of him! When Orange barged into his lab claiming that Aqua was out in the forest searching for Aries since she wasn't back yet and she was gone since breakfast, he ran out the door and into the forest blinded by worry like an idiot. The fear took a good three years off his life and made a mental note to get his sister back.
"Let's go." He grabbed her hand and forced her to her feet, wincing when he realized he might have been too rough but she didn't show any sign that he hurt her and breathed out a breath of relief. It wasn't because he cared, he told himself, it was because he didn't want to deal with her overprotective father.
They walked back into town while Aries told him about everything and nothing at the same time and Turquoise couldn't hold in his laughter when she told him about how the Henderson's Miltank ventured into the Moreland's pastured and impregnate their female Miltank and they were now debating who got the egg.
At the entrance of the town he sternly told her to return her and waited for her to become out of sight to teach his twin sister a lesson. He reached down and threw a rock in the direction of where he heard the rustling of leaves. Two people fell out of the trees and landed at his feet.
"Hello sister." He greeted her, "Isn't it a wonderful day Orange?"
The pair flinched and Orange decided that this was one of Aqua's schemes that got him in trouble. Turquoise was not one of the people that you wanted to anger, expressly by trying to match make her as Aqua claimed was 'for his own good'.
"Run!" Orange grabbed Aqua's hand and ran into the forest. They could hear the destructive force of Turquoise's and his Aggron rage. Knowing there was no out running the angry pair, Orange grabbed Aqua and lifted her into his arms until he was carrying her bridal style and used his running shoes to run faster. Aqua was too shock to react and could only wrap her arms around his neck and buried her head into his neck.
"I'll get you Orange!" She could hear her brother scream but it seem far away and was fading with every step Orange would take.
"I think we lost him." Orange breathed out a breath of relief and put her gently down.
"Damnit Orange, you messed up my dress." She tried to realign her skirt the best that she could and she hoped that it didn't fly up while Orange was running and flushed at the thought of him seeing her drawers. It didn't help he burst out laughing as if he could read he thoughts.
"I don't see why you're laughing." She slapped his arm but that only caused him to laugh harder until he was bending over in pain.
"You're adorable you know!" He placed a chaste kiss on her temple, "And Pearl looks like she's going to be sick."
The kiss was innocent and she knew that he would give the same to his own mother but it made her heart skip a beat. She turned away from him so that he wouldn't see her blush. She turned back to her when she felt him lift Pearl from her shoulder. She smiled softly when she saw her partner pokemon instantly react to him and laughed happily.
"Well we survived this mission!" Aqua said proudly. "I can't wait to do operation sticky fingers next! Are you free tomorrow?"
Orange sighed and knew this was the time to tell her, "I can't."
"Okay. How about we do it next week then?"
"Not then either." He thrust his hands into his pockets and turned away from her. "I'm going to be away for a while on this journey."
"Are you going to see your parents again? How long are you going to be gone?"
"I'll be gone for about a year or two."
"What?" She screamed, "Why the hell are you going to be away for? Are your parents hurt or did-"
"It's nothing like that." He grabbed both her hands, "I joined a pirate ship, and well at least I hope it is. The captain, Topaz, is going after this assassin named Crimson. It's a good cause since this bastard apparently killed over twenty families and this bastard is only twenty six! Twenty six years old damnit! If I could stop this bastard, I'll be helping families find peace and saving who knows how much more."
"Tell me the truth!" Aqua pushed against his shoulder, "Do you expect me to believe that shit?"
Orange sighed and knew that he couldn't lie to her since she could sniff out his lie a mile away, "What are we doing with our lives? How will my pub amount to anything larger? Will Turquoise really discover anything ground breaking trapping himself in that damn building? You and Aries never go far out of Pallet Town much less Kanto! I want to see what's out there and what better way than on a pirate raid? Our parents were pirates so why can't I be one?"
"Because you're an idiot, that's why! You're going to get yourself fucking killed!" She yelled and stopped on his feet and instantly regretted it when he only stared down at her.
"I'll be leaving tomorrow. If you want to say goodbye before I leave, I'll be waiting at the docks in the mornings, okay?" Because he didn't want it to be goodbye for them on the odd chance that he wouldn't come back so he just kissed her on the forehead without saying what he truly wanted to say.
"Come on buddy," Orange looked up to see a blond man crouched down on the rails looking down at him. "We departing soon and you're lassie isn't coming."
"How did you guess?" Orange asked downcast.
"I've been born and raised on this ship and know the look of a man in love. I've been watching fools like you stare after their sweethearts as we leave the docks for years now. Little piece of advice, let the lassie chase you instead of the other way around."
"I'm guessing you never took the fall?" Orange asked when he caught the man's roguish smile.
"As my father once said, 'It's better to be born lucky than rich' and Arceus had been generous to me. The ladies have been chasing me since I knew what made a man and a woman different. I use to mourn after them too until I learn the beauty of having variety in your life."
"I'll love to see the woman to bring you to your knees." Orange laughed and grabbed onto the rope the man threw down. Taking it as a signal that it was time to leave, he took one last wistful look at the building before climbing onto the ship.
Now that Orange wasn't looking up at him and fighting against the sun, he could see his first friend on the ship more clearly. He had blond hair that almost reach the nape and was disturbed by the wind so fell messily in every direction but it only gave him the look of a rogue. His eyes were an odd mix of blue and green that changed in the light. He was tall and had a lean build but there was no question about his strength. He was taller than Orange and looked about twenty seven.
"Orange," He reached out to shake the man's hand.
The man raised an eyebrow at that and something changed in the man, "Are you anyway related to the champion Red and the healer Yellow?"
"They're my parents actually." Orange laughed off the awkward silence.
"Then I look forward to battling you someday." The man shook Orange's hand proudly. "I'll tell you my name tomorrow so it'll be more fun that way. You were lucky I recognized the poster in your hand or you've would've been shoot on the spot. Stowaway aren't tolerated on this ship and are killed."
Orange didn't have any idea what it meant but his new friend's mischievous smile reminded him of Aqua and that reassured him a little bit since it gave him a sense of the familiar and he knew how to deal with Aqua so this new friend couldn't be too hard. The thought of Aqua darken his heart and his friend seem to realize the change in him and showed him to his room as if he knew that he needed some time alone.
Inside the dimly lit room, he could see that there was the bare necessity: a bed, a desk and a chest for his clothes. The port window only let in a minimal amount of light and his friend explained that he could open the trap in the roof he needed more fresh air or just sleep on the deck as most did.
"Don't they have their own room?" Orange asked.
"They do but we have watch shifts and the men are so tired by the end they just sit right there and fall to sleep before they even reach their cot. You'll know the feeling soon enough but then again I'm used to not getting much sleep so you can find me any time of the day of night."
"Thanks." Orange said sincerely to him as he left the room. When the door closed behind him, he sighed and collapsed on the bed, his arm over his eyes. He missed Aqua and wished he got to see her before he left but she was still mad at him, he decided.
"B-But Aqua, isn't this dangerous?" Aries ask worriedly, "Stowing away on a ship is dangerous. What if they shot us on sight?"
"They won't shot pretty girls like us." Aqua reassured her. "Now come on before the boat leaves or someone sees us."
They were about to teleport into the ship, a deep voice sounded behind them, "What are you two up to?"
They both turned to see a very angry Turquoise, "I take my eyes of you for one minute and you disappear on me! Why is there a 'Be back in two years' sign on your shop!"
"We're going after Orange!" Aqua said flatly, "I'm not letting my best friend go off alone so I'm going to sneak on that ship and fight with him and Aries is going too since she has a Clefairy and Magic can use Teleport."
"No this is too dangerous for Aries." Turquoise grabbed her arm and began to pull her away but by then it was too late. The fairy pokemon heard Aqua shout 'Teleport' and thought that it was his signal to transport him onto the ship.
They found themselves in a dark room and Turquoise guessed that they were teleported the lower decks of the ship. He heard Aries grunt beside him and he went to check if she was hurt and cursed at his sister for being so rash.
Orange woke up and yawned, not used to waking up so early since his previous line of business was entirely nocturnal. He walked up on deck and saw everyone lined along the gangway of the ship with his friend standing in the middle of the deck grinning like a child.
"My name is Topaz, captain of the Wind Warrior." He drew out a pokeball and released a Tyranitar that almost fell right through the floor from its enormous weight. "We have a tradition here on this ship, you prove yourself in battle before you are accepted as part of this crew. Count yourself lucky you are I'm not using my partner pokemon on you." He patted the Breloom next to him.
Orange smirked, never one to pass up a challenge. "Just tell me one thing. This Crimson person is a bastard yet no one tried to capture him yet, why are you now?"
"The bastard went too far and murdered my family."
Hope you like my new story. Review and tell me what you thought about my characters and the plot line so far.
I dubbed OrangeXAqua as Meddlingshipping but I don't know if I should change it and I have no idea what to name the shipping for TurquoiseXAries and would love to take suggestions. I'll tell you what I think if the best shipping name and this can be a little competition.
Here's a little preview of the next chapter:
"My name is Amethysts," the girl smiled at him, panting form her run, "Thank you for helping me. What's our name?"
"Crimson." The man shrugged and turned to walk away. Amethysts found that entirely rude. She grabbed her luggage and followed him, trying to match her steps to his.
"This is my first journey! I'm new at all of this, so can you join me? I'm going to be just like my father Ruby and become a top Coordinator."
"Then you are weak." He quicken his step, needing distance from the sunny girl, no she looked to be barely a woman but that didn't make her any less naïve or trouble. He couldn't let anyone join him on his journey, or he'll be risking their lives. No matter what all the papers were saying about him, he wasn't a monster.