Hello all,

The somber end draws near as the great Titanic meets the even greater Iceberg.

Enjoy these last few chapters.

Much love to all my readers, and especially to my reviewers. Sorry for the wait...

"Cal, come along."

"Why do you insist we walk so quickly, Charlotte?"

"We have to meet her. Don't you understand that we don't have much time?"

"And just who are we to meet?"

"My mother of course."

"You're mother!"

"Yes, now hurry."

"Charlie, I can't…"

"Oh don't be so silly. Why can't you?"

"Well, it's just…"

"You're marrying her daughter. It's the proper thing to do."

"It would be improper of me."

"What do you mean? Improper how?"

"Because I can't marry you Charlotte…"

"But-you said-you told me!"

"I was not thinking straight."

"No, Cal. Please, please don't do this. I beg of you."

I fell to my knees as I watched him leave me. In the distance, he faded into the mist surrounding me. I slammed my fists into the moist, mossy ground and called out for my mother. Instead, Thomas's sweet, Irish inflection filled the air around me.

"Oh my pretty little Charlotte…"


"Do not cry ov'r him, my dear."

"Thomas, where are you? Come on out of the fog."

"I wish ye would have let me finished explaining before ye ran away from me."

"You can explain now… Please?"

"It won't matter now, y'see? It is all over."

I tried to respond, but instead my own voice echoed all around me.

"Maybe it just wasn't meant to be between you and me…This is all so confusing. I think it's best that I leave here tonight as your friend…It would be better for both of us if I go alone."

"That tisn't what I wanted at all fer us, Charlotte. Ye shouldn't have ran back to him. He will never leave Rose er his money for ye. I would have given up anything in the world ta have ye. I saw something in yer eyes the first time we met. Ye had a sparkle, and now ye've let him take that-" Thomas's voice faltered, and the fog began closing in around me along with the ever mounting sound of his tears.

Suddenly, the world jolted. I sat upright in bed as my eyes flew wide open. I questioned whether it was part of my dream or if the room had really shuttered. Then, I noticed the chandelier slightly swinging, and I knew it was real. I stared gazing oddly at the twinkling light wondering what could have made it move so. I turned to ask Cal, but he was no longer in bed with me. My stomach sank with a terrible sense of foreboding. I reached out to feel where he had been, and it was still warm. I glanced at the clock which read 11:40 pm and sighed; perhaps he had just stepped out to relieve himself.

So, I rolled back over and snuggled back into the pillows. I lay there awhile trying to find sleep again, but Cal never returned and neither did my peace of mind. I accepted that I wouldn't be able to sleep till I knew what was going on. I slid from the bed and threw my night coat on. I left the room and moved down the corridor.

As I came upon Molly's cabin, I noticed the door open and peaked in. "Hello?" I called out.

"Charlotte? Is that you?" She answered as she came into sight. "Well, come on in Girl."

"So sorry to bother you, but did you feel the ship shutter several minutes ago?"

"Shutter? It was more than a shutter. I nearly lost my footing." She chuckled.

"Do you know why?" My heart was racing a bit.

"Nope, I sure don't. People were saying that it was nothing to worry about."

"Well, that's a relief… You haven't seen Cal by any chance have you?"

"Actually, I did. He was rushing down the hall when I was coming back to my room a little while ago."

"Oh! Any idea where he may have been going?"

"Now, Charlotte. You aren't tryin' to get yourself tangled back up again with him, are you?"

"He said I didn't have to be his mistress anymore." I did not look her in the eye but could feel her disapproving gaze. I know it sounded like I was just a dumb girl caught up in the lies of a man, and after my dream, I wasn't even sure if I believed him anymore, I chose to hope rather than accept such an upsetting reality.

"Don't be that girl Charlotte. Don't be that naïve girl that everyone pities. Please." Molly reached forward and rested both hands on my shoulders. They were heavy; I just wanted to get out of there. I didn't move my eyes from the floor as I slipped from her grip.

"Goodbye, friend." I whispered quietly as I left; Molly's disappointment still weighing heavily on my shoulders.

I walked heavy-footed and broken-hearted. Molly had confirmed that Cal had indeed left me alone in my bed after he had begged so hard for my forgiveness. My mission changed. I needed time to think about what to do about Cal's most recent lies. So instead, I decided to figure out what was going on with the ship, and I knew just the person, my friend, Thomas Andrews.

After making my way to his second class cabin from memory, I knocked upon his door. I took a nervous breath wondering how he would react seeing me again. I stood there awhile before knocking again. A maid passed by eyeing me. Next, I knocked harder and even called to him inside hoping that it was the correct room. This time the maid came up to me.

"Are you a friend of Mr. Andrew's?" Her English was heavy, and her eyes glared at me suspiciously.

"Why, um…yes. Yes, I am." I tried to give her a slight smile, but she did not return the gesture and only frowned more pronounced.

"He's gone."

"Well, do you know where to?"

"Not sure. Some men came down and hurried him out. They were carrying some papers and were speaking fast. They looked pretty worried about something, especially Thomas." She softened speaking about him, and I wondered just how well she knew him.

"Thank you." I nodded and turned around trying to get away from the maid and her leering gaze as quickly as I could. I was left with the decision of who to go after. I could either look for Mr. Andrews who was likely to be in the bridge or Cal who could be anywhere…

Dun, dun, dun…

Who will Charlotte choose to chase down? Or better yet, who should she go looking for?

Review and let me know what you think?


Courtney Daisy