Hello Readers,

I have this story loosely mapped out. I'm spending my summer free time writing.

I really hope you all enjoy. Review if you like it, and review to tell me why you hate it. I'd love to try to improve my story through what you have to say. Thank you for joining me.

And with that, Welcome aboard the RMS Titanic…

My eyelids fluttered opened, and I rolled over to check the clock. It was 8 o'clock in the morning. I forced myself to throw the blankets off my body. I sat up and stretched. Finally, I worked up the willpower to rise from the bed. I stared longingly at my pillow; I wanted just a few more hours, but I had to get moving. So, I shuffled myself over to the window of my hotel room. I looked out at the early, gray morning sky. Letting out a sigh, I let my forehead rest upon the window. I could feel the cold Southampton air chilling the glass.

I heard movement outside my door. Happily, I glided over and threw the door open. My smile faded when I saw a small, mousey looking girl standing in front of me. I suppose she could tell I was confused, because she gave a little curtsy and said, "Mornin' Miss Charlotte, the Mister sent me to help ya today 'n throughout ye voyage."

"Oh," I stammered, "that's very kind of him. I had just been wondering how I was going to get my corset on by myself." I chuckled and moved back into the room with her behind me. She helped me into my undergarments and girdle, and then I pointed to the wardrobe. The rest of my luggage had been sent on to the ship, but I had a boarding suit in there specifically for today.

She held it up with a wide smile on her face. "A gift from the Mister, I'm bettin'."

"Why yes, it certainly is. He wanted me to look lovely for the first day of a very long trip." I gazed at it, and the outfit really was very divine. The skirt was long and straight with a matching, sculpted jacket with large, well-crafted lapels. The fabric was an attractive pale pink with lace accents and small, pearl buttons. "He took me to a boutique in London wear a very talented dressmaker from France had set up shop. We had many different gowns made there for me."

"Well Miss, you seem very well taken care of."

"I like to think so… It seems to have slipped my mind to ask earlier, but may I get your name?"

"Ah, it's no problem. The name's Lou, and I'm from Ireland y'know."

I had detected her accent earlier and had been secretly wondering where she was from this whole time, so I was glad she told me. She seemed nice enough. Soon, we managed to get me into my getup, and then I got very excited. "Oh Lou, you must see my hat! It's exquisite!" I scurried over to the hat box resting on the table in the corner of my room. Throwing open the lid, I felt like an overly excited child. I gently lifted and placed the hat onto my head. Next, I went to the mirror to admire myself. The large, off white hat had a slight dip in the brim and small, pink silk flowers that matched my traveling suit. The hat band was comprised of delicate, white lace; it was one of the prettiest objects I had ever owned. I continued looking into the mirror, and I couldn't help but think that Lou had done a splendid job of getting me together. I admired the subtle rouge on my cheeks, the slight red lip stain, as well as the tamed looking up do with small curls hanging at the bottom that looked great under my hat.

"It's mighty fine, Miss Charlotte. You look as pretty as a pink flower yourself."

"Well, thank you very much. Perhaps, we should get a move on." Lou and I made our way out of the hotel and towards the R.M.S. Titanic.

Lou and I began walking towards the crowd waiting to board the ship. I took it all in; I was in awe. I looked over at Lou whose eyes were large saucers gawking at this massive metal creation in front of us. I saw her mouth slightly agape which made me become conscious of mine being open as well. I was amazed by the "Unsinkable Ship"; it rose from the water to the sky. The four super large smoke stacks towered above the top deck. I couldn't believe that I was about to become a passenger on her maiden voyage.

I took my place in line for First Class passenger tickets to board. Lou had disappeared somewhere to drop off a few things for me, and I suddenly felt very lonely. Unexpectedly, a booming female voice startled me from my inner solitude. I turned to see a large woman with fiery red hair brigading towards me. I stared, even though I knew it impolite, because she was one of the first women I had even known to seem so commanding, powerful, and in charge of herself.

"Hello there little Missy, we seem to be two of the only women here without male accompaniments." She spoke to me in accent that seemed clearly southwestern United States or some whereabouts.

"Ah, so we are." I smiled pleasantly at her, and I decided that she would make a nice acquaintance to have.

"You seem too pretty to be alone. Where's your fella'?" Her frankness was a breath of fresh hair; every other woman I knew was so roundabout with their curiosity.

"We're boarding separately as I'm to meet him on board. May I ask why you're travelling with no escort?"

"I find travelling more appealing when I can be completely free of any ties. Know what I mean?"

"I would like to say that I do. However, I cannot. Being on my own has always been a bit scary to me; even today I have been overwhelmed since my servant left me."

"Well Girl, just stick with 'ole Molly Brown and you'll be just fine." She smiled and stuck her arm around my shoulders. She was unlike any other woman I had ever met. I laughed to myself thinking of how she seemed to defy every social standard befitting of a woman. I enjoyed it, seeing as I hadn't been raised with these restraints my whole life either.

My laughter died away, but Molly didn't notice. The line had curved so that I could now see the gangway. There he was making his way along it with a beautiful redhead on his arm, and another older woman behind them. She was impeccably dressed in a suit much like my own and a grand hat, too. Of course he was dapper as always in a bowler hat and a tan suit. They were all chatting. Then the girl on his arm said something, he laughed and shook his head. I couldn't help, but feel a small pang in my heart. I had wanted to be next to him; nevertheless, I had to remember the arrangement I had agreed to. It just felt different actually viewing them together.

So what did you think about my first chapter? Reviews with your thoughts are always appreciated. I hoped you liked it. Stick with my story, please. I promise I'll try not to disappoint.

I love you. Believe


Courtney Daisy