It wouldn't be surprising if everypony in Ponyville was now used to the purple unicorn's house flying up into the air. The large oak landed back into the ground with a thud, causing books to scatter everywhere from their rightful places on the shelves. The place looked like an absolutely disaster, but it wasn't anything Twilight wasn't used to. She gave a sheepish grin to the frustrated alicorn in front of her, hoping she wasn't the next thing to be nearly blown to nothing.
"Ahahah... it's okay, Princess! We can try again."
"Try again? Try again?!" Luna's face was red with anger, giving breaths through her nose. Stomping one hoof against the ground, she lifted one of the many fallen books up into the air with her magic. "These books aren't helping me at all! Thou shalt try a different method!" The glowing aura around the history book suddenly vanished, causing it to fall to the ground and join the rest. For a moment, everything was silent except for Luna, who was still breathing heavily with frustration. Then, the door opened.
"Twilight, Twilight! Come quick, it's awful!"
Both magic users turned their heads just in time to see a distressed Rarity enter the building. She was known for being quite the drama queen, but with the expression she had it made Twilight jump to her hooves. "Lead the way!" Without question, the two ran out of the tree, leaving Luna to sit there for a second and collect her thoughts. "These books do not help one learn, they are false-" she paused once she noticed she was no longer in the presence of her older sister's student. Realizing it rather quickly she stood up and gasped, before seeing the open door and running to it. "O-oh, wait for me!"
"Opalescence, you come down here right this instant!" The white mare huffed, pushing both of her hooves down against the lush grass. Twilight stood beside her with an odd expression, watching as the unicorn's pet cat clung to a branch. She was shaking, only offering a disturbed meow of sorts as she looked down to the ground underneath her.
Rarity sighed. "Oh, I just don't know what to do! I've even offered her her favorite dish and outfit, the one mommy made for her!" She pouted. "I put a lot of love into that fashion, Twilight. Do you know how long it took? And now she's rejecting it!" The scene was a bit humorous in a way, but for Rarity it was an absolute disaster. She'd be stuck up there forever.
The two stared up at the feline for a few moments, before yet another voice joined, a bit deeper than the others. "Ah, I see. Your small companion is stuck in the tree. That's rather unfortunate." Luna kept a straight face as the two in front of her both jumped a bit out of surprise. Twilight only offered a sigh before she went back to brainstorming, whereas her friend gasped and fell down in an awkward bow. "Oh, your highness! I didn't know you were visiting Ponyville- welcome, welcome!"
Luna blinked a few times. Giving a slight smile and a nod of acknowledgment before walking by her to join Twilight. "Why don't t- ... you just levitate it down?" A head shake was her reply. "Opalescence is already frightened. I don't want her passing out due to more fear on Rarity." Glancing over her shoulder to her friend, the unicorn quickly nodded. "It's true! She's a very fragile darling, oh, due be careful!" Careful was a rather hard thing to keep in mind this far in, however. They could climb up, but it would be too much of a struggle. But perhaps.. climbing wasn't the answer.
"Oh!" Luna turned her attention from the shaking pet to Rarity, giving a confident grin. "Why doesn't thou float up? The cat surely trusts you!" Everypony around her seemed to take a moment to process this. It was Twilight who first did, giving a big smile. "Wait, that's a great idea! Rarity, I can levitate you up to the branch and you can grab Opal!"
The white mare however looked back and forth, before lifting one hoof to her chest. "Whaat, me? Oh, no no no no! I'm an observer, not a doer!" It became clear though that she wasn't getting out of this. She sighed, trotting over to them. "Okay, fine. But only for Opal!" She gulped, giving a glance up to her pet. "Don't worry, dear, mommy's coming!" Her words soon turned to small shrieks of surprise as she felt her very hooves lifted from the ground underneath her, a light aura surrounding her entire body. Below her, Twilight was paying attention, careful not to drop her. Lifting her up to the point where she was in front of the branch.
Once Rarity was floating before her, Opalescence looked even more confused. She hissed, looking back to the pony with wide eyes. "Opal, I'm here! It's okay, don't be afraid! Let go of the tree, darling!" She struggled to get her to cooperate with her, but once she did the following events happened too quickly for anyone. Opalescence suddenly detracted her claws from the bark and fell down, Twilight gasping and breaking her concentration to catch her.
This lead to Rarity leaving the comfort of her floating 'bubble' to fall down to the ground, screaming the entire way. The Princess was ahead of the game though, and in an effort to help her she galloped forward and made her back accessible to land on. The unicorn landed on the other a bit hard, but it was a lot safer than the ground. With a groan she lifted her head to look, before realizing she had just fell from the sky onto the Princess of Canterlot. Needless to say, she gasped again. "Ooh, thank you, thank you!"
"It's alright." Luna smiled and allowed her down so Twilight could give her Opal back, who still seemed to be shaken up from what had happened. "Oh, my poor baby! It's alright now Opalescence, let's go get you your sweater!" The meows of protest could still be heard as she left the area, giving her quick thanks over her shoulder.
Twilight gave a goofy smile. "Oh, Rarity." She playfully rolled her eyes before looking to the Princess, who seemed to be lost in thought. "Um.. is something wrong, Princess?" Luna cocked her head to one side. "Do.. do ponies always have their pets of choice get stuck like that?"
The younger of the two just smiled. "Oh, no! That's actually the first time that's happened, I think. Rarity takes great care of Opal, but I'm always willing to help her with her if she needs it." With a gesture of her head she started back to her home, rambling about another book they could try reading.
"Always willing to help.." Luna repeated the words as if they had a large meaning, considering it for a moment. Celestia would sometimes read the letters Twilight sent her when she was in the room, and often she wouldn't fully understand them.. but they were all about her and her friends- friendship. Something the Princess hadn't had much of a chance to experience. And being able to help Rarity then and there brought a smile to her expression. "That was.. nice." She had a joyful look in her eyes as she turned and ran to catch up.
(( This isn't dead. Oops. Also sorry for the short chapter pfpfpfp. ))