(( Yes, a ponyfic. Oh dear, what will you all do now? I've always been a fan of MLP FiM, and it was about time I made one if you ask me- it was coming up with an idea that got me! Now that I have one, time to get this thing started! It will also be uploaded on my FiMFicton account, which I can link if needed. So...yup...Enjoy. Sorry that the beginning is so short! And I am working on my other stories; don't fret! ))
"Yes sister, I've done that." Luna grumbled. The two Princesses walked down the large stone hallway together, the sound of their hooves clacking against the ground echoing off the walls.
"Hmm...Did you finish with those papers I left?" The other's gaze fell upon the younger one with curiosity. It was then Celestia noticed her sisters look, and her own became concerned. She stopped in her tracks, trotting in front of Luna. Awaiting an answer so she could bring up her next subject.
The Princess of the moon nodded faintly. "Yes, yes I did." Her tone clearly showing annoyance in it. An awkward silence hung between the two for a moment before Celestia broke it with her gentle words.
"Luna...Is something the matter? You seem... "
Celestia frowned. "Well, I suppose that's one way to put it, yes."
A sigh escaped from Luna as she went around her sister, continuing down the hallway. "Well sister, I can honestly say that I am. Lately it seems that all of the work you are giving me to do is...easy. As if you don't trust me with other responsibilities."
"Oh, Luna. You know that isn't true." The other replied, walking forward to fall in step beside her once more. "It's just that..." She trailed off. It seemed that Celestia didn't have an answer for the younger alicorn.
"See? Even you know that it is the reason!" She sighed in frustration and trotted forward, a bit faster this time. "I just wish that everypony would see me for me from now on...Not as Nightmare Moon, or the younger Princess who can't do much of anything. I am perfectly capable of doing duties like your own!" As the words came from her she whirled around, putting her hoof down. Standing in front of her big sister now, head raised so her eyes could meet her own.
Celestia just eyed the Princess in front of her, the words she had said sinking in. She knew that she was right...She wasn't a filly anymore. Overtime she had grown into an independent individual. She always got her work done on time, and always followed what she was told to do. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, she now talked normally, with the occasional slip up, and fit in more with Ponyville's residence. Wait...Twilight!
"You are right sister." Celestia outstretched a hoof, resting it on the other's shoulder. "I apologize for making you feel that way." Leaning forward she nuzzled her affectionately before pulling away, walking down the hallway and into the giant doors ahead.
Luna watched her make her exit, seeming more perturbed than ever. What had she meant by that? Was it just an apology, or was she actually going to do something about it? Sighing with confusion Luna turned, heading away from the area her sister had gone. Now that she thought about it, maybe she didn t finish those papers...