Hey Everyone, Long time no post been busy at work plus I've started a new Fanfic for a series called the 100 and been caught up with that had so many ideas for it that I had to put it all down before my brain fried lol Anyway here's part one of Chapter Twenty-Nine hope you all enjoy please comment and review and hopefully the second part will be up in a few days once I iron out a few things.

Chapter Twenty-Nine Part One

Mel dragged Brooke through the hospital until she found the chapel thankful that nobody was inside she closed the door behind them forcing Brooke to sit down she could feel the nerves raising inside her looking at Brooke she softly said "You have to calm down and stay calm otherwise I can't do this Brooke" She nervously walked to the front of the of the chapel sitting down on the bench staring up at the cross that was hanging on the wall. Brooke stared at Mel her temper finally beginning to evaporate as she watched Mel's body tense up, moving she sat down next to Mel gently taking Mel's left hand in her right hand softly she spoke;

"Ok I'll stay calm just tell me what Frankee was talking about"

Mel took a deep breath thinking about that fateful night she'd been attacked. "I was walking home from having dinner with the band and Carl, I decided to take the beach shortcut Joey showed me, I need to think about things about us about the band about whether I wanted to stay her or not, I got to the back garden and I was taking a moment looking at pictures of us on my phone when j felt like someone was watching me so I ran inside….I called Joey asked her if she could ask Charlie to come and see what was going on she said ok so I waited….After twenty minutes there was nothing no Charlie no Joey nobody so I thought everything must have been ok….I came out of my room and then someone grabbed me from behind pulling me into my room and shutting the door….they threw me on to the bed so I started fighting back then I felt something hit me on the side of the head when I came too someone was on top of me pushing something inside me down there…"

Brooke squeezed Mel's hand she softly asked "Did you see their face?"

Tears began to spill down Mel's face as she recalled the face that stared down at her "Yes" She replied her voice shaky as she grabbed at Brooke's hand with both of hers

"Did you know them?"

"Yes" Looking into Brooke's eyes she could see the hint of anger inside them

"Who was it Mel?"

"I'm not gonna tell you…"

"Why not" Brooke said her anger bubbling inside her as she stood up removing her hands from Mel's her fists clenching up as she looked at Mel

"Why do you think because of this because you're going to get yourself in trouble Brooke, you can't control your temper you know that not when someone you care about gets hurt" When Brooke narrowed her eyes at her the anger even more visible in her eyes she moved forward grabbing Brooke's hands and placing them on her hips she pulled her into hug

"I don't just care about you Mel…. I love you the thought of some guy all over you touching you against your will it drives me mad as hell" Brooke explained wrapping her arms around Mel's waist the feeling of Mel hugging her helped her calm down

"I know" Mel soothingly replied as words whirled in her head she couldn't stop the words from leaving her lips as she said "Well it wasn't a man so don't worry" Brooke instantly broke the hug looking at Mel than anger instant in her eyes Mel tried to retract her statement saying "I shouldn't have said that, I was joking"

"No you weren't tell me what you meant" when Mel didn't tell her she shouted "TELL ME MEL" …

At Brooke's House

Joey say nervously in the living room holding her phone in her hand she hadn't heard anything from Mel or from Brooke, she had no idea if Brooke had been stopped in time by Mel she knew Brooke and when Brooke wanted to hurt someone there was usually only one person who could stop her and that was Mel. As she continued to wait by the phone she heard a knock at the door rushing to open it thinking it could be Mel or Brooke or even Charlie or Frankee she was completely shocked when she saw he Auntie Maxine standing at the door two massive suitcases standing behind her

"Guess who's back" Maxine said grinning as she grabbed her suitcases and rushed through the door "Where's Brooke?"

"She's at the hospital Auntie Maxi we've been trying to call you"

"Why what's going on?"

"Alexis is in the hospital"

"What, is she ok?"

"She was attacked we don't know much, Brooke's at the hospital with Mel and Taylor now"

"I'm going to get a taxi there"

"That's not going to help anything Auntie Maxi you and Brooke didn't part on the best of terms"

"Fine but if I'm not going you are" before Joey could protest Maxi continued "I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since I got back to England I've been saving all my spare money so I could come back please Jojo I just want a chance to prove myself to my kids and to you"

"Ok but the twins are asleep don't disturb them please just listen for them it took hours to get them to sleep"

When Maxine nodded at her Joey rushed towards the door grabbing her keys as she closed the door.

Twenty minutes later Joey jumped out of the cab she had hailed to get to the hospital walking towards the entrance she noticed Charlie on the phone to someone once she noticed Joey approaching her she hung up the phone and turned her attention towards her. Before Charlie could say anything Joey asked;

"What happened? Did Mel get to Brooke?" The worry clear in her voice

"Joey calm down everything is fine Mel got to Brooke in time and took her somewhere to calm down" Charlie explained placing her hands on Joey's arms soothingly. Gently pulling Joey by the hand she guided them outside until they reached a bench, slowly they both sat down. "I'm glad you're here I really need to talk to you"

"You do?"

"Yeah" Charlie paused trying to think of the right words to say "I hate the idea of you and Frankee and I know I said I was ok with the whole going behind her back thing because we weren't doing anything other than kissing but seeing her today the way she was baiting Brooke trying to get her to fight her, I can't keep doing this Joey I just want it to be…." Charlie was stopped from continuing when Joey kissed instantly kissing her back, they kissed for a few minutes before Charlie slowly pulled out of the kiss looking at Joey confused she asked "What um? What was that?"

"I'm going to break up with Frankee" When Charlie just looked at her not saying a word she added "So we can be together?" …..

In Part Two

Frankee and Joey's relationship takes a turn

Mel's Attacker is revealed

How will Brooke react?