Hey Guys! This is my first oneshot. I kinda got bored in English, so I scribbled this in the back of my notebook. Sorry, it's not very good and it's kinda short, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of writing eventually. But for now, try to enjoy. Written in Katniss' POV.

Disclaimer: I Don't Own the Hunger Games. It would be awesome if I did, but I don't. Nor do I claim to. Nobody's getting to sue anyone over here.

It would have been easier if I'd never known. It would have been easier if he never said those words - those words that changed my life.

"Because she came here with me."

I remember it well - the shock, the anger, the embarrassment. But none of that emotion compared to that of the moment in the Arena that I thought I had lost him. When I had found him at my feet I was relieved, but if he had never said those words it would have been simpler. I would have left him, waiting for my moment to strike the others, the real threats. I would have left him to Win.

But I didn't - all because he said those words. I stayed with him, cleaned his wounds, nursed him back to health, risked my life for him time and times again, and went on to win with him. I caused a rebellion because of him. And then I lead a rebellion because of him.

Over the next year we had our ups and down, but those words kept me going. Even when he forgot himself, I still had hope. I was determined to get him back to his old self - the boy with the bread, the boy who loved me. But I had almost given up hope when uttered a new set of words that would change my life again.

"You love me. Real or not Real?"

All I could do was smile, and say the one word that would change his.


Yes, it would have been easier if he had never said those words all those years ago, but I'm glad he did.