Plot: What if the vampire that killed Camille was an unknown character who isn't exactly in good terms with Magnus? What if he held a particular resentment for the warlock, hence the murder of his ex-girlfriend? And when the unknown character is found by Alec, who is physically exhausted and mentally vulnerable...

Disclaimer: The plot and characters of the Mortal Instruments series belong to Cassandra Clare. I own nothing.

Warning: slash, spoiler, alternative ending, inaccurate details, OC

Notes: I'm not really proud of this chapter. Which scares me, because this sets the momentum into a terrible direction, and that is something that I don't want to happen for the next chapter. So I might take awhile for that, since it's going to have the appearance, finally, of Magnus, and more details on the Original character. So that needs a lot of thinking and writing time.

This chapter might seem like a filler one, but it needs to be done. Also, just a reminder on the alternative ending thing. Whatever happens here wouldn't really comply with every detail in the book. Say, there is still the Sebastian problem in CoLS, that won't happen here.

So, without further ado, here's chapter 3!


"You sure you'll manage?"

Parting ways had always been a matter of small words to Simon. He didn't find the need to stall and stretch time with meaningless words. Why prolong the inevitable? It was better to just get it over and done with. That would be the manly thing to do.

So when he spoke without thinking, and did exactly the thing with babbling-on when it comes to goodbyes, he had to hold back a scowl.

"Don't worry about me, Simon," Alec muttered, rubbing his hands together as the morning breeze made itself known. It was mere moments past the break of dawn, and Alec thought it best to head back to the Institute before the day truly began.

He put his hands instinctively in the front pockets of his sweater. Actually, it was Simon's. It wasn't really the Shadowhunter's style, but only for the fact that it was in a dull, faded green and not in one of his usual shades of grey. But it didn't really matter. Anything else is tons better than the bloodied tatters of what's left of his shirt from the day before. Alec told him that he'd have Isabelle return it to him, dry cleaned and all. On the other hand, the pants he had been wearing, thankfully, made it through the night, but not without some rips and stains. But it would be enough to get him through the walk home.

Simon had insisted that he wait for his mom to wake up so that she could just drive Alec to the Institute, but Alec wouldn't stand for it. He had already taken up too much time of the vampire, there was no need to impose on his mother's as well.

He was about to turn his back, and get on his way, but Simon apparently still has something to say.

"Look, Alec," Simon started, hands fidgeting, and eyes looking anywhere but at the Shadowhunter. "I know that the withdrawals will hurt a little-a lot, but it's better that way. If you start craving, tell someone-anyone-immediately. You're already on thin ice."

Alec didn't bother with a verbal response, which didn't really surprise Simon all that much. But he did give a quick, barely there nod at him, which was definitely more of the Shadowhunter's style, before turning his back completely and finally taking his leave.

Hopefully that meant everything would become better from there.


"I shall make a deal with you, Alexander."

The daunting words rang in Alec's mind, sending shivers down his spine. He'd blame them on the early morning weather, but the memories of last night kept coming back and repressing them got more difficult.

"If you don't say a word, I won't. If you don't make a move, you know I won't. Do you understand?"

He curled his fingers into fists, not caring if his nails bit into his palms. He needed to catch hold of himself. He needed to get back to reality. He couldn't let these flashbacks get to him.

He stopped in his tracks, knowing full well that he was only a corner away from home. Which was why he thought of his parents, then Jace and Isabelle. His mind wandered over the faces of the people he cared about, the ones he loved and sworn to protect. He tried to keep the list short, but somehow the list kept on extending. Eventually it lead him to one particular warlock.


"You do know what an Original is capable of, do you not?"

He shook his head rather harshly, as if that would clear his head of unwanted thoughts. Thoughts that hovered over terrible power in the hands of the wrong person.

"Tsk, tsk. You do not have to hide your quivering from me, Alexander. It is only right that you fear me."

It was a helpless situation. There was no way out without anyone getting hurt.

Alec knew that he would damn himself first before he let anyone he cared about land in the hands of the sadistic bastard.

"Do we have a deal, then?"

Alec was about to resume his pace, when all of a sudden he sensed a presence from behind. Without wasting a second to think, his feet swerved and his body followed with a swift, clockwise spin, ready to face the intruder. Somehow, he already knew what his mind expected to see, and part of him trembled at the thought. But to his surprise, relief, and wariness all mixed together, there was only the cold breeze of early morning to face.

He gave himself a second to assess the area before he put it down on paranoia.

The Shadowhunter relaxed his stance, but his mind was still on watch as he took a step in the direction of the Institute. With blood pumping faster with adrenaline, and senses heighted even more with caution and wariness, he almost jumped when the toe of his shoe hit something that instantly made a clancking sound against the pavement.

There on the ground was a fallen, but unbroken bottle filled with distinguishably bright red content.


"Alec! Where were you? Why weren't you answering your phone?"

When Alec reached the Institute, he wasn't really expecting any movement. He was expecting to be greeted by quiet and stillness. This wasn't really an hour to be awake and busy. Yet everyone, except Jace and Clary for obvious reasons, seemed to be up and about. His parents were minding a stack of papers by the table while Isabelle-well, the smell of something burning wafting in the air told him enough.

"What's going on?" he blurted out, ignoring the bombarding of questions from his mother. Which his mother didn't seem to mind, seeing as both his parents were preoccipied by paperwork at the moment.

It was Isabelle who filled him in, and handed him a plate of sandwich as she did.

"The Clave called for a meeting. And not just for a social call either. Which was why mom's frantic about you not answering any of our calls."

Alec glanced over at his mother, who seemed busy enough to make him think that he had only imagined her questions awhile ago. "Oh, really now."

"Yes, really," Isabelle answered with as much sarcasm. "Anyway, we can't seem to contact Magnus-"

Alec's mind seemed to have blanked out the minute the warlock's name was mentioned. And in such an offhand manner, too. Instead of the slow, careful way Alec let the warlock's name pass his thoughts.

"-and you seemed to have been out of reach as well. So, assuming that the two of you were together, where were you guys and what nasty reason do you have for not picking up?" Isabelle teased, the last part trailing off in a conspiratory note. Alec did not return the same enthusiasm, and the continued silence from her brother worried Isabelle.


Eyeing his brother, Isabelle immediately caught on to the fact that something was not right with him.

"Alec, are you alright? Where have you been, really?"

Alec cringed inwardly. He had no doubt that his parents were eavesdropping on them, and that they didn't miss the concern in Isabelle's voice. When he thought he had streched the silence to a point he could no longer get away with, he took a deep breath and decided to just get it over with.

"Magnus and I broke up."

He tried his best to tune out Isabelle's cry of outrage, but, fortunately, he didn't have to put so much effort. Trust his mother to be professional and move on to more essential things.

"We're leaving in half an hour. Be prepared by then, Alec."

He nodded to the direction of his mother, before he turned for his room. Isabelle's voice was dimming, but it was still audible.

"You're still gonna make Alec come with you?"

"I see no reason why he cannot."

"Mom! Magnus would be there!"


It wasn't fair.

It was too soon.

He wasn't ready.

The door shut quietly, with nothing more than a quick click of the lock to disturb the silence in the air. His back fell against the door, and his legs gave up on him and he slid on the floor effortlessly; what a pile of mess he made. He stayed like that for some time, unmoving. Staring blankly into the darkness. Wishing it could swallow him and stop him from having to show his face to the world.

He didn't know what scared him more. To see Magnus, in such short notice, or for Magnus to see him, in such a state. But definitely, both were sources of great fear for the Shadowhunter.

Slowly, his hand reached for his pocket, knowing what he'd find and what he might just do. His fingers made contact with something cold and smooth. Glass. He pulled it out and put it in his line of vision.



"We're about to leave. Are you ready?"

He had to grip the bottle hard or else it would've slipped from his hands.

"I'll be out in a second!" he called back, hoping his voice didn't seem anything out of the ordinary.

He waited until the footsteps of his mother have diminished completely. Without another thought, he removed the stopper with quick, nimble fingers and emptied the bottle in one swallow. He covered his mouth with his hand, making sure that the liquid won't find its way back out. Once he was sure that the blood had entered his throat, he let out a shaky breath.

It stung at first, but that was nothing to its effects in the long run. He knew it would be so much worse. But at the moment, it felt wonderful. Physically, for most part. All of a sudden, there was no pain. He was free to move as he pleased. He was himself again. He could function like normal. There was no longer worry of getting caught. No fear of giving anything away.

With only some hours after his break-up, at least he wouldn't be entirely helpless at the sight of his ex.