A/N: So, I recently watched the Avengers and, like everyone else who saw it, I absolutely loved it! I had such high expectations for it and all of them were met - well, except for Hawkeye, who I really wish had been in it a tiny bit more. But the writing, the acting - oh, my God, the acting! Everyone did such an amazing job! I'm sure that none of you really want to hear me fangirl on and on about it, so I'll just end it with saying that if you haven't watched it, watch it.

Also, about the title, I am aware that the correct quote is "Music has [or hath] charms to soothe the savage breast." Let's just go with the more common, incorrect version for the sake of this story. Savvy? And, yes, this will be an eventual Bruce/OC pairing. Future chapters may possibly be in first-person, thoughts on that would be appreciated. With that, let's begin and I hope you enjoy it! xo

She tapped her foot to the beat of an invisible tune, humming quietly as she took a sip of her coffee. Continuing her song, she slipped a thin paperback from within her purse and cracked the worn book open, flipping to a page marked by a dog-ear. So engrossed was she in her book, she failed to notice the man staring at her until the sound of a chair scraping against the floor reached her ears. She quickly looked up with wide eyes and came face-to-face with a man in a well-tailored suit. His blue eyes darted to the cover of her book and the side of his mouth quirked up in a smile.

"Lord of the Flies, huh? Pretty rare book for someone to be reading this day and age."

Not a second later and she returned his smirk. "What can I say? I love symbolism."

His smile widened and the corners of his eyes wrinkled – which she had to admit was very attractive – as he stuck out a hand. "Phil Coulson."

"Nadia Sinclair," she greeted, gripping his offered hand in her own.

It was during this exchange that he happened to shift a certain way and Nadia received a very clear view of a gun nestled safely inside his jacket. She froze and Phil, who seemed to realize what just happened, sighed as he leaned back into his chair, his smile disappearing.

"I was hoping to ease into this and make it easier for the both of us." His shoulders sagged a bit as he reached into a pocket and produced a badge and credentials, flashing them both before her. "Agent Coulson, Miss Sinclair. I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D. and we know all there is to know about you and your little–" he paused and lowered his voice– "gift."

He began to put both items back into their respective pockets and Nadia was left with her head swimming. Her "gift"? How could they possibly have known? She hadn't even known until a few years ago!

The young brunette cleared her throat and slipped her book back into her bag. "I'm sorry," she said coolly. "But I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So you have no idea about you unintentionally killing over ten civilians, your ex-boyfriend included, when you sang a song about a girl who committed suicide for an audition for a scholarship when you were a junior in high-school?"

Not a second later, either. Damn. He was good.

Her mouth tightened into a thin line as she prepared to stand. "I'm sorry," she repeated. "But I really have to get going."

"How would you like to learn to control it?" He asked.

Nadia stared back at him shocked, lips parted to form a small "o". Her eyes roamed the small café, making sure no one else was listening in, before easing back into the chair. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "…How?"

Agent Coulson smirked. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking to form a group of a few…select individuals. Believe me when I say a young woman who can double as both an Alto and Soprano isn't our biggest worry in the 'controlling' department."

"And why should I trust you?" She frowned. "What is it exactly that 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' wants with me?"

"All we want is another gifted individual who we believe will be able to ensure the safety of this planet and its inhabitants."

"And what if I say 'no'?"

"Unfortunately," he spread his hands, "my director has multiple means of persuasion that I would much rather not have to use. I'd much rather go down the diplomatic road and work it out from there."

Nadia clenched her jaw, mulling over the conversation from the past few seconds. She had a feeling there was more to this organization than just what Coulson said, and a part of her brain was flashing warning signals and shooting off multiple flares to tell her to stay as far away from it as possible. But the temptation of finally being able to control whatever it was that she had…it was almost too much to pass up.

"So," he started nonchalantly, ripping her from her thoughts. "Do we have an answer, Ms. Sinclair?"

He offered his hand to her again, only this time she knew it was more than just a simple handshake. Taking his hand would mean taking his offer to join S.H.I.E.L.D as well. She felt as if she were bordering ignorance, as if she should ask more questions before deciding on an answer. Because, after all, this was a very big decision. Right?

She bit her lip and, after a moment's hesitation, quickly shot her own hand out and gripped his once again. Agent Coulson's smirk returned and his hand tightened comfortingly around hers.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D, Ms. Sinclair. I can assure you, you won't regret your decision."

Nadia would beg to differ. She felt as if she just sold her soul to the devil.