Yay~!! Thanks to all of you who reviewed! ^_^ Me appreciates it muchos! I know I said that I had to at least have 10 reviews,
but that is a _very_ cheap way to get people to review any ficcie, so no more of that :B

I find this Usa/Ami pairing to be _very_ kawaii, yet I'm not too sure as of what I'm going to do with this story o.O Hmm..oh
well.. we'll see, ne?

I own none of these characters. They all belong to the all wonderful creator, Naoko-sama!

After Usagi introduced Ami to her mother (plus getting an afternoon snack) Usagi seemed to be in a much better mood. The two
girls sat on Usagi's floor, munching on cookies and listening to one of Usagi's favorite CD's. "So Ami-chan.." Usagi said
slyly, "Anyone guy at our school who you have a crush on?" Ami blushed as she lowered her eyes. "Iie, no one Usagi-chan," Ami
replied, her voice small. "Aww, come one Ami-chan! You can tell me!" Usagi poked Ami as she grinned. "Let me guess.."
Scratching her chin, Usagi looked like a professor. "Urashima Keitaro! You two would look so cute together!" Usagi said
happily, very pleased at the idea. Ami blinked in surprise, she had no clue who that was. "Eh, Usagi-chan..who's Keitaro?"
Not seeming to hear what Ami asked, Usagi continued to talk on. "I can just see you two together, too! Holding hands while
walking down the street!" Clapping her hands like a child who just got everything she wanted, Usagi stood up bouncing from
one foot to the other. "So cute!" Ami sighed as she shook her head. "Usagi-chan, I like no one at the moment," Blushing a bit
at her small lie, Ami adverted her eyes from the bouncing blonde.

In reality, Ami did like someone, or at least she was pretty sure that she did. Though she knew that Usagi didn't want to
hear who she thought she had a crush on. Usagi pouted as she sat down again, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't see
how a girl could not have a crush on someone from our school.." Ami began to fidget with her the hem of her skirt. "Well, who
do you have a crush on?" Usagi seemed to be surprised at the question as she turned to Ami. "Me? Oh well I..." Usagi blushed
as she covered her face in her hands. "You promise you won't tell anyone?" Usagi seemed all of a sudden to get all giddy.
Casting Usagi a curious look, Ami nodded. Usagi looked around, even though they were in the privacy of her room, to see if
anyone was listening as she leaned closer to whisper in Ami's ear. "Masayuki Haitani!" Hearts then appeared in Usagi's eyes
at she thought of her crush.

Ami blinked. Masayuki Haitani? It suddenly dawned on her on who that guy was. Haitani was a guy in both her and Usagi's
class. She never thought much about him, but he did always seemed to be fairly popular with the girls (a bit of the guys,
too). "Masayuki-san is such a nice guy! Funny, smart, athletic..not to mention he's really cute.." Usagi trailed off as she
sighed dreamily. Ami frowned a bit, but didn't answer. She didn't find Haitani to be any of those things. The best grades he
ever got were only above 80%, he wasn't really _that_ cute, and there were much more athletic guys then him(1). After about
another minute or so of daydreaming, Usagi snapped out of her daze and smiled at Ami. "Well how about we go and get some more
cookies, ne?"

The next few days past uneventfully until Rika pulled Usagi aside as the other students filed out of the classroom as the
lunch bell rang. "Usagi-chan," Rika said in a hushed whisper, "What is up with you and Mizuno?" Usagi blinked in surprise, as
she tilted her head to the side. "Rika-chan, what do you mean?" Rika almost seemed horrified at Usagi's question. "Usa! Don't
you know the _rumours_ that are going around with you two?" Usagi still seemed puzzled as she replied, "Iie." Rika's eyes
seemed to show a bit of pity. "The whole school is talking about you two being..." Rika then got very uncomfortable as she
adverted her eyes. "Together." What Rika just told her didn't seem to click in Usagi's head. "Nani?" Then Usagi realized
what Rika meant and she blushed. "That's not true! Ami-chan and I are just friends, nothing more!" Rika still looked to be
doubtful. "Well the way you two act seems to say different. Holding hands, Ami blushing while she's around you, always
together...I mean Naru and I don't mind if you guys are together, but everyone else at school..."

Usagi's heart pounded in her chest, as she reluctantly sat down beside Ami. Her and Ami..together? She never heard of such a
ridiculous thing! Usagi was completely straight! "Or at least...I think I am.." With what Rika had told her, Usagi had no
clue as of what to say or how to act around Ami. Did Ami-chan know about these rumors? If she did..then why didn't she tell
her? Usagi cleared her throat as she opened her lunch bag, pulling out a muffin.

Ami glanced at Usagi. Her stiff movements were odd, and she kept her eyes downcast, to her muffin. "Usagi-chan?" Ami asked
softly. Usagi jumped slightly as she turned towards Ami. "Eh..Hai?" Ami frowned, "What's wrong?" Adverting her eyes, Usagi
bit into her muffin. "Nothang," Usagi replied with a mouth full. Not bothering to persue her questioning, Ami returned to her
lunch, neither girls talking at all for the rest of the lunch.

Not knowing why the rumors where bothering her so much, Usagi nervously bit her lower lip. The end of school bell rang, and
the students around her got ready to leave. Some gave her odd looks as they passed, one being Masayuki Haitani, and Usagi
lowered her face as she blushed. The room was soon empty with only herself and Ami. Usagi felt a shadow over her, and she
slowly raised her eyes to see the concerned face of Ami. "Usagi-chan?" Ami asked softly for the second time that day. Usagi
felt her cheeks turn a soft pink, why they did, she didn't know. "Usagi-chan, what's wrong? You haven't spoken to me all day
since lunch..." Usagi nervously looked to the side as she stood up. She felt her heart begin to pound in her chest.
"Ami..don't you know the rumors circling around..us?" Usagi asked, as she felt her blush deepen. Ami had a confused look on
her face as she replied "Iie." Usagi then told Ami what Rika had told her earlier. Ami then blushed too, as she then studied
her shoes. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before Ami began to speak. "So that's why you haven't talked to me all
day, because of what people would say?" Ami asked, her voice laced with a hint of hurt. Ami was always positive that Usagi
never cared of what other people had thought of her.

Another moment of silence passed between the two. Usagi let out a sob as she hugged Ami. "Gomen nasai, Ami-chan! I know I
shouldn't have stopped talking to you because of what Rika had told me, please forgive me," Usagi was almost close to begging
as a few tears almost threatened to fall. As always when Usagi got close to her, Ami felt her face begin to heat up. Ami then
almost shyly hugged Usagi back, her face burning. "It's all right Usa-chan...I forgive you.." Ami had never really hugged
any other person besides her okaasan, and she loved the way that it felt when she hugged Usagi. The two girls were so close
and they stayed that way for a long time, which Ami didn't mind at all.

The two then pulled away from the hug, both face's were flushed a dark red. Usagi quickly bent down to grab her bag, and she
held hands with Ami, lacing their fingers with each other. Both girls turned towards each other and smiled as they walked

(1) Jealous little Ami-chan ^_^

Not as long as the first chapter, but still fairly long. Hope you all liked this chapter ^_^ Seems as if Usagi is beginning
to return Ami's feelings (Yay!!) Well, reviews would be much appreciated! Please review and make me a happy author ;_;