Oh my God, I am SO sorry! Wow, I feel really terrible about kinda just ignoring this fic...
I've been very, very busy with school. And I... Haven't really been in much of a writing mood. I just feel like whatever I write turns to crap ahaha... I will try my best to update more frequently, but I'm not making any promises.
Anyways, I really hope you guys like this chapter! Harvest Moon does not belong to me!
I laid there, staring at the ceiling, hands folded over my stomach for Goddess knows how long. It had been a few weeks since the incident, and I hadn't spoken to Lillian since. I was trying my best to avoid her, after all. Not that it mattered. She completely ignored my existence. I even tried getting over her. But that was impossible. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget about my feelings for her. And it hurt.
There was a knock on my door. I didn't say anything, nor did I move.
"Cam, it's me. I'm coming in."
I still didn't say anything.
The door slowly swung open, making soft, high pitched creaking noises. The visitor walked in and shut the door. I could see what he was doing from the corner of my eye. But I still made no sign of acknowledgement.
Ash stared at me. He let out a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "Cam, you look like shit."
Still nothing.
Ash walked over and sat on my bed, shoving me over a bit in the process. "Dude, what the hell? Everyone's worried about you."
I scoffed and turned to my side, my hands going under my pillow. "I'm fine," I mumbled sulkily. I was not fine. That much was obvious, even to me.
Ash narrowed his eyes. "Just go apologize already. I know you had your reasons, and they were damn good reasons. But it's painful to see you two like this."
I gave a shallow chuckle. "What do you mean by us two? Lillian's doing fine without me. Besides, it's not like she would want to talk to me."
"That's not true," he defended. "Lillian's been acting different ever since the incident."
I didn't say anything. I was curious, yes. But surely he must have been lying. Yeah, that's right. He's just trying to get me to think that Lillian cares about me.
"She's so cold all the time. And her smiles are so… So empty."
I wouldn't know. I haven't had the guts to even look her way in the past few weeks.
"She's becoming real' forgetful and she doesn't pay attention to anything. When I stopped by to drop off some bird feed, she was just standing in her fields, staring at the sky. I had to shout in her ear to get her attention!"
No… He was making it up. Lillian wasn't like that. "Your wrong."
"Hm?" He quirked an eyebrow. "How do you know I'm wrong?"
"Because Lillian's not like that!" I exclaimed and sat upright. "Lillian… Lillian never forgets. She remembers everything. And she could notice the smallest of critters, even determine how big it is and what kind exactly, from far away. There's no way she wouldn't notice her own friend from a few feet away. And her smiles…" I paused. "There are no words for her smiles. They're simply… They… They're never empty. They're always full of meaning, full of life! They're beautiful… She's beautiful…"
Ash sat there, eyebrows raised. I let out a groan of frustration and buried my face in my pillow. "Go away."
"Go talk to her."
I let out a sigh through my nose. "No," I said. There was no way she would even look at me.
It was quiet for a few moments. "Alright…" he said. I was hoping he meant he would finally leave me wallow in self-pity. Oh boy was I wrong.
He grabbed me by my shoulders and yanked me out of bed. I stared at him, eyes wide. His eyes were narrowed and he wore a look of both frustration and determination. "You leave me no choice."
"What the hell are you-"
I wasn't able to finish. He grabbed my arm, roughly, and dragged me out of the café. I tried pulling my arm back, but he was a lot stronger than me. Once we made it to the entrance of the town, I was aware of what he was doing.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no…" I mumbled repeatedly.
"Oh shut it! I'm tired of seeing you like this! It's time you man up!"
When we arrived at Lillian's farm, I saw her tending to her crops. It was odd. Her crops didn't look as healthy as they usually were. Maybe… Maybe Ash hadn't been lying.
She didn't even look up at us. I assumed it was because she didn't want to see me. But when we approached her and Ash shoved me in front of her, she looked genuinely shocked.
I stumbled a bit before balancing myself and I stood awkwardly in front of her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung slightly ajar. I tried my best to avoid eye contact.
"Talk it out," was all Ash said before disappearing.
I don't know how long we stood there in silence, but I knew that there was no getting myself out of this one.
Ahaha! Again with whiny Cam!... I am so sorry... He's pretty ooc isn't he? Ahaha...
The flowers for the next chapter are:
Orange Blossom
Ophrys Fly
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