
People Gabriel is Bros With




Mary, Mother of Jesus

"No, darling, swaddling cloths are definately the way to go. They're going to be in next season, trust me."

The girl, for she was just a teenage girl, wrinkled her nose. "But it will take ages to weave the cloth for it, and Joseph says we might have to move soon." Gabriel raised an eyebrow in query. Mary waved a hand vaguely. "Tax reasons."

"Tell you what," the angel squatted beside where she sat drinking tea. "I'll make it a baby shower gift for you. Can't have your little package ill dressed on hi birthday!"

"A what shower?" Mary laughed, used to the angel's strange antics.

"Baby shower, you know, since you've had this thing dropped upon you an all that."

The soft clink of clay on wood herald's Mary's discomfort. "Yes, well, next time I get knocked up I'll do the deed first."

Gabriel pats her hand and smiles. "That's my girl! Now enough shop talk, I want to know what you're naming the kid."

Mary smirked. "I was thinking about Jesse. It's not as common as John, but still well known. It will also make Joseph happy- he always wanted to call his first born that you know. That or James."

The angel scoffed. "You should totally call it Gabriel, because I am awesome."

Mary laughed. "From what you've told me, my baby's going to have a tough enough life as it is. I don't want to give him some grand name the feels he must live up to!"

"He'll live up to it regardless of what he's called."

"Yes, well," Mary took a sip of her drink. "I just don't want to put any pressure on him. You said he's going to be remembered for a long time- longer than Caesar."

Gabriel nodded. "Yep, and you'll be the most famous pregnate lady in history."

She giggled. "Now you're just teasing!"

"Nope. Cross my heart and hope to fall, I'm being completely serious."

He waited for the girl to finish laughing. "Now about that name..."





It jus needed to be written.

If anyone is offended on behalf of their religion, I apologize. Any slight on your beliefs in unintentional, and I beg forgiveness.