After yesterday's weather being so dreadful Rick was surprised when he saw sunlight peeping through his bedroom window the next day. He turns from his side onto his back and still can't believe the events of the night before. How Kate turned up on his doorstep practically saying she loved him, their passionate kisses, him seeing her scar for the first time and her leading him to his bedroom.
As he looks at her he sees the sun dancing on her glowing bare back with a simple sheet lying loosely on her bare back from the waist down. He turned onto his right side so he could lightly touch her skin to make sure she was real, as light as a feather he rubs her bare arm to ease her awake.
Her eyes fluttered for a little bit, and then she remembered where she was and who she was with. She looked up at him with a big smile and he gave her a tender kiss on the lips and then moved back to show his smile.
"Morning" He said as he pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Morning Rick" She said with a slight whisper. Kate puts her hand around to the back of his head and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss. She rolled over and pulled Rick on top of her. Then all of a sudden their long passionate kiss was soon interrupted by a closing of the front door.
"Dad! I'm home!" Alexis shouted as she walked into the living room expecting her dad to be up.
"Alexis!" Castle whispered to Kate, who was underneath him. "Hey Alexis just give me a couple of minutes!" Castle shouted.
He rolled off Kate on to the other side of his bed; he got up and got his boxers that were on the floor. He then passed Kate his shirt to slip on and he grabbed his slacks from the night before. "So are you gonna tell her…. About us?" Kate asked while she was reaching for her underwear.
"Yeah…. I mean if you want to go public well as far as Alexis…" He drifted off looking at her as she's aligning the shirt to the midline of her body.
She walks around the bed to him and wraps her arms around his neck and dives in for a soft tender kiss on the lips. "Rick all I want is to be with you….. And Alexis is part of that package so…. Let's go tell her about us." She says smiling at him. He pulls her in for a kiss and she eases away. She entwines her fingers in his and pulls him out of his room into the study.
When they came out of the study Alexis was sitting at the kitchen counter with a glass of orange juice in one hand and an apple in the other.
"Hey…. Alexis, we need to talk to you….." Castle said hesitantly.
"We…?" Alexis said confused. "Who's we?" Then she saw Detective Beckett come out behind her dad holding his hand, simply dressed in his shirt.
"Hey… Alexis…. Congratulations on your graduation….." She said trying to make the situation less awkward. Alexis couldn't help but look from Beckett to her dad and back.
"Alexis… Pumpkin….. Umm Kate and I are together now…. You know as a couple." He said a bit worried about her reaction, since he knows that half the time he is confiding in his mother, she was eavesdropping. "Are you okay with this pumpkin?"
"Uh… Yeah… You guys just…. took me by surprise… I'm…. I'm happy for you" she said as she walked up to give her dad a hug. Alexis then pulled away from the hug to look at Kate. "Please just don't hurt him….." She said with a worried shaky voice.
Kate slid her arm around Castle's back and he put his arm around her neck and her shoulders. Beckett looked up to Castle and looked into his eyes. "I'd never dream of it." Kate simply said. Rick tilted his head down and kissed Kate on the head. Kate embraced the kiss and the looked back to Alexis. "Never" she said reassuringly to Alexis.
"Okay," Alexis goes into hug Kate and her dad, "Welcome to the family I guess."
Castle smiles at his two girls and then one of his rare excellent ideas came to his head. "Breakfast?"
"Ooooh, dad can we have pancakes?" Alexis asked with excitement. Kate and Rick looked at each other with a smile on their faces as soon as Alexis said pancakes. Kate let out a little giggle and then she stopped herself before Alexis noticed.
"Definitely, then you can tell us all about your night last night." Castle said as he put his arms around Kate and Alexis. Alexis sat back in her seat with an empty glass of orange juice; Kate took the empty glass and looked up to Alexis with a smile.
"Do you want another glass?" Kate asked genuinely.
"Yes please" Alexis said politely, smiling back at Kate. Kate also grabbed the finished apple core and dropped it in the rubbish bin, on the way to the fridge.
Rick turned around and watched his two girls getting along so well. He turns back to his pancakes about to flip them. Kate came up behind him and put her arms around him and gently gave him a tender kiss on his neck, and whispered in his ear, "I love you."