Disclaimer: I own nothing Twilight... Stephenie Myers gets that honor. I just have too much fun with her characters.

AN: Thank you for all your amazing reviews and the love that you are showing this story! To my awesome Beta and Pre-Reader, twilightnaley and evilnat! I owe you so much for the amazingness that you both are! I could NOT do this without the two of you! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter! XO!


The next morning I woke up early to get ready for a long day at the shop. We were going to start a new build for a client and I wanted to get started by having a meeting with Rosalie and some of the shop employees.

I was constantly thinking about Bella and Carlie, as I started getting ready. I wanted to talk to Bella and hear her sweet voice, but I didn't know what time she would be up and heading into work. I figured she would have to be there before nine, since that is the normal opening time for banks. Knowing that she would probably be worried about turning in her notice and seeing how her boss would react, I wanted to send her some encouragement. I also just wanted to let her know that I was thinking about her. I decided my best route was to text her a little after eight, but also planned to send her flowers later in the morning. Not knowing how her current boss would react to her, she may need some up lifting and the flowers would surely do the trick.

I pulled my phone out and sent her a quick text.

Good morning sweetheart! I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and hoping that you have a great day. Please don't stress about putting in your notice. No matter what their reaction is, you already have a future here. Kiss my angel for me and call me when you can. If you want to text me at anytime, I am here for you! -E

Putting my phone back on the bar, I got a cup of coffee ready in my travel cup and made sure that I had everything I would need for the day. I got my stuff and headed out to my truck. As soon as I was in my truck, my phone alerted me that I had a text. I pulled it out and could not keep the goofy grin off my face, when I saw it was from Bella.

Edward, thank you so much for your text. It was truly the encouragement I needed to start my day. I didn't sleep well last night, thinking of how Mrs. Stanley might react. Your reminder that I have a new job and a future in Seattle was just what I needed. It's just two weeks that I have to get through... and what is the worst she can do? Fire me? ;-) I woke Carlie up with kisses and tickles from 'her Edward' (her words!). She was a happy girl when I dropped her off at daycare. She has her countdown started on our calendar. I will try to call you on my lunch break, but if you are too busy, it's okay. Have a great day! Hugs! -B

I wanted to get a start on Bella's office space, so I called my mom asking her if she could meet with me this morning so that I could go over some ideas with her. She agreed and said that she would be there before lunch.

Going into the shop and starting up my day was amazingly lighter than most days. I know it had to do with the constant thoughts of my girls. I could not wait until they got up here for good. I know that my life would change, but I knew that it would be for the better.

After meeting with my shop staff and Rose, we got the finalized plans together to start the build. Rose and I went over the weekly jobs that we had coming up and decided who would do what jobs. She was truly a great help when it came to my shop. Her ability to build anything with wheels and no-nonsense attitude helped. The guys never went against her; they valued their balls too much.

I didn't get much time in the shop working on the bikes, but hopefully having Bella here would allow me more time to go back into the shop. I knew that I would never be able to work full-time in the shop, but I loved working on the bikes. Building a bike from nothing, made me feel so overwhelmed with pride.

I headed up to my office to get some work done. I was so into my work, that I didn't hear my mother come into the office until she cleared her throat.

"Hey Ma! Thanks for coming up. I appreciate your help with this!"

She smiled at me. I knew that she would love giving this to Bella as much as I did.

"Darling, it is really sweet of you to do this for Bella. I know that getting the opportunity to work here and use her degree is just what she wanted; but for you to make sure she has a special place to work in... well sweetheart that is truly wonderful of you!"

"Ma, I know that she thinks that this is me helping her out, but I really am going to appreciate her help. It will be nice to have someone do the book work so that I can focus on other stuff that I have put off. Plus being able to have a day off... that alone would be awesome!"

We started looking in some furniture books that she brought in with her. I thought a total redo of the office would be great. That way, all the furniture would go together. My mother agreed. We worked together to pick out furniture, wall color, and office accessories.

It was a little after noon when we decided to go grab a bite to eat. As we were walking out of the office, my phone rang. I told my mother that I would be down in a few minutes after I saw that it was Bella calling. She said that she would go see Rosalie for a bit while I answered my call. As soon as she walked out of the office, I answered the phone.

"Hello sweetheart! How has your morning gone?" I could not keep the smile out of my voice, but that smile disappeared when I heard a little sniffle.

"Oh Edward, I swear these next two weeks cannot go by fast enough." I could tell she had been crying and I was pissed.

"Bella what is wrong? Do I need to come down there?" I would be in Forks faster than she could even imagine. Hell, I was ready to run to my truck and head to the highway right now.

"My manager, Mrs. Stanley is just a bitch! She has been rude and snotty to me all morning. I gave her my letter of resignation this morning and she has been giving me hell all day. I just keep telling myself that I only have to put up with her for 9 more days, but she is just so horrible!" Hearing her so upset was not helping calm me down, but I knew that I needed to be there for her.

"Bella, I'm so sorry that she is doing this to you. I wish I could do something to stop her from bothering you, but like you said it's only nine more days. Then you will be here, working a job for a boss that is just downright awesome! I hear he gives special benefits for beautiful brunettes named Bella that he employs. Like taking her out for ice cream and giving little kisses for doing a job well!" I could hear her tinkling giggle through the phone and knew that I had done my job to cheer her up.

"Thank you Edward! You will never know what this means to me. Mrs. Stanley has always been a horrible woman who just gossips and thinks she is better than everyone, but until now she has at least never been this hateful toward me." She sighed into the phone.

"Sweetheart, just keep the end goal of your future up here in mind and hopefully these next two weeks will fly by. Plus, I will be down this weekend to see you girls. I know I can't wait to see you both. I already miss you two!" I really wish these two weeks were already over, but I knew that this was going to be just a short hill we needed to get over. " And if she gets worse, just tell her to go fuck herself and pack your shit to come up here sooner. I am sure your father wouldn't want anyone to treat you like she is."

"I really wish I could, but I don't want to make my dad to look bad. I can handle this. It's just her attitude, on top of missing you... my morning was just a little more than I could handle. Thank you for talking to me. It has truly made my day much better!" I could not keep the goofy smile off my face after she admitted that she missed me and I made her day better.

"Anytime sweetheart! I will let you go, so that you can eat your lunch. I am heading out to eat lunch with Ma. We are working on a project together and she wanted to go get a bite before heading back home."

"Tell her I said hey! I will talk to you later! Have a great afternoon and thanks again!"

"You too Bella! If you need me, remember I am a phone call or text away! I hope your afternoon is much better than your morning!"

We said our goodbyes and I opened my laptop up before heading down to meet my mother. I found a florist shop that I could place an order online. I wanted to really brighten up Bella's day and kind of rub it in this Mrs. Stanley's face that Bella was truly appreciated. After ordering a huge bouquet of these really cool roses that were an orange color at the base of the petals then changed to a bright deep pink at the ends. They looked really cool, so I ordered her two and a half dozen. I had then attached a personalized card that read:

My sweetest Bella! Just hoping your afternoon is bright and joyful... just as you are the light and joy that has brought me back to life!

All my heart,


Once I was done paying with my credit card, I closed my laptop up and locked the office. I went down to meet my mother, so we could head out for lunch. I made sure I passed Bella's message on to my mother. You could not wipe the smile off her face, once I told her what Bella had said. It truly made me feel good that my mother loved Bella already. She hated Tanya with a passion, but tried her best not to show it.

Things for the rest of the day went pretty smoothly. As I worked on how my normal work would be divided between Bella and myself. I set up meetings with distributors and my current accountants for the week that Bella came to work. I wanted Bella to have a chance to see how things were currently running and if she had any questions she could have them answered by the proper people. Also it would give her some time to maybe find ways to change the way things are done for the better. If she had ideas of how things might be run smoother, I was all for it. These meetings would also let me introduce her to the companies we worked with, since she will be playing a vital role here.

It was around four in the afternoon and I was on the phone with one of my suppliers setting up the final meeting, when my phone alerted me of a text. I picked up my cell phone off my desk to see that it was Bella.

Thank you for the beautiful roses Edward! You will never know how they have truly brightened my day. Call me this evening when you can. I get off at 5:00pm, and have to go pick up Carlie from daycare. I can't wait to see you on Skype tonight!

Thank you again! Xo- B

I quickly sent her a reply.

Sweetheart, you are truly welcome! I'm glad I could brighten your day. I will call you around 7:00pm. Can't wait to see my two sweet girls' faces! -E

The rest of my day could not end fast enough. I could not wait to see my girls. I had been extremely busy getting the preparation of Bella's arrival and trying to get my normal work done, that the afternoon was pretty hectic. By the time I was ready to leave work to head home, it was after six. I called in an order at this amazing burger joint near my condo. I would just have enough time to pick up my supper and head home to eat, before calling Bella to make sure they were ready to Skype.

I had settled on my couch watching reruns of "The Big Bang Theory" and eating my dinner. Those geeks are freaking hilarious. I enjoyed my big bacon barbeque burger with the beer battered onion rings. I hated eating out all the time, but I couldn't cook worth a shit. And hell, what can I say? I am a guy and I love my greasy burger every once in a while.

At seven I called Bella to see if we could go ahead and set up our chat. She answered right away and I sent her a request for her to answer. Once she received it, she accepted and I saw her beautiful face on the screen. I hung my cell phone up and grinned. Hearing a commotion on her end, I noticed Bella looked off toward the right side of the screen at something. The next thing I see is Carlie crawling up onto Bella's lap facing the computer.

Bella pointed toward the screen and Carlie's face lights up with the biggest smile I have ever seen. She starts waving at me enthusiastically. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Hey princess! How was your day?"

"Great! I pwayed with Cawin. He my friend!" She was too cute for words.

"Collin is a little boy that is in her class at daycare." Bella explained.

"Oh, now should I worry about this little Collin? He better be good to my princess!" I gave my stern look, but couldn't hold back my laugh when Carlie rolls her eyes at me.

We chatted more about their day. Carlie was so happy and I enjoyed knowing that I was part of the reason for that. She talked animatedly about playing in the sandbox and how she saw a big dog that had 'pretty brown fur'. She started to yawn after a while and Bella said it was time to get a bath and go to bed. Carlie didn't like that, but after a promise to Skype tomorrow night, she was okay.

I said goodnight to Carlie and told Bella to call me back when she got Carlie to bed.

Once we were off Skype, I got a shower myself. Dressing in a pair of sleep pants, I got my computer out to work on some schedules and invoices that I was still trying to catch up on. Man, not only was I dying to have my girl up here for myself, but I really did need the help.

Feeling like I was drowning in figures and numbers, I was at my wits end when my cell phone rang. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and noticed that it was 8:45.

"Hey sweetheart! How was getting Carlie to bed?" I asked with a chuckle.

With a giggle she answered. "Oh, I finally got her to bed. She was so keyed up because she got to talk to her 'bestest friend Edward'. Her words, not mine."

"Well, I was extremely glad to talk to her too. I also loved seeing her and her mother's beautiful faces." I couldn't keep the smile out of my voice.

"Aww! You are too sweet for words! I really can't thank you enough for the beautiful flowers and the encouragement. Mrs. Stanley was a real bitch. She even threatened that she should just 'fire me on the spot' because I knowingly took time from work to seek another job. I was so blown away by her words that I probably looked like a gaping fish, but I quickly recovered. I told her that she could do what she felt was right and that I would just have to respect her decision. I think that I just caught her off guard with how mature I was acting toward her. Taking a page out of my dad's book, I killed her with kindness for the remainder of the day."

"I am sorry that she was that way with you. You know that if she does fire you or that you get fed up with her shit, you can always come up here a little sooner than planned. I don't want you to have to put up with her shit more than you have to."

"Thank you. I know that is always an option and I think that is what gave me the courage to stand up to her. I really can't wait to start my new life, but I also want to finish out this notice to honor my father. Plus, I wanted to spend as much time with my dad before moving up there. I'm going to miss him, but he understands this is something I've worked hard for." I could hear the pure adoration in her voice when she spoke of her father. I could only hope to one day be a man like that, for my children to look up to, and Bella to admire.

We talk for a while more about nothing in particular. I enjoyed the way we could be just casual with one another. Our conversations are comfortable and easy. We never had to force anything. I enjoyed everything about her; about us.

"I think my dad is excited to meet you this weekend. He said that he is looking forward to meeting the man who 'put the smile on his baby girls' faces'." I was really surprised her dad would say that about the man who just met his daughter, gave her a job, and started dating her in one weekend. Yeah, I can see this going over like a lead balloon.

"Well, from what I have heard from you, I am looking forward to meeting him also. Any man that you speak that highly of must be a good man." I just hope he doesn't blow my head off once he takes a good look at the tatted out SOB that is dating his daughter.

We finished our conversation, with the promises of texts and phone calls tomorrow. I told her that I would Skype with them tomorrow, but it may be a little earlier due to working at the bar. She understood and we told each other good night. With a heavy sigh, I waited until she hung the phone up before disconnecting my end of the call.

This weekend could not come soon enough, but now I just added stress of worrying what Bella's dad would think of me. She thought so highly of him, would that change her decision of moving up here and starting a relationship with me if he didn't approve?

AN: What do you think? Reviews = love! Love you guys! See you soon! ;-)