A word

A thing

A message

A truth


Can everything be the truth?

Or is it only a truth when it's functional? If I say that nothing is certain, that everything is interchangeable, that nothing simply is. Do you consider that as the truth?

And when is it functional? When it is acceptable to you? When is fits in your grand scheme of things?



Am I acceptable?



Or is it only a truth when it's meaningful? If I say the truth in another language, is it still the truth? You don't understand it. It means nothing to you.

Maybe it isn't so much the truth, but the search for it that makes it meaningful. If the search guides the truth, then where are we now?

Are we past the point of a burning death?

Past the point of sharp axes? Past a short fall with a sudden stop?

Do you simply banish me now? Or refuse to look me in the eyes? To trust me ever again?

When is the search finally over?

The search for the perfect moment to tell you my truth.



"Arthur, I have magic."



Won't you wish I kept on lying?

Truth to be told, that scares me the most.

You know the world's ironic when academic texts inspire a story...