"Y'know-" he mumbled into her ear as they curled up together on plane. "-I did promise you a holiday before the wedding."

She smiled and buried her face into his chest, "This one will have to be extra long then."

"I love you so much, brown eyes." he breathed into her hair. She smiled beautifully, her eyes lighting up.

"I love you too." she whispered against his lips before kissing him.

"You know-" he muttered suggestively, "This is a private jet-" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively as Elena crushed her lips to his.

"I've always wanted to join the mile high club." she whispered in his ear.

He groaned, how could he ever have lived without her?

'"Oh my god." she gasped as she took in the beautiful scenery. "It's gorgeous."

"It's okay." he murmured. "I've seen better." She turned around and rose an eyebrow sceptically.

"Don't you dare say anything cheesy." she warned.

He took her in his arms and kiss her sweetly. "Never."

"Elena!" he groaned agitatedly. "What does it say, what do they say?" he yelled excitedly.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't be an idiot, Damon. You have to wait. Three minutes." she said sadly.

He sat down on the edge of the bathtub, his legs shaking in anticipation. He drummed his fingers on the edge of the bath, creating a very annoying rhythm.

"That's annoying." Elena snapped, the nerves getting to her.

"This waiting is annoying." he growled.

"You're annoying." she said shortly causing him to smile brightly and capture around the waist and pull her onto his lap.

"That I am." he said before kissing her lightly. He buried her face in the crook of her shoulder and traced gentle pattern over her back.

"What if it's negative?" she asked quietly.

He sighed. "It won't matter." he traced the line of her jaw down to her shoulder. "But I really want it to be positive." he muttered, letting his excitement get the better of him. Over the last two years of their marriage the only other time they had thought Elena was pregnant had turned out to be false and now, they both desperately wanted this time to be positive.

"Me too." she said shakily, her eyes bright and cheek flushed with hope.

"How long's it been?" he asked impatiently.

She frowned. "Only like a minute and a half." she cupped his face,"Calm down!" she kissed him softly.

"I can't! I'm too excited!" he practically exploded.

She flung his arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly, "I love you, stranger." Even after all this time, the name had stuck.

He snorted with laughter, "I love you too, brown eyes."

She covered the bottom half of her face with her hands, her eyes wide. "This is the longest three minutes of my life."

"God, I know." he groaned, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her up. "How many did you use?" he asked curiously.

She looked away blushing, "Three."

He erupted with laughter. "There's nothing wrong with being sure!" she insisted.

"I love you so much." he kissed her lips sweetly before crouching down to kiss her flat stomach. "And I love you too, baby, if you're in there." She giggled an threaded her hands through his hair and yanked him upwards and crashed her lips against his.

He moaned against her and deepened the kiss, picking her up so her legs wrapped around him. He smiled against her and pulled back, kissing her gently on the nose. "Check them."

Her eyes widened. "No, you check them." she said quickly.

He rose an eyebrow. "No. You do it!" he insisted.

"But I don't want it to be negative." she whispered in a small voice. He rolled his eyes and shoved her over to the counter. She glared at him evilly before picking up the small strip of plastic that could change their lives.

She turned around, her face a mask of sadness. It was until that moment that her knew her wasn't going to have a baby that her realised how much he wanted one. He took her in his arms and held her tightly, his face buried in her hair.

"Hey Damon?" she asked slyly.

He frowned at her sly tone and looked down at her curiously, "I'm pregnant." she said casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

A true smile split his face and he picked her up and attempted to spin her around in the cramped bathroom. "You evil bitch!" he growled against her lips as he captured her lips in a thought stopping display of passion.

"Should have checked them yourself then!" she yelled as she charged out of the bathroom and into their bedroom. He darted after her and crashed down on top of her kissing his way up and down her body, celebrating the start of a new family.

Some hours later, he lay with his head resting on her stomach while she slept. He pressed a kiss where he knew his child was growing. "I love you, baby." he whispered against her stomach.

"I hate you!" she yelled at him, her voice cracking.

"It's okay. Shh. It's okay." he attempted to soothe her as he stroked her sweat drenched hair back from her face.

"Why did you have to knock me up, you asshole!" she yelled, her face scrunching up as another contraction hit her.

"Elena, just one more push and your baby will be here!" said the kind faced nurse.

"You said that last time!" she yelled. He chuckled softly, even under this amount of pain she was still able to hold her own.

The nurse rolled her eyes. "One more push." she insisted. Elena yelled at her, screaming and cursing while she pushed and shoved and eased our baby into the world.

A new born cry like a kitten broke through her air and Elena slumped back against the pillows, a shaking hands covering her mouth as tears filled her smiling eyes.

He kissed her on the forehead as he struggled to contain his emotions.

Suddenly, he was handed a small bundle wrapped in a blanket. He gazed into the child's tiny face wondering what it's eyes would look like.

"Damon, Elena. Meet your daughter." He couldn't stop the tears that spilled over his eyes at the news. He had a daughter, a little girl, a miniature version of Elena.

He crouched down next to Elena and placed the baby into her arms. She smiled up as him and lifted an arm to bring his lips to meet hers.

"What's her name, then?" she asked him curiously. They'd had a deal. If it was a girl, Damon chose, and if it was a boy, Elena chose. Her middle name had already been picked out, Tyler if it was a boy, Caroline if it was a girl. They hadn't told Caroline – she would have been way too excited. He had agreed with it, he liked Tyler, he was a great guy and Caroline was a good friend to Elena.

He stared into the little girl's tiny face as her eyes opened and displayed tiny icy orbs, identical to his own.

"She has your exact eyes." Elena breathed in shock.

"I think her name is Alia." he whispered softly, stroking her jet black hair back from her face.

"Alia." she echoed softly, "I love that."

He kissed her forehead. "I should go introduce her to everyone. Sleep, beautiful." he said softly to her as he stepped out the room, his tiny daughter in his arms.

Of course, the first screaming friend to appear next to him was Caroline, followed quickly by Tyler. "Well?" she squealed.

He smiled softly at everyone. "Everyone, meet Alia Caroline Salvatore." he said proudly, emphasising the middle name. For once Caroline was rendered speechless. "You named her after me?" she said quietly.

He nodded, smiling at the blonde. "Thank you."

After some time, he returned to the room, warmed by the messages of congratulations from their friends and promises that they would return the next day.

"Leelee, this is your baby brother." he said smiling at he picked up the laughing five year old and swung her onto his shoulders.

"What's his name?" she asked curiously, reaching her small hands out towards him.

Elena and him shared a look. "Why don't you pick a name?" she said softly to their daughter.

As if on cue, the little boy began to roar like a little monster. Alia covered her ears with her small palms and squeezed her blue eyes shut.

Damon chuckled and placed her on the bed, where she moved slowly to place her finger into her little brother's hand. He immediately quietened and opened his eyes, which were a dark shade of blue.

"You should call him Rory, 'cause he roars." she said matter of factly with all her five year old innocence, much to the amusement of her parents.

"Rory Tyler, yeah?" he said to his wife and he kissed her sweetly.

"Perfect." she said laughing as he picked up Rory and she cuddled Alia close to her.

"RORY! SHUT UP!" a twenty-two year old Alia yelled to her younger brother, who was playing music so loud it was deafening her. She didn't even know why she'd bothered to come back to stay for the weekend. She stormed downstairs to where her parents sat on the sofa.

"Seriously guys?" she said in disbelief as her parents kissed. "You're way to old for that." she said as she joined them on the sofa. While Rory had his mother's dark brown hair and chocolate eyes she had her father's looks with her raven hair and icy iris'. She was beautiful and striking, with a sarcastic sense of humor and a wit so sharp she could match her father.

Damon rolled his eyes and flicked her hair in revenge, "You're never too old for it." he said smiling.

Elena winked at her daughter, "Lee, don't you and Alex have plans tonight?" she said, referencing to their daughter's boyfriend.

Alia smiled softly, "Yeah, he's taking me dancing."

Damon rolled his eyes and wandered to the kitchen to get a drink, he couldn't deal with stories of his little girl's boyfriend.

He sat on the stool by the breakfast bar and smiled at how his life had turned out. The pictures around the house and on the walls showed his kids growing up, of his and Elena's wedding day, of all the little pictures they had taken over the last twenty-five years. His phone buzzed in his pocket to tell him he had an incoming e-mail and as usual he smiled at he glanced at his wallpaper. It had never changed – it was still the same picture it had been on all his phones since that night all those years ago. He looked at it and smiled, if he had known that night that in twenty-five years he would still be with that crazy, brown eyed girl he would have laughed and said it wasn't true but at the same time, he would have thought that it wouldn't be so bad.

He made his way back through to the living room and settled next to his wife and kissed her sweetly. "I love you, brown eyes." he whispered in her ear much to Alia's disgust.

"Dad! Daughter in the room!" she said, sounding eerily like himself but the smile behind her words took the bite out. He chuckled, he was almost scared for whatever guy she ended up with. She was a free spirit, doing whatever she wanted and leading her own crazy life.

She settled back into the sofa, placing her socked feet in her dad's lap. "Mum, Dad. How did you guys meet?" she asked curiously. Neither of them had ever told her but trusting them, it was probably some crazy story.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing, their eyes dancing with amusement.

"You really wanna know?" Elena said sceptically, raising her eyebrows at the thought of recounting that hectic year.

Alia nodded laughing, smiling at her parents. She hoped she would find something like they had one day.

"Fine." Elena said laughing. "Okay, stranger." she said to Damon with a bright smile on her face. "You start."

Cannot believe it's over! I do love this story! This is the second multi-chapter fic i've written and completed and it was the first A/U

You guys are amazing as usual, cannot thank you enough for reading and reviewing and not giving up halfway when i suffered that awful spell of writer's block!

I hope I did the ending okay, I wasn't sure how to end it but i figured with one like that you can get to the end and go straight back to the start to read it all over again. Was it okay? Let me know what you think!

-E x